Conservation areas

Conservation areas

Many parts of our towns and villages have a “special" quality or character which is created by the arrangement of buildings, trees and other elements of the street scene, rather than by the architectural merit of individual buildings. Conservation Areas are designed to offer a degree of protection to such areas and to prevent the unjustified loss of buildings, trees and features which contribute to the collective quality of the area.

There are 78 designated Conservation Areas across North Northamptonshire. Use our interactive mapping to see where these are.

Planning permission

Within Conservation Areas planning permission is required for certain types of work that would not normally be needed. The sensitive application of all planning powers within these areas is important and special consideration is given to maintaining the qualities which give the area its particular character.

Listed below are examples of the types of development within a Conservation Area that require applications for planning permission (this list is not exhaustive). 

  • demolition of all, and in some cases part, of any building, gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure
  • cladding any part of the outside of a building with materials such as stone, artificial stone, pebble dash, render, timber, plastic or tiles
  • an extension with more than a single storey that extends beyond the rear wall of the original building
  • an extension that extends beyond the side wall of the original building
  • the erection of an outbuilding between the side wall and boundary of an existing building
  • any enlargement or extension to a roof, such as the addition of a dormer window
  • positioning a satellite dish on a wall, roof or chimney that faces a public highway
  • installing solar panels on the wall of a domestic property that faces a public highway, and on the wall or roof slope of a non-domestic property that faces a public highway
  • the installation of a flue, chimney or soil and vent pipe if it would face onto a public highway and is on the front or side of the building
  • advertisements and shop fronts
  • trees within conservation areas with stem diameters of 75mm or greater, measured at 1.5m above ground are protected, anyone wishing to work on these trees must normally give 6 weeks written notice to the local planning authority


Before commencing any work within a Conservation Area, property owners, occupiers and other interested parties should contact us to determine whether planning permission is required for a proposal.

Corby[email protected] 
East Northamptonshire[email protected] 
Kettering[email protected] 
Wellingborough[email protected]

Other guidance

Historic England’s website provides lots of useful information including:

Conservation area appraisals

To determine whether an area merits Conservation Area status a conservation area appraisal is prepared. The purpose of a conservation area appraisal is to define what is important about its character and appearance and to identify its important characteristics. It is also a vital tool to enable the active management of the conservation area.

It identifies the area's special features and changing needs through a process which includes researching its historical development, carrying out a detailed townscape analysis and preparing a character assessment.

Listed below are the conservation area appraisals completed in North Northamptonshire.


Barton Seagrave

Brampton Ash



Burton Latimer





Grafton Underwood



Little Oakley







Stoke Albany

Thorpe Malsor



Weston By Welland


Last updated 10 July 2024