Garden Communities and Sustainable Urban Extensions
West Corby
The site and its surroundings
The site is located to the West of the existing town of Corby, separated from it by the A6003 (Uppingham Road). It sits to the south of the villages of East Carlton, Middleton and Cottingham and to the Northeast of the village of Pipewell.
The site is currently used for agricultural purposes, with a small number of structures focussed around the northern section.
The site is served by the A6003 (which runs North-South to the East) and by the A427 (which runs West-East to the North). These routes enable easy access onto the strategic highway network via the A43/A14 and A6 respectively. The existing town of Corby, its town centre, health care facilities, general public amenities and train station sit to the East.
The topography of the land is characterised by undulating levels – there are three ridge lines and two gullies within the site – each of which run in a broad east-west location. To the southwest is an area of woodland (some of which constitutes ancient woodland), while several smaller wooded areas are pepper-potted throughout the site, connected by hedgerows in some instances.
The Proposal
In December 2019 the former Corby Borough Council agreed outline planning permission (application reference 17/00180/OUT) with all matters reserved, except for access, for development comprising the following:
- Up to 4,500 dwellings (Class C3)
- Accommodation for elderly people (Class C2)
- An employment area (including up to 46,850sqm (Gross External Area – “GEA”) of Class B1/B2)
- Two local centres connected by a Mixed-Use Area (including up to 3,000sqm (GEA) of Class A1-A5 uses, up to 9,750sqm (GEA) of employment land (Class B1), Class C2/C3 uses, and community, leisure and healthcare uses (Class D1/D2)
- 3 primary schools
- 1 secondary school
- Public open space, informal open space, landscaping, formal and informal play areas
- Sports pitches (including pavilions), other associated open space, retained green infrastructure and infrastructure including access and habitat creation
- New accesses for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists (including two junctions onto the A6003 and one junction and link road to the A427)
- Internal roads, streets, lanes, squares, footpaths and cycleways
- Drainage and associated infrastructure works, including sustainable drainage systems (SUDs)
- Associated engineering and service operations (including electricity sub-stations and a foul pumping station)
- Car parking related to the above land uses, buildings and facilities
- The demolition of existing buildings
Construction is expected to commence in 2024.
Last updated 17 August 2023