Hi Street - On Tour
Our latest Hi Street! campaign has launched in collaboration with independent businesses operating from local high streets and the surrounding areas, to put them in the spotlight and encourage people to shop local, eat local and support local.
Our high streets are more than just places to shop, do business and socialise - they are the heart and soul of our communities.Leader of North Northamptonshire Council, Councillor Jason Smithers
Check out our new video, featuring over 20 local business owners from twelve towns in the area all reading lines of a carefully crafted heart-warming poem, to highlight the unique character, hidden gems, and offerings of local high streets.
Let's take a trip into town...it's right up your street!The heartfelt words aim to captivate the audience and ignite a sense of community pride, and bolster support from residents for their local businesses.
Funded by the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
Last updated 24 July 2023