Pay multiple

The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requires local authorities to publish their pay multiple. 

The pay multiple is defined as the ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings for the given year and the median earnings figure of the whole of the authority’s workforce.

The mean and median salaries are based on total remuneration for employees at a fixed date and reflects the council as at 31 March 2024:

  • Mean remuneration value - £35,123.92
  • Median remuneration value - £32,076
  • Highest remuneration value - £181,048
  • Mean ratio (mean remuneration to highest earner) - 5.15:1
  • Median ratio  (median remuneration to highest earner) - 5.64:1

The figures exclude schools, casual workers and zero hours employees. 

  • Pay policy statement: The Localism Act 2011 requires local authorities to prepare and approve a senior Pay Policy Statement for each financial year. Our Pay Policy Statement sets out the policies relating to the pay of our directly employed workforce for the year 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

Last updated 07 August 2024