North Northants Local Access Forum (NNLAF)

Local Access Forums (LAFs) are advisory bodies that provide independent advice on public access to land, for recreational and other functional and utility purposes.​

Local Access Forums have a legal function to give advice to a collection of bodies and organisations including:

  • the appointing authority, including the local highways authority or National Park authority
  • any county, unitary, district or borough council within the area of the LAF
  • any secretary of state (or government department)
  • Natural England
  • The Forestry Commission
  • English Heritage
  • Sport England
  • any parish or town council for any part of the area in which a LAF is established

Our role and responsibilities

The function of the North Northants Local Access Forum (NNLAF) is to advise North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Councils, as appointing authorities for the area, regarding matters affecting public access within the county.

The main remit of the group is to advise the unitary councils, along with other local authorities, on the management of the county's public rights of way. The advice of the group is to ensure the continued improvement and protection of public rights of way in Northamptonshire for the purposes of open-air recreation and the enjoyment of the countryside.

Terms of reference

The Local Access Forum for the District of North Northamptonshire shall be known as The North Northamptonshire Local Access Forum (NNLAF).

Local Access Forums (LAFs) are advisory bodies established by local highway authorities under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (the Act). North Northamptonshire Council is the Appointing Authority for the Forum (herein referred to as ‘the Appointing Authority’).

In 2007 Defra published the Local Access Forums (England) Regulations 2007 (the Regulations). These came into force on 19 March 2007 with additional Guidance from the Secretary of State. Operation of NNLAF will comply with these regulations and any associated guidance or amendments.

1. Purpose

1.1 The primary purpose of NNLAF is to provide advice to a range of organisations specified in the CROW Act 2000 and in supplementary regulations and guidance. Specifically, the NNLAF is in place to: ‘advise as to the improvement of public access to land in the area for the purposes of open-air recreation and the enjoyment of the area, and as to such other matters as may be prescribed.’

2. Role

NNLAF shall:

2.1 Comment on the Appointing Authority’s access strategies with a view to developing additional opportunities for everyone to enjoy the rights of way network, with particular emphasis on encouraging those who might feel excluded, for example people with disabilities.

2.2 Advise the Appointing Authority on the development of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan for the North Northamptonshire local authority area.

2.3 Advise on the promotion of opportunities for the appropriate use and enjoyment of the countryside.

2.4 Advise upon the appropriate management and maintenance of access to land in the North Northamptonshire local authority area to which the public have access for open-air recreation.

2.5 Respond to Natural England on the draft maps of open country and registered common land.

2.6 Respond to consultations by Government Departments and Agencies on Access land, registered common land and other open country.

2.7 NNLAF will set their priorities and forward plan for investigations depending on local issues on an annual basis but will endeavour to respond to consultations and draft policy documents. When making recommendations, NNLAF members will consider land use, as well as the need to conserve flora, fauna, geological and physical features.

2.8 NNLAF will provide advice to prescribed bodies under Section 94 of the Act:

  • The Appointing Authority
  • The Secretary of State (meaning any Government Dept. with Secretary of State)
  • Natural England
  • Forestry Commission
  • English Heritage

Regulation 21 also permits advice to:

  • Sport England (English Sports Council)
  • Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Conservation Boards
  • Parish and Town Councils

2.9 Advice to Bodies under Section 94 of the Act will be one or more of the following:

  • Improvements to Public Access to land (by foot, cycle, horse, or mechanically propelled vehicle that is lawful to status of the land) for purpose of recreation and enjoyment Public Access to land for lawful purposes
  • Public Access to land by mechanically propelled vehicle for Byways to opens to Traffic

2.10 NNLAF advice to Bodies under Section 94 of the Act will be issues with the following preface: ‘This Letter Constitutes formal advice from the North Northamptonshire Local Access Forum. (Insert name of section 94 body) is required in accordance with section 94 (5) of The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, to have regard to the relevant advice from this forum in carrying out its functions.’

3. Responsibilities

3.1 In carrying out its function, the NNLAF will have regard to biodiversity, wildlife management, land management and the needs and interests of landowners, land managers, user groups and the public at large.

3.2 The NNLAF shall consider statutory guidance issued by the Secretary of State whilst operating within the Countryside and Rights of Way Act and regulations made thereafter.

3.3 The NNLAF shall respect local circumstances as well as environmental, social, economic, and educational interests.

4. Membership of the Forum

4.1 The NNLAF shall consist of a minimum of 10 and maximum of 22 members.

4.2 The maximum number of members of the NNLAF who members of the appointing authority may also be is:
a) In the case of the NNLAF consisting of not more than 16 members, two, and 
b) In the case of the NNLAF consisting of at least 17 members, three.

4.3 The Appointing Authority may appoint a new member or members to the NNLAF at any time, provided that the total number of members does not exceed 22 as a result of the appointment. If the number of members of NNLAF falls below ten at any time, the appointing authority must, as soon as reasonably practicable, appoint a new member or members so that the forum consists of at least ten members. Appointments shall be made in accordance with the Regulations.

4.4 Appointment to the NNLAF will be for a period of up to three years but members can be reappointed at the end of their term. Vacancies will be advertised to be filled as soon as possible once they arise. The NNLAF Chair will advise the Appointing Authority of membership vacancies and request recruitment.

