Planning appeal hearings and inquiries
- Planning appeal hearings and inquiries
- Shirley Road Planning Appeal - Public Inquiry
- Main Road Planning Appeal - Public Inquiry
- Birchfield Springs Enforcement Appeal – Public Inquiry
- Land at Kettering North, Weekley Wood Lane Planning Appeal – Public Inquiry
- Land at Ashley Road, Middleton, Leicestershire - Appeal hearing
Land at Kettering North, Weekley Wood Lane Planning Appeal – Public Inquiry
- Planning Application number - KET/2020/0121 (Appeal documents can be found from item 386 onwards)
- PINS Appeal number - APP/M2840/W/23/3325758
Land at Kettering North, Weekley Wood Lane, Kettering
An in-person public inquiry is due to take place at the Thrapston Council Chamber, Cedar Drive, Thrapston, NN14 4LZ.
The public enquiry will be broadcast live on YouTube starting at 10am on Tuesday 28 November 2023 and last 8 working days.
If you wish to attend in-person please email [email protected] and include your:
- name
- email address
This means we can contact you in the event that the meeting has to be held on Microsoft Teams and give us an indication of the numbers attending.
An evening session is planned for Wednesday 6 December between 6:30pm and 9pm and will be held at:
Council Offices
Cedar Drive
NN14 4LZ
To facilitate the participation of interested persons, the Inquiry Programme provides an opportunity for those who can attend during the day to speak on the opening day of the inquiry, Tuesday 28 November, and at the evening session on Wednesday 6 December.
To make the best use of Inquiry time and to avoid repetitious evidence, residents are strongly encouraged to nominate a spokesperson. If a spokesperson is nominated, it is acceptable to refer to the number of interested parties being represented. The Inspector does not want to hear the same point made multiple times and repetition will not add any weight to the evidence before him.Planning Inspectorate
Interested parties who seek to repeat comments will be stopped from doing so to ensure the best use of Inquiry time. Interested parties should be prepared to answer questions which may be put to them by the relevant advocate. For example, parties objecting to the proposal may be required to answer questions from the appellant’s advocate Mr Z Simons. Similarly, parties speaking in support of the proposals may be required to answer questions from the advocate for the LPA Mr D Forsdick KC, as well as the advocate for the Action Group, Mr P Stinchcombe KC, where it is relevant to their case.
For those interested parties who are not able to attend either the Inquiry or the Evening Sessions, the Inspector has had sight of all the written representations made in response to the original application and those made for the appeal. Full account of those written representations will be taken in reaching his decision.
Core documents
CD1 Application documents and plans
- 1.1 Application Form
- 1.2 Design and Access Statement
- 1.3 Design Development Brief - not used
- 1.4 Mineral Assessment - not used
- 1.5 Statement of Community Involvement
- 1.6 Sustainability Assessment - not used
- 1.7 Utilities Assessment -not used
- 1.8 Planning Statement - not used
- 1.9 Environmental Statement
- 1.9.1 Environmental Statement Volume 1: Non-Technical Summary
- 1.9.2 Environmental Statement Volume 2 - Front Cover, Table of Contents, Table and Figures
- 1.9.3 Environmental Statement Volume 2 - Abbreviations
- 1.9.4 Environmental Statement Volume 2 - Glossary
- 1.9.5 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 1 - Introduction
- 1.9.6 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 1 Figure 1.1
