Premises licence
Premises licence
You need a licence if your premises:
- sells alcohol
- serves hot food and drinks between 11pm and 5am
You also need a licence if you provide the following types of entertainment:
- theatrical performance
- showing a film
- indoor sporting event
- boxing or wrestling (indoor or outdoor)
- live music
- recorded music
- dance
- facilities for making music
- dancing facilities
You still need a licence even if the activities are for charity.
Provisional statement
In most cases a premises licence can be applied for, even if a premises isn't built yet.
If you don't have the full information needed to apply for a premises licence, but you want some assurance that a premises licence can be granted, you can apply for a provisional statement.
This costs the same as a premises licence application, has similar advertising and you will still need to apply for a premises licence.
If you run a club you may wish to apply for a club premises certificate instead of a premises licence. To qualify you must meet the conditions for a club.
Further information is available in the Licensing Act 2003 and the local authority section 182 guidance.
You don’t need a licence for:
- educational or promotional films
- films shown as part of an exhibition in a museum or gallery
- incidental music (live or recorded)
Anyone carrying out licensable activities at a premises without a licence can be fined, sent to prison for up to 6 months, or both.
Applicants must:
- be 18 or over
- be entitled to work in the UK
- not be subject to a condition preventing them from doing work relating to carrying out a licensable activity
- be, or appoint, a designated premises supervisor (DPS) when they apply for a licence
For prices, view our licensing fees and charges.
The cost to apply is based on your premises' business rates. There are additional costs to change or transfer your licence.
An annual fee is also payable for each year a licence is in issue.
The application fee is non-refundable. This includes applications that are rejected (where we have started to process the application and have undertaken checks) as well as applications which are withdrawn, discontinued or have been refused by the Licensing Committee. You are advised to check your application thoroughly before submitting it or seek professional advice if you are unsure of your requirements.
The information contained in the plan for a premises licence must be clear and legible in all material respects; and should include the following:
- the extent of the boundary of the building, if relevant, and any external and internal walls of the building, and, if different, the perimeter of the premises
- the location of points of access to and exit from the premises
- if different from 2, the location of emergency exits from the building
- in a case where the premises is used for more than one existing licensable activity, the area within the premises used for each activity
- in a case where an existing licensable activity relates to the supply of alcohol, the location or locations on the premises which is or are used for consumption of alcohol
- fixed structures (including furniture) or similar objects temporarily in a fixed location (but not furniture) which may impact on the ability of individuals on the premises to use exits or escape routes without impediment
- in a case where the premises includes a stage or raised area, the location and height of each stage or area relative to the floor
- The location of any steps, stairs, escalators or lifts, which may be on the premises
- the location of any public conveniences which may be on the premises
- the location and type of any fire safety, or other safety equipment
- the location of a kitchen, if any, on the premises
The plan may include a key, through which any of the above may be illustrated symbolically.
The easiest way to make sure we have DPS consent, is to ask the nominated person to complete our online consent form (below). They must provide you with the submission reference number.
If the individual has already sent you their written consent, then you can upload a copy of this with your application, but we will only accept a written consent if it is of the form as prescribed under the Licensing Act 2003 SI.42 Schedule 11 Part A.
Your application won't be valid until we are in receipt of consent.
A person who is the named DPS on a premises licence must hold a valid personal licence, awarded under the Licencing Act 2003, before a premises licence requiring sale by retail of alcohol may be issued.
If your proposed DPS doesn't hold a personal licence issued in England or Wales, they need to apply for one through the council (based on where they currently live).
If the proposed DPS is resident in North Northamptonshire, and does not currently have a personal licence, they need to apply for a personal alcohol license through us.
The notice should contain:
- a statement of the proposed licensable activities
- the name of the applicant
- the postal address of the premises (or if there is no postal address for the premises a description of those premises sufficient to enable the location and extent of the premises to be identified)
- the postal and website addresses for us (the licensing authority)
- details of where the application is available for inspection by the public
- the date by which an interested party may make representations to us (the licensing authority) and how to make that representation in writing
- a statement that it is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application
- a statement of the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence
The notice must be of a size equal to or larger than A4, be pale blue in colour and printed legibly in black ink or typed in black of a font size equal to or larger than 16.
