Ending your tenancy

You need to give 4 weeks notice in writing to end your tenancy and are responsible for leaving your home and garden in a clean and tidy condition.

Before you leave

You need to hand your keys in and make sure that:

  • the property is clean
  • all furniture, carpets and belongings are removed
  • all cupboards, sheds and lofts are emptied and cleaned
  • fixtures and fittings which belong to us are left in place and in good order
  • there is no rubbish in the property, garden or any outbuildings
  • any repairs that are your responsibility are fixed
  • an expert is used when removing gas or electric appliances
  • you do not leave bare wires or open gas pipes
  • all rent is paid up to date
  • no one remains living there
  • the property is in good decorative order

If you have had previous permission to make an alteration in your home you may be asked to remove, replace or return as appropriate.


We will charge you if your property is left in an unsatisfactory condition including:

  • improvements carried out without our permission
  • needing to replace any fixtures or fittings
  • clearing any rubbish or personal belongings
  • repairing any damage

You must let us have all the keys to your property, including any outbuildings, before noon on the Monday after the notice finishes. If you hand in the keys after this you will be liable for the rent and any other charges for that week.

You are liable for any outstanding rent or charges.

End your tenancy 

Your Neighbourhood team will make an appointment to visit you and answer any questions you may have before your tenancy ends. They will give you advice on ending your tenancy and advise you of any repairs that are needed before you move out.

Email your neighbourhood team:

If you are a secure or introductory joint tenant and sign a notice to quit then the tenancy will come to an end even if the other tenant did not sign the notice.

If you are the tenant who did not give notice, you do not have an automatic right to continue living in the property or be offered other accommodation. If you want to be considered for the sole tenancy of the property or another property, you must complete an application form for Keyways and contact your Neighbourhood team as soon as possible to discuss your housing needs.

Email your neighbourhood team:

You are allowed to deal with the assets and possession of a sole tenant who has died if you are the executor or administrator of their will. If the sole tenant did not make a will and you are wanting to clear the premises or remove any belongings you must first make sure you have a right to do so.

There is no general right for any member of a tenant’s family, other relatives, friends, helpers or anyone else to enter the premises to move, disturb, sort out or dispose of any belongings. We will ask you to prove that you have the right to enter the premises as by law we must make sure that you have authority to be there and handle any belongings. 

For more information on ending a sole tenancy after a bereavement, please email the relevant neighbourhood management team:

Last updated 18 April 2023