Tree protection and high hedges
- Tree protection
- Protected trees – mapping and documents
- Apply for or notify us about tree works
- Request a new Tree Preservation Order (TPO)
- Tree felling and licences
- Hedgerows
- High hedges
Request a new Tree Preservation Order (TPO)
If you are concerned about the retention of a tree or group of trees, check if the tree(s) are already:
- protected via a conservation area
- protected by a TPO, or
- part of a planning application
You can carry out checks by using our map search.
If you think that the tree(s) are at risk and they do not have statutory protection, you can request that the trees are assessed for a TPO. We will need:
- your contact details, including name, address, email, phone number
- the precise location of the tree(s) and the address or location they stand in
- identification of what species they are if you know
- an indication of where the trees can be seen from - with photographs
- information as to why the tree(s) need protecting and why they are special to the neighbourhood or community
We will consider the merit of protecting the trees by carrying out an objective assessment based on their contribution to amenity and impact on the local landscape. The assessment is carried out in accordance with Government advice contained in tree preservation orders and trees in conservation areas.
The Government advises Local Planning Authorities to develop ways of assessing the amenity value of trees for protection in a structured and consistent way.
The evaluation will consider:
- the condition of the tree(s) and an assessment of future life expectancy
- an assessment of the potential threat to the tree/s and whether it is expedient to make a Tree Preservation Order
- a Landscape appraisal will assess visual prominence, landscape setting, presence of other trees and function and suitability of the tree(s) to the site
- future benefits the tree might provide, growth potential, age and assessment of wildlife habitat
All new requests for TPOs may take up to 12 weeks to be considered, depending on the likelihood of threat to the tree(s) and their landscape and amenity value. If the threat to the tree(s) is imminent we can act very quickly.
Last updated 09 May 2023