Speaking at our meetings

Speaking at our meetings

We want to work closely with our residents and encourage involvement in our decision-making processes.

You can request to speak and make representations at public meetings, including:

  • Council
  • Executive
  • Scrutiny
  • Committees


Agendas for each meeting will be published on our website 7 days before the meeting.

The venue for the meeting will be detailed on the front page of the agenda.  

Meetings are normally held at:

Council Chamber
Corby Cube
NN17 1QG

Planning Committee - South (due to it covering only part of the council area) is held at:

Council Chamber
Swanspool House

Parking is available at both sites. Charges apply at Corby Cube but not at Swanspool House.  

On arrival

Please make yourself known to one of the Democratic Service Officers. They will show you to your seat and explain how the meeting will proceed. At meetings of Full Council, you will be shown to the public gallery following your contribution. At all other meetings you will generally be seated inside the Council Chamber.

You are welcome to remain for the debate and decision and upon conclusion stay for the remainder of the meeting, or you can leave if you would rather do so. 


You may only speak in relation to an item that is listed on the agenda for the meeting. 

Your comments should relate to the subject matter only and should be concise and logical, with a suggestion of what you feel would be a better option to discuss. To make the most effective use of your time try not to repeat committee report information that has already been provided.

You shouldn't:

  • make personal, slanderous or libellous statements
  • refer to sensitive personal information about any other person (for advice on what this means please contact us)


Email [email protected] or contact the the committee officer listed on the agenda, who will be able to help you. 

Last updated 07 September 2023