Corporate governance
We are committed to upholding the highest possible standards of good corporate governance
Information about equality including gender pay gaps and our equality policies and strategies
Pay policy statement (2024/25)
Our approach to setting the pay of our directly employed workforce by identifying the remuneration of Chief Officers and lowest paid employees
Reporting fraud
Fraud has been committed when someone does not tell us the truth about their circumstances, falsifies documentation for personal gain or to cause loss to others. It is a criminal offence.
Enforcement policy
Read our enforcement policy which provides an overarching framework under which the Council carries out its enforcement investigations and action
Whistleblowing policy
We encourage individuals with serious concerns about an activity to voice them in line with our whistleblowing policy
Modern slavery statement
North Northamptonshire Council is committed to preventing and acting against identified slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities, its supply chains, and the wider community
Productivity Plan
Shaped by a national requirement for councils to set out their plans for improving productivity and delivering services more efficiently
Accessing information
Datasets and frequent requests
Access council datasets and frequently requested information
Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
The transparency code requires us to publish information on the grants we give to various organisations
Land, building and social housing assets
Land, building and social housing assets the Council owns across North Northamptonshire
Make an Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) request
The regulations give you the right to access environmental information held by public authorities
Make a re-use of information request
Apply to re-use information we hold after receiving an FOI or EIR request or via our website
Publication scheme
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, it is recommended that public bodies make publicly available and maintain specific sets of data
Parking account
Parking expenditure and income for 2023/24
Pay multiple
The Transparency Code requires local authorities to publish their pay multiple
Trade union facility time
We are required to publish data in relation to their usage and spend of trade union facility time in respect of their employees who are trade union representatives
Transparency and open data
The transparency code and the publication scheme recommended through the FOI Act are both in place to make information of public interest readily available
Waste contracts
We are required to publish details of our waste collection contracts