What to expect when you contact adult social care

If you are over 18 and need help with your daily life or personal social circumstances, or if you are over 18 and provide regular unpaid care for someone, we will work with you to find out what help and support you need. This may include a social care needs assessment or further discussion on how we best work with and support you. 

For people who are over 18, a needs assessment under the Care Act 2014 can either be to assess your needs for

  • care and support
  • support as a carer

Route through assessment and determination of eligibility under the Care Act 2014:

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1. Referral

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2. Assessment and screening

We'll complete a screening form as part of your assessment

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3. Eligibility

We will carry out an assessment and a Determination of Eligibility form

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4. Support plan

Finally, we will complete a support plan with you

At the screening point, you may also be offered support that does not require an assessment and meets your needs. For example, you may be offered alternative help through voluntary or community organisations.

Determining eligibility under the Care Act:

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1. Presenting needs

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An assessment will look at the presenting needs and identify any other needs to give us the assessed needs

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2. Assessed needs

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Determination of Eligibility

The Determination of Eligibility will look at whether the assessed needs are eligible for our support or not

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3. Eligible and non-eligible needs

Once complete, we will know your eligible and non-eligible needs

Section 13 of the Care Act 2014 and the Care and Support (Eligibility Criteria) Regulations 2015 sets out the national eligibility criteria which must be followed to decide if an individual has needs that are eligible for social care services and/or support. 

If you are regularly helping to look after someone – for example, you’re cleaning regularly, helping them move around indoors or outdoors, or supporting them with their personal needs and you are aged under 18 years old (a young carer) or aged between 16-25 years old (a young adult carer), you can find information on your rights and support available at Carers UK and Carers Trust. You may also be eligible for a Carers Assessment to determine your needs as a carer. 

Information we want

When you contact us, we will listen carefully and ask questions to understand your current situation and what you think you need to be as well and as independent as possible.

We will work with you to understand what is important for you, your hopes and goals, and what help you would need to achieve those.

Last updated 12 December 2024