4.5 A record of Members’ appointment terms and interests will be recorded and kept up to date on the NNLAF Webpages.

4.6 Individual members will, through consultation, represent a field of interest rather than a particular organisation of which they might also be a member. A reasonable balance of members representing different interests will be maintained.

4.7 Members of NNLAF must not use their position to seek or gain an unfair advantage by pursuing their own interests or issues. Members are there to represent their wider group, i.e. Land management representatives must think beyond their own land holdings and seek to express the views of the land management community.

4.8 Members are expected to take active steps to stay in touch with the community they represent so that they can convey its views to the Forum.

4.9 NNLAF can request the access authority to terminate a member’s appointment if they:

  • without consent fail to attend meetings for a year
  • fail to reflect wider community views
  • act against the interests of the NNLAF; or
  • are rude or abusive to other NNLAF Members or Officers of the Appointing Authority

4.10 Members of the Appointing Authority can be appointed to serve on the Forum, but these members must be clear if they represent ‘public agency’ interests or ‘community’ interests in their responses.

4.11 If Members wish to resign from the NNLAF, they should inform the Secretary, in writing.

5. Chair and Vice Chair

5.1 The Chair and Vice Chair will be drawn from Forum members and be elected by whichever method the Forum decides appropriate. The Chair and Vice Chair will represent different categories of interest. Members of the Appointing Authority will not be eligible for either position.

5.2 The appointment to these posts will be renewed on an annual basis in March, or the closest meeting date thereafter. In the event that either post becomes vacant during the period of appointment, the NNLAF may decide that both posts should be filled afresh. The total period during which a member may be Chair or Vice Chair will not exceed the period of their appointment as a member. This is an annual appointment, Re-election can take place, but for no longer than a two-year block.

5.3 Where neither the Chair nor Vice Chair can attend a meeting, the NNLAF will elect a Chair on a casual basis (i.e. for the duration of that meeting only) from those members present at the meeting.

5.4 The Chair, in consultation with the NNLAF and the secretary will draft the agenda for NNLAF meetings.

6. Meetings of the Forum

6.1 Meetings are to be held at least twice every year. The NNLAF may meet more frequently but shall meet no more than four times every year.

6.2 Meetings shall be deemed to be quorate when not less than third of the current membership is present.

6.3 Members who have a personal interest, whether direct or indirect, in a matter to be discussed by the Forum should disclose that interest at the meeting. A personal interest is defined as one which might affect a member’s wellbeing, financial position, or business, or that of a relative or friend, to a greater extent than that of other council taxpayers, rate payers or other inhabitants of the area. Personal interests will be recorded in the minutes but will not prohibit that member from taking part in the discussion of that item.

6.4 The agenda will be made available to the public no less than three working days prior to a meeting being held.

6.5 Copies of the agenda for each meeting, along with the papers and minutes will be made available on the Appointing Authority’s website for a period of 2 years after the meeting.

6.6 The timing of meetings and the venue should take account of the needs and preferences of NNLAF members and others who may attend the meetings. Where appropriate the NNLAF will vary the location and timing of meetings to enable a larger number and range of people to attend.

6.7 Matters can be put to the vote, but this should be seen as a last resort.

7. Public access to meetings

7.1 The meetings will be open to the public, but people may be excluded if necessary to prevent disorderly conduct or misbehaviour.

7.2 Members of the public may submit questions to the NNLAF. The questions asked by members of the public must be on a subject pertinent to the Terms of Reference of NNLAF. The questions must be submitted to the secretariat at least one working day prior to the NNLAF meeting.

7.3 Members of the public who wish to speak on a particular subject may do so for a maximum of 3 minutes.

7.4 Observers cannot vote on or take part in the decision-making.

7.5 A representative of the Rights of Way section, North Northamptonshire Council, shall attend all meetings as an observer.

8. Secretary

8.1 The Appointing Authority will nominate an officer to act as the interface with the NNLAF and fulfil the responsibilities of a secretary.

8.2 The Secretary will, in conjunction with the Chair, be responsible for the overall administration of the Forum including organising the meetings, drafting the minutes, producing the draft annual report and liaising with neighbouring forums and the appointing authority.

8.3 Secretary Roles and Expectations

8.3.1 Acting as the point of contact for anyone wishing to contact the NNLAF and forwarding information on to the chairperson and / or members as appropriate.

8.3.2 Receiving, prioritising, and processing consultations and requests for advice.

8.3.3 Assisting the chairperson and members in conducting meetings to comply with statutory requirements.

8.3.4 Assisting with production of the forward work programme and annual report.

8.3.5 Ascertaining the appropriate named individual or team to which NNLAF advice should be sent and sending that advice.

8.3.6 The secretary will request feedback at the time of submitting advice to a body to which section 94(4) of the Act applies, and then follow up the request if necessary, so that the results can be reported to the NNLAF.

8.3.7 Liaising with the Appointing Authority regarding financial management of the NNLAF and processing of members expenses.

