Tree protection and high hedges

Apply for or notify us about tree works

Getting consent

It is an offence to carry out work to a protected tree, or remove it, without the approval of the Council. You could be prosecuted and fined up to £2,500. If you destroy a tree without consent you may be fined up to £20,000. You may also be required to plant a replacement.

For trees protected by a TPO, you need to submit a tree works application and receive consent before carrying out work.

To carry out work to trees in a Conservation Area, notification of works must be given by writing to us 6 weeks in advance. The work may not start during that period without permission.

There are no fees required for these applications.

The statutory determination period for works subject to a (TPO) is 8 weeks from the date the application is valid.

The notification period for works to trees in a Conservation Area (TCA) is 6 weeks from the date the notification is received.

Application type

Item required

Guidance on the standard of information required


A fully completed application form

All sections of the form should be completed.




A full and clear specification of the works to be carried out on each tree.

Proposals to “cut back”, “lop” or “trim” some branches are too vague because it fails to indicate the extent of the work.



A sketch plan

A sketch plan clearly showing the position of the trees listed affected must be provided when applying for works to trees covered by a TPO and/or in a Conservation Area. The plan should label each tree affected with a number.


TPO applications only

Statement of the reasons for the proposed work

Reasons must be given for the proposed works.


TPO applications only

Additional information required on the application form

Evidence in support of the stated reasons:

If the reasons relate to the condition of the tree(s)

- written evidence from an appropriate expert.

If the reason includes alleging subsidence damage - a report by an appropriate engineer or surveyor and one from an arboriculturalist.

If the reason is in respect of other structural damage - written technical evidence. 


5 days' written notice of dead trees, or removal of dead branches.

Or written notice as soon as practicable after making a dangerous tree safe.

Unless work is urgently necessary because there is an immediate risk of serious harm, 5 working days prior written notice must be given to the authority before cutting down or carrying out other work on a dead tree.

The authority’s consent for such work is not required. The exceptions allow the removal of dead branches from a living tree without prior notice or consent.


Dead or dangerous TPO/TCA trees

Anyone proposing to carry out work to a dead or imminently dangerous tree that is protected by a Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area must give us 5 days’ notice.

Where a tree requires urgent work to remove an immediate risk of serious harm, written notice is required as soon as practicable after the work becomes necessary.

If we agree that the work does not require an application for consent, this does not mean that no other regulations apply. For example, Natural England must be consulted if the tree is known to support a bat roost.

Last updated 10 May 2023