Our priorities for the future
Our priorities for North Northamptonshire.
1. Active, fulfilled lives
- Greater access to better quality adult social care
- Value and support our carers and volunteers
- Improve the accessibility and use of leisure, culture, art and sport
- Provide enhanced support to improve mental health and wellbeing
- Tackle the causes of complex problems such as poverty and homelessness
2. Better, brighter futures
- Ensure every child has equal access to a high standard of education
- Support partners and the Children’s Trust to provide higher standards of support
- Promote better training, further education and employment opportunities for young people
3. Safe and thriving places
- Strengthen the cultural identity of towns, villages and rural communities
- Help town centres and villages respond to changing trends
- Attract tourism, visitors and inward investment
- Working with local businesses and partners to support the creation of high-quality, better-skilled jobs
- Improve the standard of new and existing homes and ensure housing supply meets demand
- Tackle the causes of difficult issues leading to nuisance, crime and anti-social behaviour
- Maintain our highways infrastructure to keep people moving safely around North Northamptonshire
- Enable people to travel across North Northamptonshire and beyond
4. Green, sustainable environment
- Demonstrate clear leadership on tackling environmental sustainability
- Work with communities and businesses to tackle climate change and improve air quality
- Promote sustainable, active travel
- Embed low carbon technology, sustained and improved green infrastructure, and sustainable forms of transport fit for the future
- Educate, encourage re-use, harmonise our approaches and enforce to keep our environment free from litter
- Protect the countryside and open spaces, and enhance the natural environment and ecology
5. Connected communities
- Inform and listen to our communities, giving them a greater say in their future
- Respect and engage our local diverse communities and town and parish councils
- Empower a thriving voluntary and community sector
6. Modern public services
- Provide good quality and efficient services valued by our customers
- Enhance the services provided at our Community Hubs
- Invest in and value our staff to become an employer of choice
- Use our assets, skills, knowledge and technology most effectively
- Ensure very robust financial and performance management
Last updated 17 December 2021