Planning appeal hearings and inquiries
- Planning appeal hearings and inquiries
- Shirley Road Planning Appeal - Public Inquiry
- Main Road Planning Appeal - Public Inquiry
- Birchfield Springs Enforcement Appeal – Public Inquiry
- Land at Kettering North, Weekley Wood Lane Planning Appeal – Public Inquiry
- Land at Ashley Road, Middleton, Leicestershire - Appeal hearing
Shirley Road Planning Appeal - Public Inquiry
This inquiry will now start on Thursday 11 May at 1pm.
- Planning application number: Search for NE/21/00498/FUL on our planning system
- PINS appeal number: APP/M2840/W/22/3313850
Construction of 133 dwellings, internal roads, public open space, landscaping and other ancillary works, including creation of a new vehicular and pedestrian access from Prospect Avenue and pedestrian access from Shirley Road.
Land Off Shirley Road Rushden Northamptonshire.
An in-person public inquiry is due to take place at the Thrapston Council Chamber, Cedar Drive, Thrapston, NN14 4LZ. The public inquiry will start at 1pm on Thursday 11 May 2023 and last six working days.
If you wish to attend please email [email protected] and include your:
- name
- email address
This means we can contact you in the event that the meeting has to be held on Microsoft Teams and give us an indication of the numbers attending.
Core documents
CD.A Final application plans and documents
Submitted March 2021
- CD.A.1 - Application Form
- CD.A.2 - Site Location Plan PL01A
- CD.A.3 - Existing Site Plan PL02A
- CD.A.4 - Planning Statement Rev A
- CD.A.5 - Topographical Survey 3330 1/1
- CD.A.6 - Transport Assessment D-501
- CD.A.7 - Travel Plan D-502
- CD.A.8 - Air Quality Assessment Rev B
- CD.A.9 - Energy Sustainability Statement CFREV01
- CD.A.10 - Arboricultural Assessment Rev A
- CD.A.11 - BIA Technical Note
- CD.A.12 - Biodiversity Metric 2.0
- CD.A.13 - Ecological Appraisal Rev A
- CD.A.14 - Technical Note – Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits SPA / RAMSAR / SSSI
- CD.A.15 - Acoustic Design Statement V2
- CD.A.16 - Archaeological Desk Based Assessment
- CD.A.17 - Geophysical Survey
- CD.A.18 - Written Scheme of Investigation
- CD.A.19 - Consultation Statement
- CD.A.20 - Utilities Statement
- CD.A.21 - Preliminary Geo-Environmental Report
Submitted November 2021
- CD.A.22 - Design and Access Statement V5
- CD.A.23 - Cardinham Plans and Elevations PL20B
- CD.A.24 - Holt 30 Plans and Elevations PL21B
- CD.A.25 - Thetford Plans and Elevations PL23B
- CD.A.26 - Maisonette Plans and Elevations PL26C
- CD.A.27 - Holt 12.5 Plans and Elevations PL27B
- CD.A.28 - Dallington Gable Fronted Plans and Elevations PL29B
- CD.A.29 - Longitudinal Sections C-204-A
- CD.A.30 - Highway Visibility Plan C-205-B
- CD.A.31 - TA Addendum Note V2
- CD.A.32 - Landscape Management Plan Rev A
- CD.A.33 - Private Proposed Lighting Area Calculation R2
- CD.A.34 - Private Proposed Lighting Contour Layout R2
- CD.A.35 - Proposed Lighting Strategy R2
- CD.A.36 - S38 Proposed Lighting Area Calculation R2
- CD.A.37 - S38 Proposed Lighting Contour Layout R2
- CD.A.38 - P20-1722 Response Statement Rev A
Submitted March 2022
- CD.A.39 - Tree Schedule ref: 9637
- CD.A.40 - Street Trees Survey Plan 9637-T-03
- CD.A.41 - 3D Site Images Rev E
Submitted April 2022
- CD.A.42 - Dallington 30 Plans and Elevations PL22C
- CD.A.43 - Proposed Site Sections PL12F
- CD.A.44 - Proposed Street Elevations PL15D
- CD.A.45 - Construction Environmental Management Plan V5