- 1.9.7 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 1 Figure 1.2
- 1.9.8 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 2 - Approach
- 1.9.9 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 3 - Site Description
- 1.9.10 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 4 - Alternatives
- 1.9.11 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 - Proposed Development
- 1.9.12 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.1
- 1.9.13 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.1a
- 1.9.14 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.1b
- 1.9.15 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.1c
- 1.9.16 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.2a
- 1.9.17 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.2b
- 1.9.18 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.2c
- 1.9.19 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.3a
- 1.9.20 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.3b
- 1.9.21 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.3c
- 1.9.22 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.4a
- 1.9.23 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.4b
- 1.9.24 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.4c
- 1.9.25 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.5a
- 1.9.26 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.5b
- 1.9.27 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.5c
- 1.9.28 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.6a
- 1.9.29 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.6b
- 1.9.30 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 5 Figure 5.6c
- 1.9.31 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 6 - Planning Policy Context
- 1.9.32 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 7 - Socioeconomics
- 1.9.33 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 8 - Landscape and Visual
- 1.9.34 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 8 Figure 8.1
- 1.9.35 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 8 Figure 8.1 1 - NOT USED
- 1.9.36 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 9 - Ecology and Nature Conservation
- 1.9.37 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 10 - Archaeology and Heritage
- 1.9.38 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 10 Figure 10.1 Location Plan
- 1.9.39 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 10 Figure 10.2 Designated Assets
- 1.9.40 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 10 Figure 10.3 Non-designated Assets
- 1.9.41 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 10 Figure 10.4 LiDAR Plot
- 1.9.42 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 11 - Ground Conditions
- 1.9.43 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 12 - Drainage and Flood Risk
- 1.9.44 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 13 - Transport and Access
- 1.9.45 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 13 Figure 13.1 (Link Diagram)
- 1.9.46 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 14 - Air Quality and Dust
- 1.9.47 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 14.1-14.4
- 1.9.48 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 15 - Noise and Vibration
- 1.9.49 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 16 - Climate Change
- 1.9.50 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 17 - Cumulative Impacts
- 1.9.51 Environmental Statement Volume 2: Chapter 18 - Summary of Mitigation + Res Effects
- 1.9.52 Enviromental Statement Volume 3 - Appendices Part 1
- 1.9.53 Enviromental Statement Volume 3 - Appendices Part 2
