
Our courses can be booked online or by telephone. It is advisable to enrol as early as possible to avoid the disappointment of the course being filled, or cancelled due to low numbers.

Online enrolment

If you have booked a course with us before 2017, either online or by telephone, you will need to activate your existing account before you can enrol online.

Activate your account

If you haven't booked a course with us before, follow the steps below:

  1. Choose your course
  2. Set up your account
  3. Book a place
  4. Receive a confirmation email

See the YouTube video for further information on how to enrol for a course.

Telephone enrolment

Remember, if your course is not free, please have your card payment details to hand when calling. If you are unable to find the course you are looking for, we may be able to help you find an alternative course, or add you to a waiting list.

Contact our Adult Learning team to enrol. 

After your enrolment

Important information about your course, including equipment or resources you may need for your first session is provided in your Course Information Sheet. This information is available to you when choosing your course and will be emailed or posted to you after you enrol.

Please check that you have received this information before the start of your course. If you have not received your Course Information Sheet please contact our Adult Learning team with the details of your course.

Further information

If you enrol on a course after the course start date, you will be charged the full course fee. There will not be a pro-rata fee. See more details about course fees, refunds and the cancellation policy.

Debit and credit card payments will appear on your statement as www.northnorthants.gov.uk.

Decisions to run classes will be made 3 weeks before the start date.

1. Policy Statement

1.1 The Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service (NALS) wants all learners to achieve and enjoy their course of study. NALS will support learners to achieve their full potential and supports the right of all people to be treated with dignity and respect. NALS is committed to promoting an environment free from all forms of unacceptable behaviour and will take appropriate steps to achieve this.

2. Introduction

2.1 The policy outlines expectations for responsible learner behaviour for learners enrolled on Adult and Community Learning courses and 16 – 19 Study Programme provision.
2.2 The policy will consider the behaviour of enquirers before enrolment if there are any concerns about their suitability for the programme of interest. For example, any inappropriate behaviour exhibited during open days or over the telephone.
2.3 The policy covers both classroom based and online provision.
2.4 The policy covers behaviour outside of classroom activity where it is associated with the service, for example in the near vicinity of the classroom or venue or whilst on work placement. 
2.5 The policy covers behaviour whilst using social media where actions have an impact on the reputation of the service, tutor, teaching within the classroom or wellbeing of other learners or staff members.
2.6 The policy is concerned with any behaviour of a person or persons that could potentially cause harm or threaten to cause harm, either directly or indirectly, to an individual or group of individuals. The policy is designed to safeguard against unacceptable conduct that may negatively impact on a learner's performance and personal development
2.7 Maintaining a safe and secure learning environment is essential. The following are examples of behaviours and actions which are prohibited, and appropriate measures will be taken to prevent them. All behaviour and actions will be dealt with on an individual basis.

  • Bullying, harassment, or victimisation, including via text messages or the internet
  • Physical abuse or threats of violence
  • Verbal, emotional, sexual, financial, psychological abuse, grooming, or other forms of abuse
  • Behaviour intended to humiliate, frighten, distress, denigrate, pester, or ignore individuals or groups of individuals
  • Hostile behaviour or language indicating prejudice based on the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 including but not limited to: disability, gender, race, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation etc.
  • Activities or conduct linked to radicalisation, extremist viewpoints, or possession / distribution of extremist material
  • Use of offensive language, texts, or email
  • Breach of health and safety rules, including unacceptable computer use
  • Malpractice involving work contributing to externally accredited qualifications
  • Attending classes or being on the premises whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Participation in anti-social behaviour such as theft or criminal damage
  • Wilful damage or misuse of property or equipment, including inappropriate use of IT equipment
  • Failure to adhere to no smoking policies including the use of e-cigarettes / vapes

2.8 Any learner who has experienced unacceptable behaviour from another learner or a member of staff should report this immediately to either their tutor or the Curriculum Coordinator via our Adult Learning team. Any member of staff experiencing unacceptable behaviour from a learner should report this immediately to their line manager.
2.9 The policy will be made accessible to learners with disabilities, learning difficulties or mental health issues. Reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure equal understanding and compliance.

3. The Procedure

3.1 Expectations of behaviour are shared with students at the beginning of the programme and reinforced as appropriate. 
3.2 To address unacceptable conduct from an individual pre-enrolment, the staff member must notify the individual that their behaviour is inappropriate. If the conduct persists, the staff member should elevate the matter to a member of the senior management team (SMT)
3.3 Whenever possible, we will handle learner behaviour issues privately, rather than publicly.
3.4 Instances of malpractice relating to work that will contribute to externally accredited qualifications will be investigated and reported in line with the awarding body guidelines and the ALS malpractice policy.
3.5 It is acknowledged that many ALS courses are, by their nature, short and that if learner does not adhere to the code of conduct the course may have finished before they can be called to the kind of meeting described in Stage 1 or Stage 2. However, the purpose of this policy is to ensure guidelines are in place to enable all learners and staff on all courses to be treated with respect. It should be noted that regardless of the length of course the service can move straight to Stage 3 of the process if the unacceptable behaviour is of a serious or persistent nature.

