Apply for a vehicle licence

You need a vehicle licence with us if you want to use a vehicle that carries 8 or fewer passengers as a hackney carriage (taxi) or private hire vehicle in North Northamptonshire.

For vehicles with 9 seats or more, apply for a Public Service Vehicle Licence.

Before applying

Read our hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy conditions before proceeding with your application to ensure your vehicle meets the specifications.

Compliance inspection

Your vehicle will require a compliance inspection with a Licensing Officer  to ensure that it meets the requirements of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy. To arrange your compliance inspection, provide the vehicle details and the area office you will be making your application to [email protected].

Vehicle Inspection

Before making an application your vehicle must pass an MOT and a council vehicle test at one of our approved garages. The test is to ensure your vehicle meets the specifications of our licence conditions and passes a UK MOT test. This will then be required every 6 months.

As a renewal applicant, you should ensure your vehicle completes and passes these tests by the expiry date of your current licence. Vehicles under 12 months old only require an approved vehicle test when first licensed and 6 months thereafter, with no MOT until the vehicle reaches 12 months of age from the date of first registration.

You must make the appointment and payment for all tests directly to the garage.

GarageMOT test pricePrice per vehicle for council test 
Easy Auto Centres 
Unit 1
1 Telford Way
Telford Way Industrial Estate
Kettering NN16 8UN

01536 481415
Easy Auto Centres
Croyland Road
Northampton Road

01933 276451
The Garage of Corby
Unit 2
Darwin Road and Willow Brook Road
Willowbrook East Industrial Estate
NN17 5XZ

01536 267722
Vehicle Testing Station
5 Bradfield Road

07922 156598 or 07900 441445
£54.85No cost


Hackney carriage (taxi) vehicle licences are awarded in zones in North Northamptonshire - these are confirmed in Appendix D.


To apply for or renew a vehicle licence you'll need to upload copies of:

  • original V5 vehicle registration document or new keepers slip (not required at renewal if there has been no change to the vehicle)
  • original Insurance Certificate or cover note
  • vehicle insurance documents that must cover you for private hire or hackney carriage work (if covered by fleet insurance you must also provide the schedule)
  • vehicle lease or hire agreement (if applicable)
  • MOT Certificate and Council Test documentation (from council approved garage)
  • vehicle lease or hire agreement (if applicable)
  • basic criminal record disclosure (DBS) provided within 4 weeks of being issued (if you're not currently a licensed driver with us) 

When renewing you must ensure that your application is made well within a minimum of 6 weeks of the expiry of your existing licence.

If you are granted a licence you will be contacted to arrange an appointment for you to collect your licence plates and, if needed, for us to view the vehicle and any original documents.

You can log back in and return to a previously started form at a later stage.

Last updated 03 February 2025