- 1.9.54 Enviromental Statement Volume 3 - Appendices Part 3
- 1.9.55 Enviromental Statement Volume 3 - Appendices Part 4
- 1.10 Existing Site Plan BUC009-PEV-00-XX-DR-A-9000
CD2 Additional or amended documents or plans on which the council reached its Decision
April 2022
ES Addendum
- 2.1 Land at Kettering North Environmental Statement Addendum
- 2.1.1 ES Addendum Appendix 8.1c (Detailed Landscape Design Drawings) Part 1
- 2.1.2 ES Addendum Appendix 8.1c (Detailed Landscape Design Drawings) Part 2
- 2.1.3 ES Addendum Appendix 8.1c (Detailed Landscape Design Drawings) Part 3
- 2.1.4 ES Addendum Appendix 9.10 (Arboricultural Impact Assessment)
- 2.1.5 ES Addendum Appendix 10.1 (Supplementary Heritage Assessment)
- 2.1.6 ES Addendum Appendix 12.1 (Flood Risk Assessment)
- 2.1.7 ES Addendum Appendix 13.1 (Transport Assessment)
- 2.1.8 ES Addendum Appendix 13.2 (Framework Travel Plan)
Phase 2 Drainage
- 2.2 4029-ROC-ZZ-XX-DR-C-SK11.01 P01
- 2.3 4029-ROC-ZZ-XX-DR-C-SK11.02 P01
- 2.4 4029-ROC-ZZ-XX-DR-C-SK11.03 P01
- 2.5 4029-ROC-ZZ-XX-DR-C-SK11.04 P01
- 2.6 4029-ROC-ZZ-XX-DR-C-SK11.05 P01
- 2.7 4029-ROC-ZZ-XX-DR-C-SK11.06 P01
- 2.8 4029-ROC-ZZ-XX-DR-C-SK11.07 P01
Supporting documents
- 2.9 17-0977 North Kettering Tree Schedule v3 FM 240122
- 2.10 21-2222 Kettering North BIA Report v1 SH 260122 bound
- 2.11 Phase 2 Site Investigation 4029-ROC-ZZ-XX-RP-ES-PH2SI (2)
- 2.12 Energy Statement
- 2.13 Kettering North Biodiversity Metric 3.0
- 2.14 N5217-2P Kettering North Planning Statement
November 2022
- 2.15 KNM - Phase 1 DAS Rev 04
December 2022
- 2.16 KNM - Design Development Brief - Rev 05
- 2.17 KNM - Illustrative Masterplan Drawings - Rev 01
- 2.18 Chapter 9 Ecology and Nature Conservation November 2022
- 2.19 9.1. 17-0695 North Kettering Phase 1 Report v2 JW NHL 290617 bound
- 2.20 9.2. 17-2063 North Kettering Botanical Survey Report v1 SB 141117 bound
- 2.21 9.3. 22-0442 Botanical Survey Report v1 AS 230622 Bound
- 2.22 9.4. 22-0553 Kettering North Protected Species Update Report v2 SH 191022 bound
- 2.23 9.5. 17-1530 North Kettering Badger Report v2 SH 290917 Bound
- 2.23.1 22-0909 Badger Plan v1 SM150922
- 2.24 9.6. 17-0696 North Kettering Bat Activity Report v2 SB 060717 bound
- 2.25 9.7. 17-2195 Breeding bird survey v2 JU 291117
- 2.26 9.8. 17-1524 North Kettering Dormouse Report v2 SH 270917 bound
- 2.27 9.9. 18-0454 Kettering North GCN Survey Report v1 NHL 060618 bound
- 2.28 9.10. 17-1856 North Kettering Invertebrate Report v2 JU 301117
- 2.29 9.11. Terrestrial Invertebrate Report - Weekley Lane, Kettering
- 2.30 9.12. 17-1956 Reptile Survey Report v2 JU 291117 bound
- 2.31 21-2222 Kettering North BIA Report v2 SH 260122 bound
Flood risk
- 2.32 Chapter 12 - Drainage and Flood Risk November 2022
- 2.33 22.11.08 4029-FRA &DS November 2022
- 2.34 4029-ROC-XX-XX-RP-C-DAR001
Revised plans - April 2022
Plot 1 - Savoury building
- 2.35 BUC009-PEV-1S-ZZ-DR-A-9101 SAVOURY BUILDING - Proposed Ground and First GA Plans 170252 - not used
- 2.36 BUC009-PEV-1S-ZZ-DR-A-9101 Savoury Building Proposed Ground and First GA Plans 170252
- 2.37 BUC009-PEV-1S-ZZ-DR-A-9102 Savoury Building Proposed Roof Plan 170252
- 2.38 BUC009-PEV-1S-ZZ-DR-A-9103 SAVOURY BUILDING - Proposed GA Elevations 170252 - not used
- 2.39 BUC009-PEV-1S-ZZ-DR-A-9103 Savoury Building Proposed GA Elevations 170252
Plot 1 - Warehouse
- 2.40 BUC009-PEV-01-00-DR-A-9101 Proposed Ground GA Plan 170252
- 2.41 BUC009-PEV-01-03-DR-A-9102 Proposed Roof GA Plan 170252
- 2.42 BUC009-PEV-01-XX-DR-A-9100 Proposed Site Plan 170252
- 2.43 BUC009-PEV-01-ZZ-DR-A-9103 First and Second Floor Plans 170252
- 2.44 BUC009-PEV-01-ZZ-DR-A-9104 Proposed GA Elevations 170252