Submitted June 2022
- CD.A.46 - Proposed Site Plan PL03J
- CD.A.47 - Proposed Boundaries Plan PL04G
- CD.A.48 - Proposed Materials Plan PL05F
- CD.A.49 - Proposed Heights Plan PL07F
- CD.A.50 - Proposed Tenures Plan PL09E
- CD.A.51 - Proposed Colour Site Plan PL17H
- CD.A.52 - POS Areas Plan PL10B
- CD.A.53 - POS Landscape Proposals L-102C
- CD.A.54 - On Plot Landscape Proposals L-103C
- CD.A.55 - Refuse Vehicle Access 2041-RLL-20-XX-DR-C-206 E
- CD.A.56 - Refuse Vehicle Tracking 2041-RLL-20-XX-DR-C-207 D
- CD.A.57 - Proposed Vehicle Site Access 20241-RLL-20-XX-DR-D-501 E
- CD.A.58 - Proposed Site Access Refuse Vehicle Tracking 20241-RLL-20-XX-DR-D-502 D
Submitted post-LPA determination
- CD.A.59 - Access Parking Review Note 20241-RLL-21-XX-RP-D-508
- CD.A.60 - Proposed Junction Mitigation Higham Road/Prospect Avenue 20241-RLL-22-XX-DR- D-513 B
- CD.A.61 - Higham Road/Prospect Avenue Junction Mitigation Vehicle Tracking 20241-RLL-22- XX-DR-D-514 A
- CD.A.62 - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit
- CD.A.63 - Designer’s Response Stage 1 RSA 20241-RLL-22-XX-TN-D-509 P01
- CD.A.64 - General Arrangement 20241-RLL-20-XX-DR-C-202 D
- CD.A.65 - Flood Routing Plan 20241-RLL-20-XX-DR-C-203 D
- CD.A.66 - Updated Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Rev P05
- CD.A.67 - Above Ground Basin Options 20241-RLL-20-XX-DR-C-SK01
CD.B - Superseded application plans and documents
- CD.B.1 - Design and Access Statement V4
- CD.B.2 - Proposed Site Plan PL03A
- CD.B.3 - Proposed Boundaries Plan PL04A
- CD.B.4 - Proposed Materials Plan PL05A
- CD.B.5 - Proposed Heights Plan PL07A
- CD.B.6 - Roof Pitches Plan PL08A
- CD.B.7 - Proposed Site Sections PL12A
- CD.B.8 - Proposed Street Elevations PL15A
- CD.B.9 - Proposed Colour Site Plan PL17A
- CD.B.10 - Cardinham Plans and Elevations PL20A
- CD.B.11 - Holt 30 Plans and Elevations PL21A
- CD.B.12 - Dallington 30 Plans and Elevations PL22A
- CD.B.13 - Thetford Plans and Elevations PL23A
- CD.B.14 - Rockingham Plans and Elevations PL24A
- CD.B.15 - Maisonette Plans and Elevations PL26A
- CD.B.16 - Holt 12.5 Plans and Elevations PL27A
- CD.B.17 - Dallington 12.5 Plans and Elevations PL28A
- CD.B.18 - Dallington Gable Fronted Plans and Elevations PL29A
- CD.B.19 - 3D Site Images PL30C
- CD.B.20 - Flood Risk Assessment C-001 P02
- CD.B.21 - General Arrangement C-202-A
- CD.B.22 - Flood Routing Plan C-203-A
- CD.B.23 - Longitudinal Sections C-204
- CD.B.24 - Highway Visibility Plan C-205A
- CD.B.25 - Vehicle Tracking Plan (Sheet 1 of 2) C-206-A
- CD.B.26 - Vehicle Tracking Plan (Sheet 2 of 2) C-207
- CD.B.27 - Landscape Management Plan
- CD.B.28 - POS Landscape Proposals L-102
- CD.B.29 - On Plot Landscape Proposals L103-106
- CD.B.30 - Private Proposed Lighting Area Calculation R1
- CD.B.31 - Private Proposed Lighting Contour Layout R1
- CD.B.32 - Proposed Lighting Strategy R1
- CD.B.33 - S38 Proposed Lighting Area Calculation R1S
- CD.B.34 - S38 Proposed Lighting Contour Layout R1
- CD.B.35 - Construction Environment Management Plan V2
- CD.B.36 - Proposed Site Plan PL03C
- CD.B.37 - Proposed Boundaries Plan PL04B
- CD.B.38 - Proposed Materials Plan PL05B
- CD.B.39 - Proposed Heights Plan PL07B
- CD.B.40 - Roof Pitches Plan PL08B
- CD.B.41 - Proposed Plot Tenures Plan PL09
- CD.B.42 - Proposed Site Sections PL12B
- CD.B.43 - Proposed Street Elevations PL15B
- CD.B.44 - Proposed Colour Site Plan PL17C
- CD.B.45 - 3D Site Images PL30D