9. Annual Report

9.1 The NNLAF shall prepare an annual report on its work which the Appointing Authority will make available online.

10. Expenses

10.1 Reasonable expenses associated with the normal work of the Forum may be reimbursed; but only in respect of:

  • travel and subsistence costs; and
  • any expenses of arranging for the care of their children or dependants

10.2 Expenses will be paid at the rates payable to members of the Appointing Authority as set out in the Scheme of Allowances. Mileage claims will be managed by the Secretary.

11. Complaints

11.1 Although NNLAF is an independent advisory body, the Appointing Authority should ensure that NNLAF conducts its business within its statutory remit having regard to the Regulations and Statutory Guidance issued by Government.

11.2 Any complaints about the conduct of the NNLAF or a NNLAF member should be dealt with through the Appointing Authority’s normal complaints procedures.

Membership renewal

The correct administration of the NNLAF means that each member must step down and be re-elected after a maximum of 3 years to keep the group open and fair.

Membership of the NNLAF may be applied for from Northants Highways, whose responsibility it is to ensure there is a reasonable balance in the representation of the interests of public access user groups and landowner and occupier groups.

Members must serve in a personal capacity to represent public interests rather than the views of any particular organisation.

Current membership

Name of memberInterest
Chris Shaw (Chair)Walking
Claire Marshall (Vice Chair)Horse riding
Andrew KnapmanWalking
Bob EntwistleWalking
Fiona RawlingsWalking
John ShenfieldHorse riding
Kathi BarkerAccessibility and Disabled Users
Tony HoyleParish Path Warden
Tony SkirrowOff Road Cycling
Lesley Sambrook-Smith - Representative Northamptonshire County Association of Local Councils (Northants CALC)N/A

Members of the public are usually entitled to attend meetings, however, we are currently looking to welcome new members to the Forum.   

If you are interested in becoming a member of the NNLAF, please contact the Secretary using the details in the further information section below.

Next meeting

Wednesday 12 June, 7:15pm to 8:15pm, Kier Highways Depot, Brixworth, Northamptonshire.

Agendas and meeting minutes

Minutes of meeting of North Northamptonshire Local Access Forum (NNLAF)

At 7:25pm to 8:45pm on June 12, 2024, in Brixworth Depot / Microsoft Teams


  • Chris Shaw (CS)
  • Claire Marshall (CM)
  • Kathryn Barker (KB)
  • Bob Entwistle (BE)
  • Andrew Knapman (AK)
  • Laura Marks (LM)
  • Robert Carroll (RC)
  • Ben Wright (BW)
  • Sarah Cureton (SC)
  • Andy Pettis (AP)
  • Jules Smith (JS)
  • Steve Fowler (SF)
  • David Prior (DP)
  • Lesley Sambrook-Smith (LSS)
  • Graeme Kane (GK)

Elected Members in attendance:

  • Cllr Matthew Binley (Cllr MB)

Apologies for absence:

  • Tony Hoyle
  • Fiona Rawlings
  • Tim Callaway
  • Tony Skirrow
  • George Massington
  • Edith Shah

1.0 Welcome and apologies

CS, Chair, NNLAF, welcomed all to the meeting and offered apologies as listed above.


2.1 Proposal of new secretary

LM: Introduced as the new Customer experience manager for the north. These meetings are now split from the West and there will no longer be a joint meeting. JS to take over as Secretary for NNLAF.

CS and GK welcomed and adopted JS as the new Secretary.

2.2 Minutes of last meeting

CS: The minutes of March meeting were proposed, seconded, and accepted by the meeting

The minutes of March joint meeting were proposed, seconded, and accepted by the meeting.

2.3 Matters arising

Moved to Item 6, point 3, agreed by CS and GK

Action: Note
Date: N/A

3.0 Members Declarations of Interest

CS: There were no declarations of interest to report.

Action: Note
Date: N/A

4.0 Notifications of requests to address the meeting

CS: There were no requests to address the meeting.

Action: Note
Date: N/A

5.0 Items to be addressed

5.1 Terms of Reference

CS: these have now been agreed with NNLAF and NNC Cabinet and are now on the website.

CS: Amendment needed, section 5.2.

Action: Completed 
Date: 21 June 2024

5.2 Active Travel

LCWIPS (Local Cycling Walking Infrastructure Plans)

Included with Agenda as Appendix D

CS: Paraphrased through the update for LCWIP Wellingborough and Rushden

DP: Explained 157 consultation responses are back from the public Kettering and Corby area and a LCWIP draft consultation report is planned for September.

Action: Forum to be updated at next meeting.

5.3 Definitive Map Team

Included with agenda appendix E.

SF: Explained information on spreadsheet and how it is dealt with. SF invited anyone with any specific issues to let him know and he will arrange to discuss those issues. SF briefly explained that there are a number of quite complex issues where an agreement is not forthcoming with landowners.

Action: SF to update at next meeting.
Date: 11 September 2024

5.4 Rights of way report

Included with agenda appendix F.

SC: Explained in depth the procedure of how repairs are prioritised and why they are prioritised on safety.

6.0 Other items requesting updates

6.1 Greenway: Report from Lucy Hawes, Projects Officer

CS: Advised on update, Rushden to Wellingborough and the North Northamptonshire greenway strategy are both going to Council executive in July for adoption. NNC have secured monies for both habitat regulation (HRA) and flood risk assessments (FRA)

HRA to commence October for 2 winter surveys and then follow with 2 summer breeding surveys, which should be completed by August 2026. We will then be in a position to submit a planning application.