- 2.45 BUC009-PEV-01-ZZ-DR-A-9105 Proposed GA Sections 170252
Plot 2
- 2.46 BUC009-PEV-02-RF-DR-A-9002 Proposed Roof GA Plan 170252
- 2.47 BUC009-PEV-02-XX-DR-A-9000 Proposed Site Plan 170252
- 2.48 BUC009-PEV-02-ZZ-DR-A-9001 Proposed Ground and First GA Plans 170252
- 2.49 BUC009-PEV-02-ZZ-DR-A-9003 Proposed Office Plans 170252
- 2.50 BUC009-PEV-02-ZZ-DR-A-9004 Proposed GA Elevations 170252
- 2.51 BUC009-PEV-02-ZZ-DR-A-9005 Proposed GA Sections 170252
Plot 3
- 2.52 BUC009-PEV-03-02-DR-A-9002 Proposed Roof GA Plan 170252
- 2.53 BUC009-PEV-03-XX-DR-A-9000 Proposed Site Plan 170252
- 2.54 BUC009-PEV-03-ZZ-DR-A-9001 Proposed Ground and First GA Plans 170252
- 2.55 BUC009-PEV-03-ZZ-DR-A-9003 Proposed Office Plans 170252
- 2.56 BUC009-PEV-03-ZZ-DR-A-9004 Proposed GA Elevations 170252
- 2.57 BUC009-PEV-03-ZZ-DR-A-9005 Proposed GA Sections 170252
Plot 4
- 2.58 BUC009-PEV-04-02-DR-A-9002 Proposed Roof GA Plan 170252
- 2.59 BUC009-PEV-04-XX-DR-A-9000 Proposed Site Plan 170252
- 2.60 BUC009-PEV-04-ZZ-DR-A-9001 Proposed Ground and First GA Plans 170252
- 2.61 BUC009-PEV-04-ZZ-DR-A-9003 Proposed Office Plans 170252
- 2.62 BUC009-PEV-04-ZZ-DR-A-9004 Proposed GA Elevations 170252
- 2.63 BUC009-PEV-04-ZZ-DR-A-9005 Proposed GA Sections 170252
Plot 5
- 2.64 BUC009-PEV-05-02-DR-A-9002 Proposed Roof GA Plan 170252
- 2.65 BUC009-PEV-05-XX-DR-A-9000 Proposed Site Plan 170252
- 2.66 BUC009-PEV-05-ZZ-DR-A-9001 Proposed Ground and First GA Plans 170252
- 2.67 BUC009-PEV-05-ZZ-DR-A-9003 Proposed Office Plans 170252
- 2.68 BUC009-PEV-05-ZZ-DR-A-9004 Proposed GA Elevations 170252
- 2.69 BUC009-PEV-05-ZZ-DR-A-9005 Proposed GA Sections 170252
Plot 6
- 2.70 BUC009-PEV-06-02-DR-A-9002 Proposed Roof GA Plan 170252
- 2.71 BUC009-PEV-06-XX-DR-A-9000 Proposed Site Plan 170252
- 2.72 BUC009-PEV-06-ZZ-DR-A-9001 Proposed Ground and First GA Plans 170252
- 2.73 BUC009-PEV-06-ZZ-DR-A-9001 Proposed Ground GA Plan 170252 - Not used
- 2.74 BUC009-PEV-06-ZZ-DR-A-9003 Proposed Office Plans 170252
- 2.75 BUC009-PEV-06-ZZ-DR-A-9004 Proposed GA Elevations 170252
- 2.76 BUC009-PEV-06-ZZ-DR-A-9005 Proposed GA Sections 170252
Site plans
- 2.77 BUC009-PEV-00-XX-DR-A-9000 Existing Site Plan 170252
- 2.78 BUC009-PEV-00-XX-DR-A-9001 Proposed Contextual Site Plan
- 2.79 BUC009-PEV-00-XX-DR-A-9010 Land Ownership Boundary Plan
- 2.80 BUC009-PEV-00-XX-DR-A-9100 Proposed Phase 1 Site Plan
- 2.81 HBa-0530-E-900-Rev P2 External Lighting
CD3 Consultee responses
- 3.1 Anglian Water 20.08.22
- 3.2 Anglian Water 30.12.22
- 3.3 Environment Agency 09.05.22
- 3.4 Environment Agency 20.12.22
- 3.5 Local Highway Authority 15.07.22
- 3.6 Local Highway Authority 28.10.22
- 3.7 Local Highway Authority 16.02.23
- 3.8 Local Highway Authority 13.06.23
- 3.9 Historic England 06.01.23
- 3.10 Historic England 20.05.22
- 3.11 Lead Local Flood Authority 27.07.22
- 3.12 Natural England 26.03.20
- 3.13 Natural England 27.01.23
- 3.14 NNC - Natural Development 11.05.22
- 3.15 NCC - Natural Development 30.01.23
- 3.16 NCC - Archaeology 16.12.22
- 3.17 Northamptonshire Badger Group 02.05.22
- 3.18 Northants Police p1 04.05.22
- 3.19 Northants Police p2 04.05.22
- 3.20 Northants Police 15.12.22
- 3.21 Weekley Parish Council 25.05.22
- 3.22 Weekley Parish Council 04.01.23
- 3.23 Wildlife Trust 17.05.22
- 3.24 Wildlife Trust 05.01.23
- 3.25 NNC - Environmental Health 30.05.22
- 3.26 NNC - Environmental Health 20.12.22
- 3.27 Geddington, Newton and Little Oakley Parish Council 03.01.23
- 3.28 Kettering Town Council 13.01.23
- 3.29 National Highways 14.12.22
- 3.30 Nene Valley Bat Group 03.02.23
- 3.31 Save Weekley Hall Wood Community Group 13.02.23
- 3.32 Warkton Parish Council 03.03.23
