Speaking at our meetings
- Speaking at our meetings
- Speaking at Full Council meetings
- Speaking at Executive meetings
- Speaking at Executive Advisory Panels
- Speaking at Scrutiny Committees
- Speaking at Regulatory Committees for licensing
- Speaking at Regulatory Committees for planning
- Speaking at Democracy and Standards Committees
- Speaking at Audit and Governance Committees
Speaking at Executive meetings
The role of the Executive is to provide strategic leadership to the council and to carry out executive functions within the overall budget and policy framework set out by the full council.
The Executive is made up of the Council Leader and at least two and up to nine other Councillors (one of which must be appointed as Deputy Leader).
If you want to make a statement in relation to a report on the public part of Executive agendas, a request must be received by Democratic Services two full working days before the meeting date.
The statement needs to relate to an item listed on the agenda for the meeting and be read out in-person at the meeting for a maximum duration of three minutes.
The Executive is occasionally required to consider business of a sensitive nature which may involve the exclusion of the public and press from the meeting. You will not be able to register to make a statement on these items of business.
Request to speak
If you would like to speak at an Executive meeting, please contact either the Committee Officer listed on the agenda for the meeting or email [email protected].
Confirm details of the meeting you wish to address, as well as which agenda item you want to make a statement about.
Last updated 07 September 2023