Garden Communities and Sustainable Urban Extensions
Rushden East Sustainable Urban Extension
Rushden East Sustainable Urban Extension is a development providing homes, job opportunities, schools, links to the Greenway and more. It’s to the east of Rushden and the A6 bypass between the John Clarke Way and Newton Road roundabouts.
The North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (JCS), which was adopted in July 2016, identified the east of Rushden as an area for future development.
The site includes:
- Around 2,700 new homes, including affordable housing and homes for the older population
- Employment opportunities, including offices and industrial premises as well as 2 local centres, small-scale business space and dwellings suitable for home working or business start-ups
- schools
- a town park, open greenspace and play areas.
- Land for a cemetery and other local community facilities such as allotments
- new links to connect with the wider Greenway network
- an energy strategy to ensure that the highest viable amount of heat and energy used within the development is generated on-site from renewable or low-carbon sources
Key issues were considered, including providing:
- connectivity between Rushden East SUE, Rushden and Higham Ferrers.
- a balance of jobs and homes.
- quality open space, including natural and formal green spaces
- a connected ‘grid of streets’ and a main street which links the roundabouts at John Clarke Way and Newton Road
- a local / neighbourhood centre for a range of uses at an accessible location
- sustainable drainage systems to manage surface water and take account of existing watercourses on site
Use our public access system and enter the application number 20/01453/OUT into the search box.
Outline Planning Application for a Sustainable Urban Extension comprising:
- residential development of up to 2,200 dwellings (Class C3)
- residential institution (Class C2)
- up to 110,000 square metres of employment development (Classes B2 (General Industrial), B8 (Storage and Distribution), E (comprising Office, Research and Development of Products or Processes and Industrial Processes))
- 2 local centres, 2 primary schools, one secondary school
- details of the principal accesses from A6 /John Clark Way roundabout and Newton Road and secondary vehicular and non-vehicular accesses
- public open space including Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace
- cemetery
- allotments
- noise mitigation features
- drainage, primary sub-station utilities apparatus and associated engineering works
- demolition of existing buildings, earthworks and ground remodelling (all matters reserved except Access).
Last updated 12 September 2023