Garden Communities and Sustainable Urban Extensions
Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park)
Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park) is located north of Niort Way and is a major urban extension to Wellingborough. Outline permission was granted on 23 February 2010 (WP/2008/0150OEIA) for 3,000 new dwellings and associated facilities, infrastructure and open space. Subsequently, an application was submitted to extend the time limit for the implementation of the outline permission and this was granted on 14 January 2013 (WP/2012/0525/XEIA).
The current Wellingborough Local Plan Part 2 sets out some overall development principles for the area in Policy Site 2.
The Development
The proposed mixed-use scheme comprises:
- Approximately 3265 residential units
- A C2 Residential Care Home
- Employment areas containing office, light industrial, industrial and warehousing.
- A neighbourhood centre with small supermarket, gym, public houses, and other shops,
- Pre-schools and multi-use community centres
- Two primary schools
- Two mixed-use local centres
- Construction of access roads off Niort Way and cycle/footways
- Reserve land for the Isham to Wellingborough Improvement road (IWIMP)
- Country park, multi-use games area, local equipped areas of play.
The following applications are relevant to the development and full details can be found on our public access system by inserting the application number into the reference number search field.
Planning applications
Outline proposal for:
- 3000 dwellings, retail and commercial facilities, non-residential institutions (including primary schools and nurseries) a neighbourhood centre (comprising transport interchange, non-institutional and community facilities), open spaces and parkland, associated facilities and infrastructure (comprising utilities gas, electricity and water, sewerage and telecommunications, and diversion to existing utilities where necessary) and a reserve corridor for the Isham-Wellingborough improvement.
Original outline planning permission allowed on appeal.
Application for:
- a new outline planning permission to replace an extant outline planning permission, in order to extend the time limit for implementation for Ref: WP/2008/0150/OEIA for up to 3000 dwellings, retail and commercial facilities, non-residential institutions (including primary schools and nurseries) a neighbourhood centre (comprising transport interchange, non-institutional and community facilities), open spaces and parkland, associated facilities and infrastructure (comprising utilities gas, electricity and water, sewerage and telecommunications and diversion to existing utilities where necessary) and a reserve corridor for the Isham-Wellingborough improvement (IWIMP).
Renewal of outline planning permission.
S73 application to vary conditions 1-20, 24-30, 32-33 and 37 of application reference number: WP/2012/0525/XEIA
This outline planning permission has been implemented for phase 1 of Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park).
Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park) Parcel R1 and R2
RMC - WP/19/00137/REM – Developer Barratt Homes Ltd.
- Reserved matters application pursuant to conditions 4 (a) (the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping); 4 (b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4 (c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting;
- 4 (A) (a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure; 4 (a) (b) detailed survey of existing ground levels, details of any proposed alterations to existing ground levels, the final ground level of the development and the finished floor levels of the buildings;
- 4 (A) (c) waste management facilities strategy and waste audit, including arrangements for the provision of waste collection receptacles; 6 (accordance with the planning application development framework plan); 12 (landscape maintenance plan); 19 (foul water); 20 (surface water). 23 (sustainability statement/assessment); 31 (nationally described space standards) and 32 (national accessibility standards) of planning application WP/16/00271/VAR for 199 dwellings.
The above consent is being implemented. Occupations have occurred.
Parcel R4a
RMC WP/17/00377/REM.
- Reserved matters application pursuant to conditions 4 (a) (the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping); 4 (b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4 (c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments;
- 4 (A) (a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure; 4 (a) (b) detailed survey of existing ground levels, details of any proposed alterations to existing ground levels , the final ground level of the development and the finished floor levels of the buildings;
- 4 (A) (c) waste management facilities strategy and waste audit, including arrangements for the provision of waste collection receptacles; 20 (scheme for disposal of surface water) pursuant to variation to planning permission WP/16/00271/VAR for a 66 bedroom care home for older persons - revised plans.
This consent has been implemented and completed. The care home is occupied.
Parcel R4b
RMC -WP/17/00525/REM - Lagan Homes.
- Reserved matters application pursuant to conditions 4 (a) (the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping); 4 (b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4 (c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting;
- 4 (A) (c) waste management facilities strategy and waste audit, including arrangements for the provision of waste collection receptacles; 6 (accordance with the planning application development framework plan); 31 (nationally described space standards) and 32 (national accessibility standards) of variation to planning permission WP/16/00271/VAR for 40 dwellings
This scheme is completed. 36 market and 4 affordable dwellings.
