Adopted Minerals and Waste Local Plan
The Minerals and Waste Local Plan update, which concentrated on reviewing the sites and allocations in the previously adopted 2014 Local Plan, was adopted on 1 July 2017.
The adopted Minerals and Waste Local Plan is also available to view on the Interactive Map.
Previous stage - Inspectors Report and Adoption
The Inspectors Report into the Local Plan was published on 8 May 2017:
The Local Plan update was formally adopted by the then Northamptonshire County Council on 1 July 2017:
- Minerals and Waste Local Plan adoption statement (PDF 88KB)
- Minerals and Waste Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal adoption statement (PDF 248KB)
Previous Stage - Examination and proposed modifications
The public hearing sessions for the examination took place on 29 and 30 November 2016. Find all information relating to the examination.
Proposed modifications to the Local Plan, arising from the public hearing sessions, were consulted on from 11 January to 22 February 2017:
Previous stage - submission plan
The Update of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for its independent examination on 18 August 2016. All representations made on the Final Draft Plan were considered by the Planning Inspector undertaking the examination.
- MWLP Update - Minerals and Waste Local Plan: submission plan (PDF 13.7MB)
- Proposed modifications to the submission plan (PDF 314KB)
- Final Draft Plan responses with NCC comments (PDF 272KB)
- MWLP Update Submission Statement (PDF 280KB)
- Duty to Co-operate Statement of Compliance (PDF 336KB)
- Local Plan Equalities Impact Assessment (PDF 144KB)
- Statement of Consultation and Engagement (PDF 328KB)
- Soundness and National Planning Policy Framework compliance checklist (PDF 220KB)
- PAS legal compliance checklist (PDF 708KB)
- MWLP Update Examination Document Library List (PDF 596KB)
Previous stage - final draft (proposed submission) plan
The final draft and proposed submission plan was approved for consultation on 10 May 2016. The period for representations continued until 5pm on 21 July 2016.
- Final draft and proposed submission plan for consultation (PDF 13.4MB)
- Habitats Regulations Assessment - Screening Assessment (PDF 328KB)
- Flood Risk Assessment Sequential Test (PDF 6.84 MB)
- Sustainability Appraisal Environmental Report (PDF 967KB)
- Local Aggregates Assessment - 2015 (PDF 2.11MB)
Previous stage - draft plan for consultation
Consultation on the draft plan commenced on 3 December for ten weeks until Thursday 11 February 2016.
- Draft plan for Consultation (PDF 13.4MB)
- Site assessment Methodology (PDF 480MB)
- Technical appendix (PDF 6MB)
- Sustainability appraisal scoping report (PDF 764KB)
- Sustainability appraisal environmental report (PDF 964KB)
- HRA screening final (PDF 308KB)
- MWLP update flood risk sequential test report (PDF 6.81MB)
- SFRA MWLP update (PDF 640KB)
- Form for making representations (Word 53KB)
- Local aggregates assessment - 2014 (PDF 2.32MB)
- Draft local aggregates assessment (November 2015) (PDF 2.06MB)
- Representations on the Draft Plan document and analysis (PDF 961KB)
Previous stage - issues and options consultation
The first key stage in the Local Plan Update was a consultation on Issues and Options. It was focused on issues and options in relation to location for minerals and waste development with discussion on current allocations and potential new ones. Representations on the Issues and Options document were able to be made between Thursday 14 May and 9 July 2015.
- Issues and Options Consultation paper (PDF 3.35MB)
- Issues and Options technical appendix (PDF 2.53MB)
- Habitats regulations screening assessment (PDF 760KB)
- Local aggregates assessment - 2014 (PDF 2.32MB)
- Strategic flood risk assessment (PDF 636KB)
- Sustainability appraisal scoping report (PDF 764KB)
- Representations on the Issues and Options document and analysis (PDF 652KB)
Previous stage - call for sites
The 'call for sites' process was an opportunity for individuals and organisations to suggest sites within Northamptonshire for minerals and waste development. The site suggestions received were used to inform the preparation of the Issues and Options document. The call for sites exercise did not in itself determine whether a site should be allocated for development.
The closing date to register interest was Monday 1 December 2014.
- Waste call for sites letter (PDF 64KB)
- Form for registering a potential waste site (PDF 104KB)
- Mineral call for sites letter (PDF 116KB)
- Form for registering a potential mineral site (PDF 104KB)
Duty to co-operate and the local plan update
The county council as the then minerals and waste planning authority preparing the plan produced a statement setting out how it would undertake the duty to co-operate with other minerals and waste planning authorities in preparing the Local Plan update:
Although the plan has now been adopted the section on Duty to Co-operate on strategic minerals and waste planning matters remains relevant to how the minerals and waste planning authority will continue to address this issue.
Last updated 15 April 2024