Informal Procedure

3.6 Tutors should discuss minor matters of concern with a learner and agree appropriate action. The tutor must ensure their line manager is kept informed about any informal discussions regarding a learner’s behaviour and this should be logged within the Curriculum Area on SharePoint.

3.7 Removing a learner from the class to report for behaviour intervention may sometimes be necessary but must always be a last resort and will always be followed up with a review of what lead up to the intervention. This should be logged at curriculum level and escalated to the formal procedure if appropriate.

3.8 If a learner has a disability, learning disability, or mental health condition that may impact their understanding of the behaviour policy, it is recommended to request assistance from the Learner Support team.

Formal Procedure

3.9 When a learner declines to engage in an informal discussion, it is important to address the issue promptly. If there are any concerns or repeated instances, the tutor is required to inform their line manager, who will then approve a formal discussion with the learner (stage 1 of process). In such situations, detailed records must be maintained, and the minutes of the meeting should be shared with the learner and any staff members involved.
3.10 When a learner enters the formal section of the behavioural policy, records should be kept of all meetings and stored in the behaviour folder on SharePoint. This folder should be made confidential, with only the Adult Learning Senior Management Team with access and any required administrative support. Where a learner has received a formal warning or exclusion, this should be noted on their record on TERMs. 
3.11 Stage 1
Stage 1 Disciplinary Meetings will be chaired by the Curriculum Coordinator (or nominated representative by the Curriculum Manager). The Performance and Quality Manager should be informed about the process and should agree the meeting attendees. (In the event that the Performance and Quality Manager is not available, the Service Manager or other member of SMT should be informed to approve the process). Where a learner is under the age of 18 the parent / guardian will be informed.
3.12 Stage 2
The disciplinary process will progress to stage 2 if the matter is not resolved at stage 1. Stage 2 Disciplinary Meetings should be chaired by a Curriculum Manager (or nominated representative) that is managing the learner’s main programme of study. The panel must also include another member of the senior management team or nominated representative. The Learner Support Manager should be contacted for support at this stage if the learner has any disabilities, including learning disabilities and mental health condition. Minutes should be taken of the meeting and stored in the confidential behaviour channel on the Adult Learning Team SharePoint. The process for Stage 2 Disciplinaries can be found in Appendix 2. Advance notification of the meeting should be given to all attendees (a minimum of 2 working days). The learner has the right to bring support to the meeting, support must be an adult and be approved by the panel. Where a learner is under the age of 18 the parent/guardian will be invited.
3.13 Stage 3
Stage 3 Disciplinary Meetings will be held by the Performance and Quality Manager and another member of the Senior Management Team (SMT). (Where the Performance and Quality Manager is not available, the Service Manager or other member of the Senior Management Team should chair the meeting.) They will be joined by another member of the management team on the panel and a minute taker. The process for Stage 3 Disciplinaries can be found in Appendix 2. Advance notification of the meeting should be given to all attendees (a minimum of 3 working days). The learner has the right to bring support to the meeting, support must be an adult and be approved by the panel. Where a learner is under the age of 18 the parent / guardian will be invited.
3.14 On occasions that the suggested chair is not available alternative personnel of an equivalent or higher level will be asked to form the panel.
3.15 At each stage of the formal process the outcomes could be one or several of the following:

Stage 1

  • No case to answer
  • Verbal warning
  • Behaviour action plan

Stage 2

  • No case to answer
  • Verbal warning
  • Behaviour action plan
  • Written warning 

Stage 3

  • No case to answer
  • Verbal warning
  • Behaviour action plan
  • Written warning
  • Final written warning
  • Exclusion from the provision for a set period (must be approved by Service Manager)
  • Exclusion for a set period with need for formal approval before re-joining the service (Must be approved by Service Manager)

4. Appeals

4.1 The learner can appeal against the outcome of each stage of the formal procedure. This should be done within five working days of being informed of any decision. Appeals should be addressed to the Service Manager and emailed to the Adult Learning team.
4.2 Learners also have the right to appeal at any stage of the disciplinary procedure using the North Northamptonshire Council complaints procedure.

