Planning appeal hearings and inquiries
- Planning appeal hearings and inquiries
- Shirley Road Planning Appeal - Public Inquiry
- Main Road Planning Appeal - Public Inquiry
- Birchfield Springs Enforcement Appeal – Public Inquiry
- Land at Kettering North, Weekley Wood Lane Planning Appeal – Public Inquiry
- Land at Ashley Road, Middleton, Leicestershire - Appeal hearing
Land at Ashley Road, Middleton, Leicestershire - Appeal hearing
Appeal by Mr Patrick and Mr Joseph Delaney regarding:
- change of use of land from agriculture to residential purposes to provide 5 gypsy and traveller pitches including the provision of hardstanding ancillary to that use
at land at Ashley Road, Middleton, Leicestershire.
A Planning and Enforcement appeal hearing is due to be heard by Planning Inspector E Pleasant BSc (Hons), DipTP, MRTPI appointed by the Secretary of State.
The appeal hearing will commence at 10am on 7 November 2023 and is scheduled to last for two days.
Appeals and references
APP/U2805/C/21/3269943 and APP/U2805/W/21/3275791:
- Appeal 1 - For non-determination of planning application NC/21/00036/DPA for the 'Change of use of land for residential purposes for 5 gypsy and traveller pitches including the provision of hardstanding ancillary to that use'
- Appeal 2 - Is an appeal against the enforcement notice served for the unauthorised change of use of land from grass field / paddock to land for the stationing of caravans
Deene House
New Post Office Square
NN17 1GD
Members of the public may attend the hearing and, at the Inspector's discretion, express their views. If you, or anyone you know has a disability and is concerned about facilities at the hearing venue, you should contact us to confirm that suitable provisions are in place.
If attending, please call either 01536 464167 or 01536 464158, and you will be collected and brought to the committee room.
Documents relating to the appeal can be viewed online as well as at the council's offices by prior arrangement
Additional information has been submitted.
The decision of the Planning Inspectorate will be published in due course on the Planning Inspectorate site.
To get further information about this appeal, please email [email protected].
Last updated 21 November 2023