Adopted Minerals and Waste Local Plan
The Minerals and Waste Local Plan update, which concentrated on reviewing the sites and allocations in the previously adopted 2014 Local Plan, was adopted on 1 July 2017
East Midlands Aggregate Working Party (EMAWP)
Technical advice about the supply and demand for aggregates (including sand and gravel and crushed rock) for the mineral planning authorities in the East Midlands
Partial review of the MWDF/Local Plan
A Partial Review of the adopted MWDF/Local Plan, bringing together the separate elements of the adopted MWDF into one combined Local Plan and extending the plan period to 2031
Minerals and Waste Monitoring Reports / Local Aggregates Assessments
Monitoring reports give implementation updates while Local Aggregate Assessments assess the demand for and supply of aggregates in the county
Statement of community involvement
How we engage with the community in keeping minerals and waste policies up to date and how we consult over planning applications submitted to us
Development and Implementation Principles Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Guidance on waste minimisation and the provision of waste management facilities in new development and the design and restoration of minerals and waste facilities