Preparing for your assessment
Needs assessments
Get ready by thinking about:
- What health conditions do you have and how do they affect you?
- What can you do for yourself?
- Who gives you the support and friendship to help you do the things you want?
- How often do you need support?
- What would you like to be different or better?
- What is stopping you from getting there?
- What living arrangements would help you maximise your wellbeing and independence?
Carers assessments
Get ready by thinking about:
- What activities do you help the person you care for with?
- How many hours a week do you provide care?
- Do you have to provide care and support during the day or night, or both?
- Does the person you care for have any health problems or other issues that you find hard to deal with?
- How does your caring role impact on you and your family?
- Do you have any health problems? If so, are they made worse by your caring role?
- Do you work? If so, for how many hours a week?
- What would make working or caring easier for you?
- What would you most like to change about your situation?
Changes in needs or finances
If there is a change in your social care needs or finances, get in touch with us and we can have another look at your assessment.
Last updated 09 December 2024