- 3.33 NNC - Waste 12.12.22
- 3.34 NNC - Tree Officer 21.07.23
- 3.35 Rushton Parish Council 26.03.20
- 3.36 Fire Protection 06.03.20
- 3.37 Place Services Response - Landscape Report 29.05.20
- 3.38 Planning Policy Officer Response March 2021
CD4 Key correspondence
- 4.1 10.10.2018 Pre-App Advice Letter
- 4.2 28.05.2020 LPA Reg 25 Letter
- 4.3 17.06.2020 N5217-2P Kettering North Response to LPA Letter (Issue)
- 4.4 20.08.2020 LPA Letter
- 4.5 24.02.2021 Letter from LPA
- 4.6 Kettering North Phase 1 - TPHS Response to Northamptonshire Highways (Issue) (September 2022)
- 4.7 Kettering North Phase 1 - TPHS Response to Northamptonshire Highways (Issue) (April 2023)
- 4.8 Kettering North Phase 1 - TPHS Response to Northamptonshire Highways (Submission) (August 2023)
CD5 The development plan and material considerations
- 5.1 North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (NNJCS) 2011-2031
- 5.2 Kettering Site Specific Part 2 Local Plan (2021)
- 5.3 National Planning Policy Framework (September 2023)
- 5.4 Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document for Northamptonshire 2015
- 5.5 Northamptonshire Parking Standards 2016
CD6 Appellant's appeal documents
- 6.1 Appellant Statement of Case
- 6.2 S James Planning Proof of Evidence
- 6.2.1 S James Planning Proof of Evidence Appendix 1
- 6.2.2 S James Planning Summary Proof
- 6.3 C Brockhurst Landscape Proof of Evidence Volume 1
- 6.3.1 C Brockhurst Landscape Proof of Evidence Volume 2
- 6.4 B Sheppard Highways and Transport Proof of Evidence
- 6.4.1 B Sheppard Highways and Transport Summary Proof
- 6.4.2 B Sheppard (Highways & Transport) - Rebuttal Proof
- 6.5 R Bolton Employment Land Needs and Economic Benefits Proof of Evidence
- 6.5.1 R Bolton Employment Land Needs and Economic Benefits Summary Proof
- 6.5.2 R Bolton (Employment Need) - Rebuttal Proof
- 6.6 G Harvey Employment Demand Proof of Evidence
- 6.7 T Goodwin Ecology Proof of Evidence
- 6.7.1 T Goodwin Proof of Evidence Plans and Appendices
- 6.7.2 T Goodwin Proof of Evidence Summary
- 6.7.3 T Goodwin (Ecology) - Rebuttal Proof
CD7 Council's appeal documents
- 7.1 LPA Statement of Case
- 7.2 S Bennett Planning Proof of Evidence
- 7.2.1 S Bennett Planning Proof of Evidence - Employment Note
- 7.2.2 S Bennett Planning Proof of Evidence - Table 1 Copy of NN Gross Net Floorspace 31.10.23 (excel)
- 7.2.3 S Bennett Planning Proof of Evidence - Table 2 B8 Stock Iceni
- 7.2.4 S Bennett Planning Proof of Evidence - Table 3 Strategic Stock Iceni
- 7.2.5 S Bennett Planning Proof of Evidence - Table 4 SEMLEP Strategic table update NNC (excel)
- 7.3 A Lyons Landscape Proof of Evidence
- 7.3.1 F Webber Landscape Rebuttal Proof v.3
- 7.4 G Ward Economic Growth and Sustainability Proof of Evidence
- 7.4.1 G Ward Economic Growth and Sustainability Proof of Evidence Appendix 1
- 7.4.2 G Ward Economic Growth and Sustainability Proof of Evidence Appendix 2
CD8 Save Weekley Hall Wood community group ('SWHW') appeal documents
- 8.1 Rule 6 Statement of Case
- 8.2 M Crook (SWHW) Planning Proof of Evidence
- 8.2.1 M Crook (SWHW) Planning Proof of Evidence Appendix 1 (1-18)
- 8.2.3 M Crook (SWHW) Planning Rebuttal Proof 08.11.23
- 8.2.4 M Crook (SWHW) Planning Rebuttal Appendix 1
- 8.2.5 M Crook (SWHW) Planning Rebuttal Appendix 2
- 8.3 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence
- 8.3.1 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 1 (1-2)
- 8.3.2 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 2 (3-4)
- 8.3.3 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 3 (5-6)
- 8.3.4 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 4 (7-14)
