Partial review of the MWDF/Local Plan

A Partial Review of the adopted MWDF/Local Plan is now complete. This brought together the separate elements of the adopted MWDF into one combined Local Plan and extended the plan period to 2031.

Final stage - Inspector's Report and Adoption

The Inspector's Report was published on 15 August 2014. The Local Plan went to Cabinet on 9 September and to full council on 25 September for its adoption. The Local Plan was adopted on 1 October 2014.

A Policies Map accompanies the MWLP which show the location of mineral and waste sites allocated in the plan, preventing land use conflict consultation buffers for these sites and Mineral Safeguarding Areas (MSAs):

Previous stages - Examination

The public hearing sessions for the examination took place from 7 to 9 April 2014 at County Hall, Northampton. All information relating to the examination can be found on the examination pages.

Following the public hearing sessions proposed modifications were published on which representations could be made for a six week period to Monday 23 June. Representations made have been forwarded by the examination's Programme Officer to the Inspector.


The Partial Review of the MWDF (the Minerals and Waste Local Plan) was submitted to the Secretary of State for its independent examination on Wednesday 27 November 2013. All representations made on the Final Draft Plan were considered by the Planning Inspector who undertook the examination.

Final Draft Plan (Proposed Submission Document)

The previous stage in the Partial Review was the publication of the plan that the Council wishes to see adopted. Representations on this Final Draft Plan were able to be made between Thursday 5 September and Thursday 31 October 2013.

All the documentation related to the period for representations can be viewed below.

Draft Plan Consultation

The previous stage in the Partial Review process was consultation on a plan that contained the proposed 'Partial Review' changes. Consultation on the Draft Local Plan took place from 17 January 2013 to 14 March 2013.

The consultation documentation was also available from our consultation website.

The 'Way Forward' consultation

The first stage in the Partial Review process was the 'Way Forward' consultation. The rationale and proposed scope for the Partial Review was agreed by Cabinet on 8 May 2012.

A new Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS) for the Partial Review was brought into effect on 8 May 2012.

Consultation on the scope and content of the Partial Review took place from 28 June to 23 August 2012. The consultation documentation comprised:

Following on from this consultation, a Draft Local Plan and an analysis of responses from the 'Way Forward' consultation was approved by Cabinet on 13 November 2012.

Last updated 24 May 2023