Action: Note
Date: N/A

6.2 A14 and A45 Trunk Roads Crossings Update

In TM absence GK reported on the A45 update, he explained there are 2 potential crossing points on the A45, 1 near to Chester House, the other near to Stanwick. Kier and NNC have completed high level feasibility investigations on whether either one of these would be practically possible. These projects have not been fully costed. The estimated cost is anywhere between 3 and 5 million per crossing, costs could also rise due to unexpected issues.

This amount is due to needing an overhead crossing rather than a surface crossing. Realistically the authority hasn’t this kind of money for this project in the near future. GK: explained, priorities and funding can change, but unfortunately at present this project won’t be taken any further until we know if funding will become available.

Action: Note
Date: N/A

6.3 GK: A14

No report on A14

Action: Note
Date: N/A

6.4 GK: A509

Informed the forum that this crossing could be at surface level and therefore would make it considerably cheaper. We currently don’t have any funding in the budget, we would have to rely on external funding, but the likely hood of obtaining external funding for this location is pretty low, despite the local demand. It would not compete with others needing funding on a national scale. I will conclude by saying it is not totally positive news.

Action: Forum to be updated at next meeting. 
Date: 11 September 2024

7.0 NNC / WNC Joint Issues

7.1 Voluntary arrangement / Training of volunteers

RC: advised what Kiers position is on volunteer works, what training would be available, and the training would be essential.

CS express his disappointment that an agreement hasn’t been put in place after this was discussed in January.

BE suggested that WNC are in agreement for volunteers to sign a waiver to allow them to do minimal works such as cutting vegetation around styles and gates and installing way marker disc and requested if NNC would consider the same.

GK: Informed the forum that himself and RC had met to discuss and establish a volunteering arrangement. RC will report back to GK by the end of June. GK will review these options, consider it internally and report back to NNLAF, before the next meeting in September.

GK and CS to meet and discuss these findings, then present findings to the forum.

Action: GK to meet with CS 
Date: Before next meeting

7.2 Rights of way user group meetings

CS: It was agreed that BW is happy to chair the RWUGM (Rights of way user group meetings)

CS: Opened the questions for discussion on whether the RWUGM should be held before or after the NNLAF meetings, also whether the meeting should be held in Wellingborough depot.

BW and CS to discuss future date and future venue.

Action: BW and CS to discuss

7.3 Future NNLAF meetings

CS: open the floor for discussion on whether meetings should be held in the North (Wellingborough) in the future. RC informed the members that the meeting room at Wellingborough is not very big. Cllr MB offered alternative locations that are owned by the local authority. It was agreed by members after a room discussion that NNLAF meetings will remain at Brixworth depot for the time being.

Action: To discuss at a future date.
Date: None at present.

7.4 Rights of Way Action Plan

CS asked GK to update on the action plan, in relevance to where it now sits. GK reported that him and RC have been liaising on this matter since the last meeting and RC will be providing a draft to the authority by the end of June. It was then stated that would give an opportunity to look at what Kier has pulled together for us to review, once that was done GK was happy for that to be shared to the chair and forwarded to the forum.

BE: Highlighted that West Northamptonshire proposed use of S106 monies or community infrastructure levy monies, with the proposal being funded any major improvements to footpath systems where development was taking place. It was then asked if this is something that North Northamptonshire had or wanted to explore. GK assured that North Northamptonshire have already secured developer contributions in a variety of different forms to enhance the networks, roads obviously but also footways, cycle-ways and similar. It was then confirmed by GK that through the planning process if a development is connected to the network or there is an opportunity to enhance what is already there, we certainly do that. BE expressed hope that the action plan may contain some aspirations that could potentially be funded in that way.

GK: Clarified that the action plan is what we know to be happening, and therefore funded. However, suggested the improvement plan can include a fore-mentioned aspirations to ensure that every opportunity to use the planning process is taken, including, bringing funding or improvements to the existing networks or extensions of those networks.

Action: to discuss at next meeting
Date: 11 September 2024


8.1 Stakeholders events

The point was raised by CM and BE that the local access forum can have up to 22 members, however, currently only have 10. To counterpart this Cllr MB suggested moving the meetings around North Northamptonshire to allow for better access. Keeping the website up to date with all current information, as suggested by CM this was agreed by the chair. Stakeholders and RC also raised awareness around library drop-ins in which people come and then feedback into their communities about what is happening and where. It was agreed that the website would be kept up to date, including links that help people find access forums.

It was also assured that local parish councils know when events are taking place, the dates, the locations of these events are yet to be decided.

Action: RC more promotion needed.
Date: Before the next meeting.

8.2 Feedback Waendal Walk

BE: Feedback from Waendal Walk; thanked Kier and stated they were very grateful to Kier for sorting out a temporary bridge and providing marshals. BE stated Waendal Walk NNC to work closer with them and asked who they could work with for route planning

Wellingborough Town council (WTC) advised to send routes to Kier beforehand to eliminate any potential issues. SC: suggested whoever puts the Waendal Walk together could try and contact landowners before the route is planned or organized.