- 8.3.5 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 5 (15-20)
- 8.3.6 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 6 (21-31)
- 8.3.7 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 7 (32-50)
- 8.3.8 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 8 (51-70)
- 8.3.9 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 9 (71-77)
- 8.3.10 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 10 (78-93)
- 8.3.11 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 11 (94-101)
- 8.3.12 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 12 (102-104)
- 8.3.13 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 13 (105 - 116)
- 8.3.14 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 14 (117-119)
- 8.3.15 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 15 (120-138)
- 8.3.16 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 16 (139 - 156)
- 8.3.17 K Banham (SWHW) Ecology Rebuttal Proof 17.11.23
- 8.4 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence
- 8.4.1 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 1 (1)
- 8.4.2 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 2 (2-58)
- 8.4.3 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 3 (59-62)
- 8.4.4 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 4 (63-89)
- 8.4.5 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 5 (90-96)
- 8.4.6 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 6 (97-103)
- 8.4.7 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Proof of Evidence Appendix 7 (104-105)
- 8.4.8 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Rebuttal Proof 17.11.23
- 8.4.9 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Rebuttal Proof Appendix 1 (1-4)
- 8.4.10 A Riley (SWHW) Ecology Rebuttal Proof Appendix 2 (5-15)
- 8.5 A Holland (SWHW) Highways Proof of Evidence
- 8.5.1 A Holland (SWHW) Transport Rebuttal Proof 10.11.23
- 8.6 F O'Dowd(SWHW) Landscape Proof of Evidence
- 8.6.1 F O'Dowd (SWHW) Landscape Proof of Evidence Appendix 1
- 8.6.2 F O'Dowd (SWHW) Landscape Proof of Evidence Appendix 2
- 8.6.3 F O'Dowd (SWHW) Landscape Rebuttal Proof 13.11.23
- 8.7 C Shaw (SWHW) Landscape Proof of Evidence
- 8.7.1 C Shaw (SWHW) Landscape Proof of Evidence Appendix 1
- 8.7.2 C Shaw (SWHW) Landscape Proof of Evidence Appendix 2
- 8.7.3 C Shaw (SWHW) Landscape Proof of Evidence Appendix 3
- 8.7.4 C Shaw (SWHW) Landscape Rebuttal Proof 14.11.23
- 8.8 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence
- 8.8.1 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 1 (1-3)
- 8.8.2 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 2 (4)
- 8.8.3 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 3 (5-6)
- 8.8.4 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 4 (7)
- 8.8.5 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 5 (8-9)
- 8.8.6 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 6 (10-17)
- 8.8.7 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 7 (18)
- 8.8.8 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 8 (19)
- 8.8.9 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 9 (20)
- 8.8.10 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 10 (21)
- 8.8.11 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 11 (22-24)
- 8.8.12 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 12 (25-26)
- 8.8.13 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 13 (27-28)
- 8.8.14 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 14 (29)
- 8.8.15 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 15 (30)
- 8.8.16 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 16 (31-32)
- 8.8.17 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 17 (33-36)
