You will find this information useful if you:
- are waiting for an assessment of your social care needs or a carer’s assessment
- are waiting for adult social care services to start after a needs or carer’s assessment.
- are currently receiving care and support and have a change in your needs.
- experience a change in your physical or mental health and want to understand what local support is available
Getting in contact
How to contact our team about a social care needs assessment, safeguarding concerns or carer’s assessment
What to expect
Our process of helping you including a referral, assessment, looking at eligibility and a support plan
How to prepare for needs and carers assessments
Support for your assessment and alternative support available while you're waiting
Advocacy is independent support help someone state their wishes and opinions (or doing this on their behalf)
Paying for help
You may need pay toward the cost of your care. If you are eligible for our services, we will connect you with the team that will complete your financial assessment
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