Action: to discuss at next meeting 11 September 2024

8.3 BE: Thanked NNC for the wellbeing walks. It is reported that the NNC wellbeing week went. BE noted he requested the Wellbeing team to promote the Waendal Walk as they should support each other, but this was dismissed by the Wellbeing team which was a surprise.

GK: Thank you for this feedback I will be happy to speak to my counterparts in those areas and have a conversation about that.

8.4 Expenses and mileage

RC: Explained to the forum that they were able to claim for mileage and expenses through claim form, it was agreed that a guidance document would be send out.

Action: JS will facilitate this. 
Date: 30 June 2024

8.5 NNLAF email inbox

JS: Explained about the new and upcoming NNLAF inbox. JS to arrange access to this inbox for NNLAF members.

CS: Declared meeting closed at 8:20pm 
Dates of future meetings 
11 September 2024 
4 December 2024

Agenda: Wednesday 12 June 7:15pm to 8:15pm

Location: Brixworth Depot

1: Welcome and apologies for absence - Chris Shaw

  • Apologies -Tim Callaway (National Highways)


  1. Proposal of new secretary - Chris Shaw
  2. Minutes of last meeting including joint issues - Agreement - All
  3. Matters Arising - All

3: Members' Declarations of Interest – Chris Shaw, NNC

4: Notifications of requests to address the meeting – All

5: Items to address in the meeting


  1. NNLAF - Terms of Reference - Chris Shaw
  2. Active Travel including updates on LCWIPs
    a.  Wellingborough/ Rushden - Chris Shaw
    b.  Corby and Kettering - NNC
  3. Definitive Map
    Report on current outstanding DMMOs - Steve Fowler, NNC
  4. Rights of Way Reports for North Northamptonshire - Sarah Cureton, North Senior, ROW Officer

Other items requesting update

  1. Greenway- Rushden (Ditchford Lane to Wellingborough) - Chris Shaw
  2. A14 and A45 trunk road matters affecting access and feasibility studies of options for crossings - Update - Tim Calloway, National Highways

6: NNC/WNC Joint Issue

  1. Voluntary agreement/training of volunteers update - NNC
  2. Rights of Way user group meetings and future NNLAF meetings - Chris Shaw/Claire Marshall

7: Any other business

  1. Stakeholder events - Rob Carroll, Kier
  2. Feedback, Waendel Walking Weekend 17/18/19 May 2024 - All
  3. Expenses and Mileage - Kier
  4. NNLAF Email Inbox - Ben Wright

8:  Dates of future meetings

  • Wednesday 11 September 2024 - All to note

Minutes of meeting of North Northamptonshire Local Access Forum (NNLAF)

At 6pm to 7:05pm on March 13, 2024, in Brixworth Depot / Microsoft Teams


  • Bob Entwistle (BE)
  • Chris Shaw (CS)
  • Claire Marshall (CM)
  • Tony Skirrow (TS)
  • Kathryn Barker (KB)
  • Tony Hoyle (TH)
  • Andrew Knapman (AK)
  • Andrew Leighton (AL)
  • Yvonne Pogson (YP)
  • Graeme Kane (GK)
  • George Massingham (GM)
  • Daniel Wilde (DW)
  • Tim Callaway (TC) – National Highways

Elected Members in attendance: 

  • Cllr Matt Binley (Cllr MB)

Apologies for absence:

  • Fiona Rawlings

Welcome and Apologies

CS, Chair, NNLAF, welcomed all to the meeting and offered apologies as listed above.

Declarations of Interest – CS

There were no declarations of interest to report.
Action: Note
Date: N/A

Election Of Chair and Vice Chair – CS

BE nominated CS as chair of NNLAF. TS seconded this proposal. Members voted CS as chair. 
BS nominated CM as vice chair KB seconded this proposal. Members voted CM as vice chair. There were no declarations of interest to report.
AL was nominated and accepted as Secretary of NNLAF.

Minutes of Last Meeting - CS

Minutes were agreed as accurate.
Action: Note

1.1 Update on Resources – All

AL advised that the RoW Team in the North is now fully staffed. There have not been any changes last meeting.

1.6 Update on Projects: All

Trunk Road Crossings: TC gave an update on National Highway proposals for Trunk Road crossings. Only one being investigated at present which is A45 at Stanwick. Investigation to be completed by October. Then consideration to be given for future funding. CS enquired whether a footbridge is being considered. TH commented that this could be expensive.

Greenway: CS circulated a plan showing proposed route. This has the support of Natural England, however, there are some legal issues with trees and the western end of Greenway which is delaying progress at this moment. CS added that National Highways see this as a positive as will encourage cyclists not to use the A45, particularly those accessing the ProLogis Distribution Centre and there should be an update by next meeting in June. TC recommended a bid to National Highways by the  NNC Greenway Project Group.

Further information on the Greenway Project.

Active Travel: The report was circulated prior to the meeting. CS provided an overview.

TS enquired whether there were any active travel plans in the East Northants area. GK mentioned feasibility designs for corridor designs. BE asked about LCWips and asked all members to contact the Secretary of their NLAF group about this. CM stated that she has been involved in LCWips in the West and there are lots of opportunities to create sustainable links. TH raised Transition Oundle, and they have a list of current proposals. KB asked if we could ensure that we include disabled users as part of any future consultations which should include LCWips. BE requested that all members of NLAF be informed about and invited to attend workshops in their area.

