About the Safeguarding in Education service

If you are worried about the safety or welfare of a child and are satisfied there is no immediate danger, please report it using the Thresholds and Pathways process.

If a child is in immediate danger you should contact the police directly and / or an ambulance using 999.

Who are we

We produce guidance on a range of topics and also procedures and model policies which can be adopted by schools, academies, educational settings and Local Authority services. These can be found on the Education Safeguarding Teams site which is available to Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputy Lead of all local authority maintained schools and academies and independent schools.

To gain access and for further information please email: [email protected]

Safeguarding in Education Team

North Safeguarding in Education Service Manager
Miriam Fagan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07586 279464

Business Support Manager
Sylvia Morton
Email: [email protected]
Telephone and consultation line: 07584 384156

Safeguarding Officer
Sue Wood
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07471 445384

Safeguarding Officer
Lisa Scott
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07385 115743

Last updated 22 May 2024