Parcel R5 and R6
RMC - WP/19/00380/REM - Taylor Wimpey.
- Reserved matters application pursuant to conditions 4(a) the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping; 4(b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4(c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting;
- 4 (A) (a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure;
- 4 (A) (b) detailed survey of existing ground levels, details of any proposed alterations to existing ground levels, the final ground level of the development and the finished floor levels of the buildings;
- 4 (A) (c) waste management facilities strategy and waste audit, including arrangements for the provision of waste collection receptacles;
- 5 (statement of compliance with the design code; 12 (Landscape maintenance plan); 14 (Noise mitigation measures) and 23 (sustainability statement/assessment) of variation to planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR for the erection of 261 dwellings on parcels R5 & R6 of Phase 1 Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park)
The above consent is being implemented. Occupations have occurred.
Parcel R7
RMC WP/20/00811/REM - Persimmon Homes Limited.
- Reserved matters application (in relation to outline planning permission WP/16/00271/VAR) for 210 units on Parcel R7 of the Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park) Development including the partial discharge of conditions 4 (A) (the layout, scale and appearance); 4 (b) (vehicle, cycle and foot access routes), 4 (c) (hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments),
- 4A (b) (final ground levels of the development and finished floor levels), 6 (development framework plan), 23 (sustainability statement), 31( national space standards) and 32 (national accessibility standards) and 33 (measures to limit water use) of variation to planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR
This scheme is being implemented. Occupations have occurred.
Parcel R8a and R8b
RMC WP/20/00377/REM - Keepmoat Homes Ltd.
- Reserved matters application for 238 dwellings on parcels R8a and R8b, Niort Way, Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park), Wellingborough pursuant to outline planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR for approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scales including discharge of conditions 4(a) the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping; 4(b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4(c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; 4(d) layout and design of public open space; 4A(b) detailed survey of existing ground level of the development and the finished floor levels of the buildings;
- 4A(c) waste management facilities strategy and waste collection receptacles; 5 (statement of compliance with design code); 6 (accordance with the planning application framework plan); 10 (structural landscape scheme); 31 (nationally described space standards) and 32 (national accessibility standards).
This scheme is being implemented. Occupations have occurred.
Parcel R10a
RMC WP/20/00793/REM - Partner Ltd.
- Reserved matters application for 148 dwellings (47.3% affordable) on parcel R10a, Niort Way, Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park), Wellingborough pursuant to outline planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR for approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scales including discharge of conditions 4(a) the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping; 4(b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4(c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting;
- 4A(a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure;
- 4A(b) detailed survey of existing ground level of the development and the finished floor levels of the buildings;
- 4A(c) waste management facilities strategy and waste collection receptacles; 5 (statement of compliance with design code); 6 (accordance with the planning application framework plan); 10 (structural landscape scheme); 11 (existing landscape features); 15 (construction management features); 16 (lighting strategy); 19 (foul water drainage); 20 (surface water drainage); 23 (sustainability statement); 27 (highway and access phasing); 31 (nationally described space standards); 32 (national accessibility standards); and 33 (water use limiting measures).
This scheme is being implemented. No occupations have occurred.
Parcel R10b
RMC NW/21/00937/REM - Ilke Homes.
- Reserved matters application for 146 dwellings, including 20% affordable on parcel R10B, pursuant to outline planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR for approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scales including discharge of conditions 4(a) the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping; 4(b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4(c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting;
- 4A(a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure;
- 4A(b) detailed survey of existing ground level of the development and the finished floor levels of the buildings;
- 4A(c) waste management facilities strategy and waste collection receptacles; 5 (statement of compliance with design code); 6 (accordance with the planning application framework plan); 10 (structural landscape scheme); 11 (existing landscape features); 16 (lighting strategy); 19 (foul water drainage); 20 (surface water drainage); 23 (sustainability statement); 27 (highway and access phasing); 31 (nationally described space standards); 32 (national accessibility standards); and 33 (water use limiting measures)
This scheme is being implemented. No occupations have occurred.
Parcel R9
NW/23/00003/REM - Barratt Homes Limited.