- CD.B.46 - Flood Risk Assessment C-001-P04
- CD.B.47 - General Arrangement C-202-C
- CD.B.48 - Flood Routing Plan C-203-C
- CD.B.49 - Vehicle Tracking Plan (Sheet 1 of 2) C-206-C
- CD.B.50 - Vehicle Tracking Plan (Sheet 2 of 2) C-207-B
- CD.B.51 - Higham Road Proposed Avenue Junction Mitigation D-503-C
- CD.B.52 - Junction Mitigation Vehicle Tracking D-504A
- CD.B.53 - POS Landscape Proposals L-102A
- CD.B.54 - On Plot Landscape Proposals L103-106A
- CD.B.55 - Proposed Site Plan PL03F
- CD.B.56 - Proposed Boundaries Plan PL04E
- CD.B.57 - Proposed Materials Plan PL05D
- CD.B.58 - Proposed Heights Plan PL07D
- CD.B.59 - Roof Pitches Plan PL08D
- CD.B.60 - Proposed Tenures Plan PL09B
- CD.B.61 - Proposed Site Sections PL12D
- CD.B.62 - Proposed Street Elevations PL15C
- CD.B.63 - Proposed Colour Site Plan PL17E
- CD.B.64 - POS Landscape Proposals L-102B
- CD.B.65 - On Plot Landscape Proposals L-103B
- CD.B.66 - Proposed Vehicle Site Access 20241-RLL-20-XX-DR-D-501 D
- CD.B.67 - Proposed Site Access Refuse Vehicle Tracking 20241-RLL-20-XX-DR-D-502 C
- CD.B.68 - Higham Road/Prospect Avenue Junction Mitigation 20241-RLL-20-XX-DR-D-503 D
- CD.B.69 - Higham Road/Prospect Avenue Junction Mitigation Vehicle Tracking 20241-RLL-20- XX-DR-D-504 B
- CD.B.70 - Construction Environment Management Plan V4
- CD.B.71 - Proposed Site Plan PL03G
- CD.B.72 - Proposed Boundaries Plan PL04F
- CD.B.73 - Proposed Materials Plan PL05E
- CD.B.74 - Proposed Heights Plan PL07E
- CD.B.75 - Roof Pitches Plan PL08E
- CD.B.76 - Proposed Tenure Plan PL09C
- CD.B.77 - Proposed Colour Site Plan PL17F
- CD.B.78 - Proposed Junction Mitigation Landscape Proposals 8806-L-107
- CD.B.79 - Refuse Vehicle Access 20241-RLL-20-XX-DR-C-206 D
- CD.B.80 - Refuse Vehicle Tracking 20241-RLL-20-XX-DR-C-207 C
- CD.B.81 - Tree Planting and Mitigation Plans
- CD.B.82 - Dallington 12.5 Plans and Elevations PL28B
- CD.B.83 - TA Addendum Note (April 2021)
CD.C - Planning application consultation responses and correspondence
- CD.C.1 - Rushden Town Council Objection 10.12.21
- CD.C.2 - NNC Local Highways 30.06.21
- CD.C.3 - NNC Key Services 30.11.21
- CD.C.4 - NNC Key Services 29.11.21
- CD.C.5 - Rushden Town Council Objection 08.06.21
- CD.C.6 - Comments 26.05.22
- CD.C.7 - Northamptonshire Highways 21.05.21
- CD.C.8 - Lead Local Flood Authorities 06.07.22
- CD.C.9 - Highways 01.07.22
- CD.C.10 - Northamptonshire CCG 11.06.21
- CD.C.11 - Flood Risk Drainage 14.09.22
- CD.C.12 - Natural England 23.08.22
- CD.C.13 - NCC Education 24.06.22
- CD.C.14 - Housing Comments 06.22
- CD.C.15 - Refuse Vehicle Size Specifications
CD.D - Officer report and decision notice
- CD.D.1 - LPA Decision Notice
- CD.D.2 - Officer Delegated Report
CD.E - National policy and guidance
- CD.E.1 - National Planning Policy Framework July 2021
- CD.E.2 - National Planning Policy Framework: draft text for consultation 2022
- CD.E.3 - British Standard 5837 (2012) – Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction
- CD.E.4 - British Standard 3998 (2010) - Tree Work – Recommendations
- CD.E.5 - Modern Methods of Construction working group: developing a definition framework. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. March, 2019
- CD.E.6 - House of Commons Select Committee: Government response to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee report on modern methods of construction. September, 2019
- CD.E.7 - Housing White Paper - Fixing our broken housing market (February 2017)