Definitive Map: GM has talked about a list of DMMOs currently in progress. This list was circulated prior to the meeting. The Issues being dealt with are Desborough airfield. The other DMMOs are mostly old requests which include Corby and Irthlingborough. An assistant has now been recruited.

Standing Orders of Business – All

Nothing to add.

1.7 Reports – All

Copies of reports were circulated prior to the meeting.

AOB – All

Stakeholder Drop-In Events: AL advised that there are fortnightly drop-in events at libraries throughout North Northants from now till end of October. List to be circulated for dates in 2024.

KB to forward details of the Accessibility User Group to AD.

Meeting ended at 7:05pm.

Dates for next meetings

Date: 12 June 2024.  
Time: 6pm to 7pm (West Northamptonshire), 7pm to 7:30pm (shared issues), 7:30pm  to 8:30pm (North Northamptonshire)
Location: The Training Suite, Brixworth Depot.

Date: 11 September 2024.  
Time: 6pm to 7pm (North Northamptonshire), 7pm to 7:30pm (shared issues), 7:30pm to 8:30pm (West Northamptonshire)
Location: The Training Suite, Brixworth Depot.

Date: 4 December 2024  
Time: 6pm to 7pm (West Northamptonshire), 7pm to 7:30pm (shared issues), 7:30pm to 8:30pm (North Northamptonshire)
Location: The Training Suite, Brixworth Depot.

Minutes of meeting of West Northamptonshire and North Northamptonshire Local Access Forums

Joint Issues Meeting

Date of meeting: 13 March 2024

Time: 7:10pm to 7:55pm

Location: Brixworth Depot / Microsoft Teams


Members in attendance:

  • Bob Entwistle (BE)
  • Chris Shaw (CS)
  • Claire Marshall (CM)
  • Tony Skirrow (TS)
  • Kathryn Barker (KB)
  • Tony Hoyle (TH)
  • Andrew Knapman (AK) 

Officers In attendance:

  • Steve Fowler (SF)
  • Angela Davis (AD)
  • Yvonne Pogson (YP)
  • Lesley Sambrook-Smith (LSS)
  • Graeme Kane (NNC)
  • George Massingham (NNC)
  • Tim Callaway (NH)
  • Sarah Clarke (SC)
  • Daniel Wilde (DW)

Elected Members in attendance:

  • Cllr Matt Binley (Cllr MB)

Apologies for absence:

  • Cllr Phil Larratt, Fiona Rawlings

1. Welcome and Apologies

CS welcomed all to the meeting and offered apologies as listed above.

2. Joint Issues

Rights of Way Action Plan

GK confirmed the Plan is being produced. This is agreed each year with Kier. It is likely to focus on maintenance. GK doesn’t anticipate any large projects to be part of the plan.

Input form NLAF would be welcome, budget constraints may mean projects cannot be considered. Some larger projects are planned / designed in one year and then undertaken / built in the next.

NH confirmed West position is similar to North.

BE could Section 106 monies be looked at? GK confirmed this happens as a matter of course.

Action: Chairs to consider how aims of PROWIP might be progressed e.g., potential LAF input into larger development projects and how any section 106 monies could be best spent to improve the rights of way network.

Date: 12 June 2024

Parish Path Wardens

AD couldn’t offer any update.

Action: AD

Date: 31 March 2024

Websites and Interactive Mapping

WNALF and NNLAF Terms of Reference on each Councils website require amendments. NH confirmed WNC Cabinet met on 12 March 2024, LAF was established, and ToR sent to Jacqui Williams.

Action: AD

Date: 31 March 2024

Rights of Way Users Group Meetings

Meetings were held on 30 January 2024. It was felt the split worked well, with Ollie Sibley and Ben Wright (Delivery Managers) Chairing.

AD suggested the Rights of Way Users Group meetings should be held after the NLAF meetings; this was agreed by members.

Action: AD

Date: 31 March 2024

Street Doctor

Defects or problems on the network must be reported via Street Doctor in the first instance.

NH confirmed that there will be two systems from April 2024: one for NNC and one for WNC.

AD advised that photographs are really helpful when investigating RoW complaints, as is including a W3W reference.

GM will produce a list of any routes which cross the WNC / NNC boundary for Members reference.

Action: GM

Date: 12 June 2024

Training of Volunteers

BE mentioned volunteer litter pickers work on behalf of the Councils.

TS offered a contact for volunteers working in Country Parks: Paul Hackett.

BE reported there was a positive online meeting with both authorities on 12 January at which they agreed to follow up with a simple agreement that would enable ramblers, footpath wardens and other volunteers to carry out simple tasks on the Rights of Way network on behalf of the Councils. It is increasingly urgent for action to be taken on this.

Action: NH and GK

Date: 12 June 2024

3. AOB

TS shared information about a consultation re E Bikes.

Action: Note

Date:  N/A

Meeting ended 7:55pm

Dates of Future Meetings

Date: 12 June 2024.  
Time: 6pm to 7pm (West Northamptonshire), 7pm to 7:30pm (shared issues), 7:30pm to 8:30pm (North Northamptonshire)
Location: The Training Suite, Brixworth Depot.

