Payments, changes and your account
Pay council tax
Paying council tax
Council tax direct debit
Set up a direct debit for your council tax bill
Council tax account
View your balance, correspondence and instalments
Moving home
Let us know you are changing address and moving to, out of, or within North Northamptonshire
Council tax household changes
Let us know about a change in your circumstances that could impact your council tax
Council tax refunds
If your account is in credit, we can refund this to you
Council tax when someone dies
How to report a death to us and what happens with council tax if the property is unoccupied
Charges and debt
Understanding your council tax bill
How your council tax bill breaks down to pay for local services in 2024/25
Council tax charges
Breakdown of council tax charges for your area and property band
Valuation and banding
Check a property's band and find out how your property valuation impacts the council tax band you're in
Council tax for new builds
How council tax is charged on a new build property
Council tax recovery
If you fall behind with your payments we may need to take action
Empty properties
Empty properties are charged at the full rate of council tax with further premiums in the long-term
Paying council tax when a tenant leaves
Who pays council tax if a tenant leaves a property
Council tax legality and freeman on the land
The legality of charging council tax and considering yourself a 'freeman of the land'
Reducing your bill
Discounts, disregards and exemptions
Council tax bills are based on having 2 adults living in a property, but there are exemptions and disregards that could reduce this bill
Apply for Council Tax Support or Housing Benefit
Make an application for Council Tax Support or Housing Benefit
Care leavers discount
If you are a North Northamptonshire care leaver you may be entitled to care leavers discount
Carer discount
How to apply for a carer discount
Disability reductions
Apply for a disability reduction or renew
Discretionary discount
A discretionary discount can help in exceptional circumstances if you are struggling to pay your Council Tax
Severe mental impairment discount
Someone, aged 18 or over and living with you, is mentally disabled and should not be counted for council tax purposes
Single person discount
Apply for single person discount
Student discount
Applying for a student discount to reduce your bill