- CD.E.8 - House of Commons Debate (24 October 2013)
- CD.E.9 - Children’s Commissioner report titled “Bleak Houses: Tackling the Crisis of Family Homelessness in England” (August 2019)
- CD.E.10 - Shelter report “Denied the Right to a Safe Home – Exposing the Housing Emergency” (May 2021)
- CD.E.11 - Shelter report “Unlocking Social Housing: How to fix the rules that are holds back building” (April 2022)
- CD.E.12 - House of Commons ‘Rising Cost of Living in the UK’ briefing report (November 2022)
- CD.E.13 - Shelter report “Briefing: Cost of Living Crisis and the Housing Emergency” (September 2022)
- CD.E.14 - National Audit Office Homelessness Report Executive Summary (13 September 2017)
- CD.E.15 - National Model Design Code, MHCLG
- CD.E.16 - Manual for Streets, DfT
- CD.E.17 - By Design: Urban Design in the Planning System Towards Better Practice, DETR
- CD.E.18 - Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS)
- CD.E.19 - Building Regulations Part M4(2)
- CD.E.20 - Secured by Design – Homes 2019
- CD.E.21 - Building for a Healthy Life, Homes England
- CD.E.22 - Economic Footprint of House Building in England and Wales’ HBF
- CD.E.23 - CIEEM (2018) Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment in the UK and Ireland: Terrestrial, Freshwater, Coastal and Marine version 1.2. Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, Winchester
- CD.E.24 - The Biodiversity Metric 2.0 Auditing and Accounting for Biodiversity. User Guide. Beta Version. Natural England Joint Publication JP029 (First published 29 July 2019)
- CD.E.25 - The Biodiversity Metric 4.0 User Guide Natural England Joint Publication JP039 (First published 2023)
- CD.E.26 - British Standards Institution (2013) ‘Biodiversity – Code of practice for planning and development’, BS 42020:2019
- CD.E.27 - BBC Briefing Housing (February 2020)
CD.F - Local planning policy and guidance
- CD.F.1 - Rushden Neighbourhood Plan Policies Map
- CD.F.2 - Rushden Neighbourhood Plan 2011-2031 (passed at referendum, 24.05.18 “Made” by East Northamptonshire Council 04.06.18)
- CD.F.3 - North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031
- CD.F.4 - Northamptonshire Transportation Plan
- CD.F.5 - Northamptonshire Highway Development Management Strategy
- CD.F.6 - Northamptonshire Smarter Travel Choices Strategy
- CD.F.7 - Local Standards and Guidance for Surface Water Drainage in Northamptonshire
- CD.F.8 - Sewerage Sector Guidance Appendix C: Design and Construction Guidance (v2.2)
- CD.F.9 - Pre-Submission Draft (Reg 19) East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2 2011-2031 (February 2021)
- CD.F.10 - North Northamptonshire Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019-2024
- CD.F.11 - Northamptonshire Parking Standards
- CD.F.12 - Trees and Landscapes Supplementary Planning Document (East Northamptonshire Council) (2013)
- CF.F13 - Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits Special Protection Area Supplementary Planning Document. Addendum to the SPA SPD: Mitigation Strategy
CD.G - Evidence base
- CD.G.1 - North Northamptonshire report ‘Housing Land Supply in North Northamptonshire’, 08.21
- CD.G.2 - North Northamptonshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2012)
- CD.G.3 - North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update (2015)
CD.H - Correspondence and other documents
- CD.H.1 - Appeal Covering Letter 23 December 2022