Date: 11 September 2024.  
Time: 6pm to 7pm (North Northamptonshire), 7pm to 7:30pm (shared issues), 7:30pm to 8:30pm (West Northamptonshire)
Location: The Training Suite, Brixworth Depot.

Date: 4 December 2024  
Time: 6pm to 7pm (West Northamptonshire), 7pm to 7:30pm (shared issues), 7:30pm to 8:30pm (North Northamptonshire)
Location: The Training Suite, Brixworth Depot.

Agenda: Wednesday 13 December 7:30pm to 8:30pm

Location: Brixworth Depot

1: Welcome and Apologies

  • Welcome and Introductions for new members

2: Declaration of Interests – All

3: Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – All

4: Update on resources – Row, Amenities etc.

5: Future of the NNLAF

  • Dates of future meetings
  • Location of future meetings

6: Update on Projects

  • Trunk Road Crossings (TC)
  • The Greenway
  • Active Travel
  • Definitive Map (SF)
  • Report on current outstanding DMMOs
  • Review of draft ToR

7: Area Reports

  • North Northamptonshire
  • Active Travel

8: Any Other Business

  • Stakeholder Drop-In Events

9:  Dates of future meetings

  • 2024 meetings to be scheduled (as above)

Local Access Forum – Joint Issues

Agenda: Wednesday 13 December 7:00pm to 7:30pm

Location: Brixworth Depot

1: Welcome and Apologies

  • Welcome and Introductions for new members

2: Joint Issues to be discussed

  • Rights of Way Action Plan 2024 / 25
  • Parish Path Wardens
  • Websites and Interactive Mapping
  • RoW Users Group meetings
  • StreetDoctor
  • Training of Volunteers

3: AOB

Draft Meeting Minutes

Agenda: Tuesday 30 May, 6pm to 8:30pm

Location: Brixworth Depot

1: Welcome and Apologies

  • welcome and introductions for new members

2: Declaration of Interests

3: Update on resources – Row, Amenities etc.

4: Update on Projects

  • Trunk Road Crossings (TC)
  • The Greenway
  • Active Travel
  • Don’t Lose Your Way (SF)
  • Definitive Map (SF)
  • report on current outstanding DMMOs
  • NNC Websites, Interactive Mapping etc.

5: Issues

  • RoWIP action plan(s) – implementation and update
  • parish path wardens (JW)
  • websites and interactive mapping
  • liaison meetings with The Ramblers (JW)
  • StreetDoctor (AL)
  • maintenance of cycleways and unadopted cycleways (AL)
  • training of volunteers (AL)

6: Standing orders of business

  • review of ROW issues, diversion / modifications (TRO) recommendations
  • forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
  • membership issues (mileage / governance)

7: Area reports

  • North Northamptonshire

8: Any other business

9: Dates of future meetings

  • to be decided

Meeting Minutes

Agenda: Thursday 9 February, 7:30pm to 8:30pm

Location: Brixworth Depot

1: Welcome and Apologies

  • welcome and Introductions for new members

2: Declaration of Interests

3: Election of Chair and Vice Chair

  • nominations to be forwarded to the NLAF Secretary prior to the meeting

4: Update on resources – Row, Amenities etc.

5: Update on Projects

  • Trunk Road Crossings (TC)
  • The Greenway
  • Active Travel
  • Don’t Lose Your Way (SF)
  • Definitive Map (SF)
  • report on current outstanding DMMOs
  • NNC Websites, Interactive Mapping etc.
  • Chester Farm Bridges

6: Issues

  • RoWIP action plan(s) – implementation and update
  • parish path wardens (JW)
  • websites and interactive mapping
  • liaison meetings with The Ramblers (JW)
  • StreetDoctor (AL)
  • maintenance of cycleways and unadopted cycleways (AL)
  • training of volunteers (AL)

7: Standing orders of business

  • review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
  • forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
  • membership issues (mileage / governance)

8: Area reports

  • North Northamptonshire

9: Any other business

10: Dates of future meetings

  • to be decided

Combined agenda: Thursday 9 February, 7pm to 7:30pm

Location: Brixworth Depot

1: Update on LAFs and Contract Overview – Andrew Leighton

2: Review of the minutes of last meeting

3: Terms of Reference

  • review of West Northants Terms of Reference
  • review of North Northants Terms of Reference

4: Volunteer Activities on the RoW Network

  • list of appropriate tasks
  • training
  • risk assessment
  • provision of equipment (PUWER)
  • appropriate supervision
  • lone working arrangements

Meeting Minutes

Agenda: Tuesday 29 November, 5pm to 7pm

1: Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle

  • Welcome and Introductions for new members

2: Declaration of Interests

3: Election of Chair and Vice Chair

  • Nominations to be forwarded to the NLAF Secretary prior to the meeting.

4. Update on NLAF and Contract Overview – Andrew Leighton, James Docherty, Graeme Kane

  • Future of the NLAF Forum – Bob Entwistle
  • Details of Operational Changes (to include maps, organisational charts, etc).

