Sexual health
Sexual health is an important part of physical and mental health. It's important to take care of your sexual health and to talk about sex and relationships with your loved ones.
Having good sexual health isn't just about avoiding infections and illnesses - it also means ensuring we protect ourselves and others, both emotionally and physically, and have a respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships.
How we can help
The Northamptonshire Integrated Sexual Health Service offers advice and support to people for all of their sexual health needs including testing for sexually transmitted infections, advice on pregnancy and contraception and access to condoms and complex contraception needs.
For other sexual health needs including simple contraception (repeat hormonal contraception such as pills, patches and rings) cervical screening (smear tests) and erectile dysfunction management please contact your local GP.
Find your nearest sexual health services
Advice for children and young people
ChatHealth will provide confidential advice and support for any health-related issue including sexual health and contraception. The service operates from Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm (except bank holidays).
Anyone aged from 11 to 19 can access the service by texting 07507 329600 - you will get a reply within 24 hours from an NHS School Nurse (young people who have left school can still use this service).
Young people's clinics
Clinics for people under 19 years are available in:
- Northampton - Wednesdays, 3pm to 5pm
- Kettering - Thursdays, 3:30pm to 5:30pm
These are walk-in services and you do not need to book, but if lots of people turn up you may be asked to rebook. You can also attend our clinics by booking an appointment at any time in the week.
Free STI self-testing kit
Don't have symptoms but are worried you might be at risk of an STI? You could be eligible to get a home STI testing kit delivered to you by post.
Find out if you're eligible for an STI kit
Free HIV self-testing kit
Do you live in Northamptonshire and worried you might be at risk of HIV? You could be eligible to get a free HIV self-testing kit delivered to your home by post.
See if you're eligible for a HIV testing kit
Find out more about contraceptive options
Termination services
British Pregnancy Advisory Service is the UK’s leading abortion care service and has been taking care of women for almost 50 years. Their sensitive and highly trained staff will provide unplanned pregnancy advice, help guide you through your options and provide abortion treatment if you choose it.
Find out more about the BPAS Northampton Abortion Clinic.
Telephone 03457 30 40 30 or visit the BPAS website.
Other support available
For honest advice about contraception, STIs and pregnancy you can visit the FPA's Sexwise website.
Call the national Sexual Health Helpline free on 0300 123 7123 from Monday to Friday between 9am and 8pm. Your call will be treated with sensitivity and in strict confidence.
If you have been sexually assaulted please contact Serenity Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) directly on 01604 601713 or you can contact the Integrated Sexual Health Service for further advice. You may wish to report the assault to the police who will work closely with our services.
Last updated 27 February 2023