Historic planning applications
For Corby, East Northamptonshire and Wellingborough areas, all historic information is available online through mapping and planning systems.
Kettering area
Historic planning application data from 1948 to 2007 is available on request. Applications after this can be found on the Kettering area system.
Plotting sheets show all the historic planning application numbers for a given area from 1948 to 2007 before the information was available electronically.
To decide which plotting sheets you need, check our Grid Key maps which cover Burton Latimer, Desborough, Kettering North and South and Rothwell areas:
Email us at [email protected] with the subject 'Request a copy of a plotting sheet' and confirm the grid reference or village name.
If you then find an application number you want more information about, you'll need to contact us.
Last updated 05 July 2023