Tenancy rights, lodgers and changes


Changing your council house tenancy

If you want to change your tenancy you'll need to talk to your Neighbourhood team:


When a council tenant dies, someone else may succeed or inherit the tenancy if:

  • they are a joint tenant
  • the tenancy has not been succeeded before (unless special conditions apply)
  • not a joint tenant (the person must be named on the tenancy as a household member and have lived there for at least the last 12 months)
  • the property has not had major adaptations which you do not require (in this case you will be rehoused elsewhere)
  • the property is not too large or small for your needs (you will be offered a more suitable size property)

Assigning the tenancy to someone else

Assigning your tenancy means passing it on to someone else. The law around assignments can be complex so you should speak to us and seek independent advice in the first instance.

Assignment is usually ordered by a judge in court following a marriage breakdown.

If you move out of your property, you may not assign your council property to another person without following the correct legal process. This is called sub-letting and is a prosecutable offence. You and any sub-tenants will face eviction.

Last updated 13 April 2023