A notice for a provisional statement must also advise that representations are restricted after the issue of a provisional statement.
In the case of a premises covering an area of more than 50 metres square, a further notice placed in the same form every fifty metres along the external perimeter of the premises abutting any highway.
Licensing Act 2003
Application for a Premises Licence / Provisional Statement
Notice is hereby given that <enter name of individual / partnership / company > has applied to North Northamptonshire Council for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of < enter Name of premises, Address of premises>, and intends to carry out the following licensable activities; < briefly describe the activities that you have applied for including the hours and days for each activity - e.g. sale of alcohol, provision of late night refreshment, provision of regulated entertainment >
Any representation must be made by writing to:
North Northamptonshire Council, Regulatory Services Licensing Administration, Thrapston Offices, Cedar Drive, Thrapston NN14 4LZ or by email to: [email protected] by
< enter date provided in your application acknowledgement letter >
The application may be viewed on the councils’ licensing register at or by appointment at the above offices. To attend the offices please email: [email protected]
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is not exceeding £5,000.
< enter Name of individual or solicitor or agent >
For a provisional statement the advert must also state that representations are restricted after the issue of a provisional statement.
Before making application, you may wish to speak to the police and our licensing officer to help make sure that your operating schedule has, where possible, addressed some concerns that could be raised after submitting your application and may then need an application hearing.
To arrange to speak to the police please email: [email protected]
To arrange to speak to our licensing manager please email: [email protected].
We also advise making the relevant parish or town council aware of your intended application.
Further information to assist you to make an application may be found in our:
- Premises licence application guidance notes
- Provisional statement application guidance notes
- Statement of licensing policy
Apply for a new premises licence or provisional statement
Only apply to us if the premises to be licensed is based in North Northamptonshire.
As part of your application for a new premises licence you will need:
- to confirm the rateable value of the premises (not the value of your payments)
- to upload a copy of a plan of the premises
- If you are applying as an individual or a partnership which is not a limited liability partnership, to upload a proof of entitlement to work in the UK or provide a 9-digit share code from the right to work service for each individual.
- If your business involves the sale by retail of alcohol, to appoint a proposed Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) who will be responsible for alcohol sales at the premises and ensure we have their consent.
- to prepare a blue notice for display in clear public view, visible to passers by, for a period of 28 days starting from the day after a complete application is served to us. A template blue notice will be available for download on making your application. Once we have confirmed we have a complete application we will advise you of the dates to display the blue notice and you will be asked to confirm it is displayed.
- to prepare a notice for publishing in a local newspaper or, if there is none, in a local newsletter, circular or similar document, circulating in the vicinity of the premises, on at least one occasion during the period of 10 working days starting on the day after the day on which a complete application has been served to us. A template advertisement will be available for download on making your application. Once we have confirmed we have a complete application we will advise advertising may commence and you will be asked to confirm to us you have placed your advertisement.
- to provide an operating schedule describing the overall steps you intend to take to promote the four licensing objectives and those to specifically address the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm.
Next steps
Once submitted your application will be validated. Your application will not be accepted as served if you have not provided all of the required information or correct documents we require. We will contact you if it is incomplete.
We will notify all relevant responsible authorities of your application once it is valid. They then have 28 days to comment, give advice and make an objection to your application.
If a valid objection is made you will be notified and the application will be heard by our licensing committee.
If there are no valid objections received within the statutory consultation period you may act as though your application is granted.
Consent of individual to being specified as premises supervisor
A premises licence application requesting sale of alcohol, will not be deemed valid until we are in receipt of this consent.
Please contact us in the first instance:
- email: [email protected]
If an objection is made you may appeal against the decision. Appeals must be made to the local Magistrates Court within 21 days:
Clerk to the Justices
Northamptonshire Magistrates Court
85 to 87 Lady’s Lane
Tel: 01604 497000
Last updated 05 February 2025