Strategic and local planning
North Northamptonshire Local Plan
We are required to prepare a local plan to guide development and growth in our area – everything from homes and jobs to schools and infrastructure
Highways plans and strategies
Find long-term plans and strategies relating to all aspects of transport and highways
Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan
We are preparing a plan to address the accommodation needs of Gypsy and Travellers in North Northamptonshire
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) were introduced by the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act and provide additional guidance on matters covered by Development Plan Documents
Health and planning
Details of how health and wellbeing should be considered in plans and planning decisions to support healthy, sustainable communities
Local Development Scheme 2023 to 2026
The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) requires us publish a Local Development Scheme (LDS)
Area specific plans and policies
Part 2 Local Plan for Corby
Details about the Part 2 Local Plan for Corby
East Northamptonshire Local Plan (Part 2)
Details about the Part 2 Local Plan for East Northamptonshire
Kettering Site Specific Part 2 Local Plan
Details about the Kettering Site Specific Part 2 Local Plan
Kettering Town Centre Area Action Plan
The Kettering Town Centre Area Action Plan (KTCAAP) aims to regenerate Kettering Town Centre
Wellingborough Local Plan (Part 2)
Details about the Wellingborough Local Plan (Part 2)
Local Planning supporting information
We and our partners prepare or commission a range of work to support local areas
Neighbourhood planning
There are over 100 town and parish councils in North Northamptonshire, many of which are involved at the various stages of producing a neighbourhood development plan (NDP)
Garden Communities and Sustainable Urban Extensions
Sustainable urban extensions at Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough and Rushden, as well as the planned Tresham Garden Village at Deenethorpe Airfield
Ise Valley Strategic Plan
We want to ensure that the Ise Valley plays a central role in North Northamptonshire’s sustainable and economic growth
Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits Special Protection Area
This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was produced in 2015 to help authorities, developers and others ensure that development has no significant effect on the special protection area
Kettering General Hospital Local Development Order
The Local Development Order (LDO) grants planning permission for specified types of development in specified zones within the hospital site
Kettering Station Quarter Masterplan
Kettering Station Quarter is recognised as having real potential for playing more of a strategic role within Kettering
Seats on Streets Kettering Town Centre Local Development Order
The local development order grants permission to place tables and chairs outside on the public highway, for certain types of business where conditions are met.