Hackney carriage and private hire driver licences

Tests and training

Before applying for a driver licence you need to complete the following tests and training.

Driver knowledge

There are 2 driver knowledge tests - you may need to take both of them:

  • Part 1 must be completed and passed by all driver applicants
  • Part 2 must be completed by all hackney carriage and dual licence applicants

Part 2 includes testing on geographical and shortest route knowledge (including street names) for the zones you want to work in, as well as questions on relevant licensing matters.

If you hold an existing Hackney Carriage Drivers licence, you will not need to complete the geographical knowledge test for your current areas. But you will still need to complete the test for any new geographical zones you want to work in and all the other parts of the tests.

The Licensing Sub Committee may also require anyone appearing before them to re-sit and pass one or both tests.


You must attend and pass a council-approved training session on safeguarding before applying. You pay for this course.

All existing licensed drivers will be required to complete this training and pass the test at renewal.

Equality and diversity

Before applying, all applicants must attend and pass our council-approved knowledge, safeguarding and equality and diversity training with our approved provider Safe 4 Schools. The course fee is £100 which is required to complete your booking.

All existing licensed drivers will be required to complete this training and pass the test at renewal.

You need to know basic English, including reading and writing, before you start. Ensure you're confident about this requirement before proceeding. If you need help improving your English skills, you can search online for English courses.

You must pass the test before an application can be submitted. If you don't pass, you get a free retake at the next course. If you fail again, you can join the next course at your own cost and retake the test. If you fail that too, you can't apply for another test until 6 months have passed. Any courses you take after that will be at your expense.

Driving assessment

All driver applicants are required to pass an advanced driving test or tests with a council-approved provider and include evidence of test pass results with their application form.

All applicants (private hire, hackney carriage or dual) must pass a standard assessment. If you intend to drive a wheelchair-accessible vehicle, you'll need to also pass a wheelchair test. This may be offered as a separate test from the standard assessment or may be offered as a combined enhanced assessment by our approved providers.

Payment for tests must be made directly with the test provider. Please book your tests with one of the following:

The Licensing Sub Committee may also require anyone appearing before them to re-sit and pass any of the above tests.

Last updated 10 May 2024