Appendix 1 - Learner Values

Expectations of standard behaviours are listed below; however, these are not exhaustive. Learners are requested to adhere to these values during course time, within the venue of course provision and where relevant whilst undertaking work experience.
Be Respectful 

  • Respect the rights, individual differences, needs and values of other people.
  • Use behaviour and language which is inclusive and respectful to all.
  • Value and respect the environment and resources, which are there for all learners and staff.
  • Only using mobile phones in sessions for the purpose of learning and when directed by staff.
  • Adhere to the group rules in the class that you attend. 

Be Supportive 

  • Be flexible and work with others collaboratively.
  • Share ideas, provide support, and look for opportunities to help others.
  • Celebrate the successes of others 

Be Focused      

  • Attend your course regularly, be on time and stay to the end of the session. Please let us know if you are unable to attend.
  • Take responsibility for own behaviours, including removing distractions. 
  • Ask for help when needed.
  • Take responsibility for own progress, particularly outside class time.
  • Complete course work, assignments and meet deadlines.
  • Take an active role and participate positively in all sessions and enrichment activities. 

Be Responsible            

  • Ensure that the work you hand in for assessment is your own or let your tutor know anything that is not your own work.
  • Use equipment and resources safely, including IT equipment and follow safety procedures.
  • Tell us about bullying or harassment if it happens to you or other learners.
  • Talk to us if you are concerned about your own safety or the safety of other learners.
  • Tell us if you have a disability that may affect your learning or if you need additional support to help you to achieve.
  • Give feedback to your tutor about your learning and progression.

1. Complaints or comments

If you have a complaint or comment about the standard of service, quality of tuition or any other matter relating to a course, you should in the first instance either telephone our Adult Learning team for advice as to how best to pursue your complaint or comment or email.

Alternatively, if you wish to formally complain this should be in writing to: Customer Feedback, Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service (NALS), FREEPOST NH0078 Customer Service Centre, One Angel Square, Angel Street, Northampton, NN1 1ED.

2. Variation of course details

The published details of each course are the basis on which NALS intends to provide the course at the time of publication. However, if the required number of enrolments (which varies from course to course and area to area) is not achieved, the course will be withdrawn and the course fee refunded. Also, any details shown for a course might have to be changed due to unforeseen circumstances, in which event every effort will be made to inform learners as soon as possible. If any such change is made either before or during a course which causes difficulty, the learner is advised to contact us as soon as possible.

3. How We Use Your Personal Information

Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service (NALS) is a countywide Adult Learning provider offering learning opportunities to residents of North and West Northamptonshire unitary authorities. The service is funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) with lead authority held by North Northamptonshire Council.

For the purposes of relevant data protection legislation, the Department for Education (DfE) is the data controller for personal data processed by the ESFA. Your personal information will be used by the DfE to exercise its functions and to meet its statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 and to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN) and a personal learning record (PLR).

Your information may be used for education, training, employment, and well-being related purposes, including for research. The DfE and the English European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact you to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training.

For further information about the use of and access to your personal data, details of organisations with whom we regularly share data, information about how long we retain your data, and how to change your consent to being contacted, please visit the Gov.UK website

4. Smoking

Please note that all schools and related premises are smoke free environments.

5. Safety first

You must follow regulations made for your safety and that of others. Ties and loose clothing should not be worn in workshops and areas where machinery is in operation. Long hair should be tied back. Students working in workshops and craft areas should discuss with their tutor the need for any necessary protective clothing.

6. Bad weather

In the event of very bad weather, e.g. heavy continuous snow or other dangerous road conditions, classes may be cancelled. We will: inform the local radio, place notices on our website if during office hours, and attempt to inform all learners by phone or email where possible. Replacement classes will be arranged whenever possible.

7. Behaviour code

Behaviour on site and in classes is expected to be of a standard to allow effective learning to take place. Students on site and in classes are expected to ensure that their behaviour/activity does not cause offence, damage or injury to other students, staff or property. Students must follow any regulations or guidance given concerning the use of equipment, smoking arrangements or car parking.

8. What to do if you have a medical condition

If you are worried about participating in a course because you have a medical condition you should consult your General Practitioner. Neither course tutors nor Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service can undertake to advise you as to whether or not any medical condition could be adversely affected as a result of attending a class. Upon request, the course tutor will provide your GP with any information about the course that they require.

9. Examination courses

Learners are advised that if they enrol on an examination course they will have the option to enter or register for the examination or equivalent at the appropriate time.

10. Admission to courses

Admission to any course is at the discretion of Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service. Our courses are available to people aged 19 or over.

For many courses, no previous experience or qualification is required for entry. In some subjects, an assessment of ability will be given and participants will be advised as to the suitability of the course, or as to what they should be learning.

If you want advice on selecting a course please phone the enrolment line.

Courses can be cancelled up to two weeks before the start of a course. Students are advised not to buy materials until the week before a course begins. Late starters will be charged a pro-rata fee only after the third week of the course.

Last updated 15 October 2024