- CD.H.2 - Travel Plan Assessment - Form 2020-2021
- CD.H.3 - LHA Response re Revised Right-Turn Arrangement (July 22)
- CD.H.4 - LHA Response re Revised Right-Turn Arrangement (Feb 23)
- CD.H.5 - Email correspondence with LLFA dated 19.12.2022
- CD.H.6 - LLFA Response dated 23.02.2023
- CD.H.7 - Ilke Homes Corporate Brochure
- CD.H.8 - Cover Note June 2022
CD.I - Appeal decisions
- CD.I.1 - Rectory Farm, Chescombe Road, Yatton, Bristol BS49 4EU Appeal Ref: APP/D0121/W/21/3286677
- CD.I.2 - Pale Lane Farm, Pale Lane, Fleet, Hampshire RG27 8BA Appeal Ref: APP/N1730/W/18/3204011
- CD.I.3 - Land at 43/45 and 39/41 Notting Hill Gate and 161-237 (odd), Kensington Church Street, London W11 3LQ Appeal Ref: APP/G6100/V/19/3225884
- CD.I.4 - Spyway Orchard, Durnford Drove, Langton Matravers, Dorset BH19 3HG Appeal Ref: APP/B1225/W/16/3162354
- CD.I.5 - Land West of Pickersleigh Grove, Malvern Appeal Ref: APP/J1860/W/20/3258806
- CD.I.6 - Land at site of former North Worcestershire Golf Club Ltd, Hanging Lane, Birmingham B31 5LP (Appeal Ref: APP/P4605/W/18/3192918)
- CD.I.7 - Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley Campus, College Close, Wheatley, Oxford OX33 1HX Appeal Ref: APP/Q3115/W/19/3230827
- CD.I.8 - Land at Franklands Drive, Addlestone, Surrey Appeal Ref: APP/Q3630/A/05/1198326
- CD.I.9 - Land at the Corner of Oving Road and A27, Chichester PO20 2AG Appeal Ref: APP/L3815/W/16/3165228
- CD.I.10 - Land off Aviation Lane, Burton-upon-Trent Appeal Ref: APP/B3410/W/20/3245077
- CD.I.11 - (Site B) Land to the west of Langton Road, Norton Appeal B Ref: APP/Y2736/W/15/3136237
- CD.I.12 - Land at Firlands Farm, Hollybush Lane, Burghfield Common, Reading, Berkshire Appeal Ref: APP/W0340/A/14/2228089
- CD.I.13 - Agricultural land to both the north and south of Mans Hill, Burghfield Common, Reading, Berkshire Appeal Ref: APP/W0340/A/14/2226342
- CD.I.14 - Land to the East of Highgate Hill and South of Copthall Avenue, Hawkhurst, Kent, TR18 4LR Appeal Ref: APP/M2270/W/21/3282908
- CD.I.15 - Land at Brook Meadows, Tiptree, Colchester. Appeal Ref: APP/A1530/W/22/3301862
- CD.I.16 - Land at Filands Road/Jenner Lane, Malmesbury, SN16 9HZ (Appeal A Ref: APP/Y3940/W/21/3278256) Whychurch Farm, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 9HZ (Appeal B Ref: APP/Y3940/Q/21/3278923) Land at Filands Road/Jenner Lane, Malmesbury (Appeal C Ref: APP/Y3940/W/21/3282365)
- CD.I.17 - Land north of Upper Chapel, Launceston PL15 7DW Appeal Ref: APP/D0840/A/13/2209757
- CD.I.18 - Land off Spruce Close, Exeter, EX4 9DR Appeal Ref: APP/Y1110/W/22/3292721
- CD.I.19 - Land to the rear of former Dylon International Premises, Station Approach, Lower Sydenham, London SE26 5BQ Appeal Ref: APP/G5180/W/18/3206569
- CD.I.20 - Land adjacent to Cornerways, High Street, Twyning, Tewkesbury GL20 6DE Appeal Ref: APP/G1630/W/14/3001706
- CD.I.21 - Land North of viaduct, adjacent to Orchard Business Park, Ledbury Appeal Ref: APP/W1850/W/20/3244410
CD.J - High Court judgements
- CD.J.1 - [2000] EWHC 650 (Admin) Milne, R (on the application of) v Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council
- CD.J.2 - [2017] UKSC 37 Suffolk Coastal District Council v Hopkins Homes Ltd and another Richborough Estates Partnership LLP and another v Cheshire East Borough)
- CD.J.3 - [2020] EWCA Civ 1175 Peel Investments (North) Limited v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government (1) Salford City Council (2)
Last updated 04 May 2023