Leadership, structure and senior salaries


Leadership, structure and senior salaries

Corporate leadership team

See details of our corporate leadership team at North Northamptonshire Council.

Chief ExecutiveAdele Wylie
Executive Director of Place and EconomyGeorge Candler
Executive Director, Finance and Performance (S151) (Interim)Claire Edwards
Executive Director, Children's Services (interim DCS)David Watts
Assistant Chief ExecutiveGuy Holloway
Executive Director, Adults, Health Partnerships and Housing (DASS)David Watts
Director of Public Health and WellbeingJane Bethea
Director of Law and Governance (interim)Sanjit Sull 

Sanjit Sull is our interim Monitoring Officer,

Organisation structure and senior salaries

The Transparency Code 2015, published by the Department for Communities and Local Government, sets out what information local authorities must publish about their organisation structure, senior employees and senior salaries.

The code also requires local authorities to publish information about our senior employees whose annual remuneration is £50,000 and above. 

In addition, information on our budgets and spend within each of the areas the senior management team manage can be found within the documents on our Statement of Accounts page.

Last updated 25 June 2024