Minerals and Waste Monitoring Reports / Local Aggregates Assessments

Minerals and waste planning authorities must prepare an annual monitoring report.

This should include the extent to which policies set out in adopted plans are being implemented and the progress to timetable of any plan that is being updated.

The Monitoring Reports for any particular year is usually published 13 months following the year it relates to.

Waste Needs Assessment

Northamptonshire Local Aggregates Assessments (LAA)

These are prepared annually and assess the demand for and supply of aggregates in the county. LAAs report on the previous calendar year to the year in which they are published.

Annual Aggregate Surveys

Every year the East Midlands Aggregates Working Party (EMAWP), along with AWPs across England and Wales, produce an Annual Survey Report which provides:

  • information and data on the extraction, sales, supply and demand for primary aggregates
  • information on marine and recycled and secondary aggregates

Previous reports can be found on the DLUHC website.

Last updated 15 August 2024