- Approval of reserved matters in relation to access, scale, appearance, layout and landscaping for 252 dwellings including 50 affordable housing dwellings (19.8%) pursuant to variation to planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR, specifically conditions 4(a) layout, scale, appearance; 4(b) vehicle, cycle and foot; 4(c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; 4(d) layout and design of public open space;
- 4A(a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure; 4A(b) detailed survey of existing ground levels and finished floor levels; 4A(c) waste management strategy including arrangements for the provision of waste collection receptacles; 6 (accordance with the planning application development framework plan); 10 (structural landscape scheme); 11 (existing landscape features); 12 (landscape management plan); 14 (noise mitigation); 15 (construction management plan); 18 (lighting strategy); 18 (Stage 2 FRA); 19 (foul water drainage); 20 (surface water drainage); 23 (sustainability statement); 27 (highway and access phasing); 31 (nationally described space standards); 32 (national accessibility standards); 33 (water use limiting measures)
Land North Of Niort Way And West Of Bunnet Road, Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park)
NW/22/00904/FUL - Taylor Wimpey.
- Erection of 250 dwellings (including 20% affordable housing), the formation of public open space, sustainable urban drainage system, provision of roads, footways, landscaping and boundary treatments.
Primary school, community centre and pre-school, Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park)
RMC -WP/20/00099/REM - Glenvale LLP.
- Reserved matters application pursuant to variation of planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR, specifically conditions 4 (a) (the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping); 4 (b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4 (c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; 4 (d) layout and design of public open space;
- 4A (a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure;
- 4A (c) waste management facilities strategy and waste audit, including arrangements for the provision of waste collection receptacles; 6 (accordance with the planning application development framework plan); 10 (structural landscape scheme); 19 (foul water drainage); 20 (surface water drainage); 23 (sustainability statement/assessment), for proposed primary school, community centre, pre-school nursery and local children's play area (separate to the play provided as part of the primary school), comprising vehicular parking, hard and soft landscaping, and areas of hard and soft play, at Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park).
This scheme is being partially implemented. No occupations have occurred.
NW/22/00565/REM – Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park) LLP
- Reserved matters application pursuant to variation of planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR, specifically conditions 4 (a) (the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping); 4 (b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4 (c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; 4 (d) layout and design of public open space;
- 4A (a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure;
- 4A (c) waste management facilities strategy and waste audit, including arrangements for the provision of waste collection receptacles; 6 (accordance with the planning application development framework plan); 10 (structural landscape scheme); 15 (construction environmental management plan); 19 (foul water drainage); 20 (surface water drainage); 23 (sustainability statement/assessment), for proposed primary school, community centre, pre-school nursery, interim community building, and local children's play area (separate to the play provided as part of the primary school), comprising vehicular parking, hard and soft landscaping, and areas of hard and soft play, at Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park) (amended description and amended plans).
Local Centre – Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park) - Parcel R4
RMC NW/22/00170/REM
- Reserved matters application pursuant variation to planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR, specifically conditions 4 (a) (the layout, scale, appearance); 4 (b) vehicle, cycle and foot 4 (d) layout and design of public open space;
- 4A (a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure;
- 4 (A) (b) (detailed survey of existing ground level, details of proposed alterations to existing ground levels, the final ground level of the development and finished floor levels of buildings)
- 4A (c) waste management facilities strategy and waste audit, including arrangements for the provision of waste collection receptacles; 6 (accordance with the planning application development framework plan); 10 (structural landscape scheme); 19 (foul water drainage); 20 (surface water drainage); 23 (sustainability statement/assessment), for proposed local centre, comprising 1,705m2 of Use Class E (a) E (b) and E (c) (i), E (c) (ii) and E (c) (iii) / sui generis (takeaway and drive thru) and 6 no. apartments of Use Class C3, with associated parking, landscape works, at Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park) (Amended Description)
This consent has not been implemented, but is due to commence shortly and be completed by late summer 2024.
Phase 1 Country Park
RMC – NW/22/00751/REM
- Reserved matters application pursuant to variation to planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR, specifically conditions 4 (a) (the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping); 4 (b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4 (c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; 4 (d) layout and design of public open space;
- 4 (A) (a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure; 6 (accordance with the planning application development framework plan); 10 (structural landscape scheme); 11 (existing landscape features); 12 (Landscape Maintenance Plan); 13 (archaeological written scheme of investigation); 15 (Construction Management Plan); 20 (surface water drainage); to determine access and landscaping for the area known as Phase 1 Country Park (southern extent) and associated earthworks at Wellingborough North (Glenvale Park).
This consent has been implemented.
Last updated 17 August 2023