- 8.8.18 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 18 (37-38)
- 8.8.19 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 19 (39-66)
- 8.8.20 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 20 (67-92)
- 8.8.21 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 21 (93-120)
- 8.8.22 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 22 (121)
- 8.8.23 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 23 (122-123)
- 8.8.24 J Dell (SWHW) Amenity Proof of Evidence Appendix 24 (124)
CD9 Inspector's appeal documents
- 9.1 Pre-Case Management Conference Note
- 9.2 Case Management Conference Summary Note
- 9.3 Inquiry Programme
CD10 Other appeal documents
- 10.1 Statement of Common Ground
- 10.2 Highways and Transport Statement of Common Ground
CD11 Landscape documents
- 11.1 Guidance for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, third edition, LI and IEMA, 2013 (GLVIA 3)
- 11.2 An Approach to Landscape Character Assessment, Natural England (AALCA), October 2014
- 11.3 Townscape Character Assessment, Technical Information Note 05/2017, Landscape Institute, April 2018
- 11.4 Visual Representation of Development Proposals, Technical Guidance Note 06/19, Landscape Institute, September 2019 (TIN 06/19)
- 11.5 IMK Automotive operations (Erection of an industrial manufacturing and warehouse building (Use Class B2 and B8) together with ancillary office accommodation and associated access (KET/2020/0303)) committee report (26th August 2021)
- 11.6 Northamptonshire Current Landscape Character Assessment
- 11.7 Buccleuch Framework Document Weekley Wood Business Park (June 2011)
- 11.8 Kettering North Masterplan Public Consultation Boards
CD12 Ecology documents
- 12.1 Land at Filands Appeal Decision (3278256) 05.01.22
- 12.2 Land off Pump Lane Appeal Decision (3259868) 03.11.21
CD13 Transport documents
- 13.1 SATCOL Section 106 Agreement
- 13.2 IM Kelly Phase 2 Section 106 Agreement
CD14 Employment needs documents
- 14.1 North Northamptonshire Housing and Economic Needs Assessment (HENA) (July 2023)
- 14.2 SEMLEP Warehousing and Logistics Study
- 14.3 HCA Employment Densities Guide 3rd Edition (Drivers Jonas Deloitte, 2015)
- 14.4 Committee Report on the Kettering Borough Employment Land Review January 2019
- 14.5 Background Paper on Employment Targets for NN 2011-31
- 14.6 North Northamptonshire Employment Targets Final Report (RTP 2011)
- 14.7 NNJCS Pre-Submission Plan Employment Background Paper Jan 2015
- 14.8 North Northamptonshire Authority's Monitoring Report (AMR) 2021-22 (March 2023)
- 14.9 Employment Land Reviews Guidance Note (ODPM 2004)
- 14.10 Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Submission Local Plan (Part 2 Local Plan) March 2023
- 14.11 Taylor Wimpey UK Limited and BDW Trading Limited Design and Access Statement
- 14.12 Bowbridge Land Ltd Planning Statement
CD15 Documents received during the Inquiry
- 15.1 Final Draft Conditions 14.11.23
- 15.2 Draft S106 24.11.23 4144-4759-4061.1
- 15.3 CIL Reg 122 Compliance Table Draft 13.11.2023 4162-2261-5629.2 SB amends 23.11.23
- 15.4 Appellant's Opening Statement
- 15.5 Council's Opening Statement
- 15.6 Rule 6 Party's Opening Statement
- 15.7 Local Wildlife Sites Overlay Plan
- 15.8 Lambert Smith Hampton Industrial & Logistics Market 2014 report
- 15.9 Aerial Photograph of North Kettering Business Park with Unit Sizes and Occupiers
- 15.10 Summary of sites agreed between the Appellant and the Council
- 15.11 Dimensions of the Units for the Proposed Development
- 15.12 Aerial Photograph of Neighbouring Buildings and Heights of Neighbouring Buildings
Last updated 29 November 2023