5: Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – Bob Entwistle

6. Update on Projects:

  • Safe crossings on the A43 and other Trunk Roads (TC)
  • The Greenway
  • Chester House Bridges (official opening Friday 25th November)
  • Don’t Lose Your Way (SF)
  • Upton Country Park Accessibility
  • Definitive Map (SF)
  • Report on current outstanding DMMOs
  • Procedure for upgrading a footpath to a bridleway
  • WNC / NNC Websites, Interactive Mapping etc. (JD)
  • Surface of Drovers Road, Hunsbury 

7: Issues

  • RoWIP Action Plan(s) – Implementation and Update
  • Parish Path Wardens (JW)
  • Websites and Interactive Mapping (JD)
  • Liaison meetings with The Ramblers (JW)
  • StreetDoctor (AL)
  • Maintenance of Cycleways and unadopted Cycleways (AL)
  • Training of Volunteers

8. Standing Orders of Business

  • Review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
  • Forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
  • Membership issues (mileage / governance)

9. Area Reports

  • West Northamptonshire and North Northamptonshire
  • Active Travel – to include information on how Active Travel intersects with National Highways

10. Any Other Business

11. Dates of future meetings

  • To be decided.

Meeting Minutes

Agenda: Thursday 25 August, 1900 – 2100hrs

1: Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle

  • Welcome and Introductions for new members

2: Declaration of Interests

3. Update on NLAF and Contract Overview – Leon Jolly, James Docherty, Graeme Kane

  • Future of the NLAF Forum – Bob Entwistle

4: Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – Bob Entwistle

Matters arising

5. Update on Projects

  • Safe crossings on the A43 and other Trunk Roads (TC)
  • The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges
  • Don’t Lose Your Way (Steve Fowler)
  • Site Visits (Rob Carroll)
  • Upton Country Park Accessibility (Leon Jolly)
  • Definitive Map (Steve Fowler)
  • WNC / NNC Websites, Interactive Mapping etc. (James Docherty)
  • Brixworth Churchyard Kissing Gate (Leon Jolly)

6: Issues

  • RoWIP Action Plan(s) – Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
  • Parish Path Wardens
    • PPW Teams Page
  • Websites and Interactive Mapping
  • Links to Websites
  • Liaison meetings with The Ramblers
  • StreetDoctor / Fix My Street
  • Maintenance of Cycleways

7. Standing Orders of Business

  • Review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
  • Forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
  • Membership issues (mileage / governance)

8. Area Reports

  • Areas 1, 2 and 3
  • Active Travel

9. Any Other Business

10.  Dates of future meetings:

  • Thursday 6 October
  • Tuesday 29 November

Meeting Minutes

Agenda: Wednesday 20 April, 1900 – 2100hrs

1: Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle

  • Welcome and Introductions for new members

2: Declaration of Interests

3: Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – Bob Entwistle

  • Matters arising

4. Update on Projects:

  • Safe crossings on the A43 and other Trunk Roads (TC)
  • The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges
  • Don’t Lose Your Way
  • Site Visits (Rob Carroll)
    • Upton Country Park Accessibility
  • Definitive Map (Steve Fowler)
  • WNC / NNC Websites, Interactive Mapping etc. (James Docherty)

5: Presentation on Local Issues:

  • Highways Contract Procurement -  Leon Jolly and client officers
    • Future of NLAF
  • RoWIP Action Plan – Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
  • Parish Path Wardens
    • Induction: March 2022
    • PPW Teams Page
  • Websites and Interactive Mapping
  • Links to Websites
  • Liaison meetings with The Ramblers
  • StreetDoctor / Fix My Street

6. Standing Orders of Business

  • Review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
  • Forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
  • Membership issues (mileage / governance)

7. Area Reports

  • Areas 1, 2 and 3
  • Active Travel
  • Greenway

8. Any Other Business

  • Access issues:  Upton Country Park and West Hunsbury (KB)

9.  Dates of future meetings

  • Thursday 25 August
  • Thursday 6 October

Meeting minutes

Agenda: Tuesday 18 January, 1900 – 2100hrs

1.  Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle

  • Welcome and Introductions for new members

2. Declaration of Interests

3. Elections – Chair and Vice Chair

2. Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – Bob Entwistle

  • Matters arising

3. Update on Projects:

  • The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges update
  • Lost Ways update
  • Isham Bypass
  • Site Visits (Rob Carroll)

4. Presentation on Local Issues:

  • Highways Contract Procurement -  Leon Jolly and client officers
    • Future of NLAF
  • RoWIP Action Plan – Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
  • Parish Path Wardens
    • Induction: January 2022
  • Budget 2022/23: Leon Jolly
  • Liaison meetings with The Ramblers
  • StreetDoctor / Fix My Street

5. Standing Orders of Business

  • Review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
  • Forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
  • Membership issues (mileage / governance)

6. Area Reports

  • Areas 1, 2 and 3
  • Active Travel

7. Any Other Business

  • Access issues:  Upton Country Park and West Hunsbury (KB)
  • Protected Characteristics Working Group

8.  Dates of future meetings

  • To be discussed and confirmed

Agenda: Thursday 16 December 2021, 7pm to 9pm

1: Welcome and apologies - Bob Entwistle

  • welcome and introductions for new members

2: Declaration of interests

3: Elections - Chair and Vice Chair

4: Review of minutes of last meeting - Bob Entwistle

  • matters arising

5: Update on projects:

  • The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges update
  • lost ways update
  • Isham Bypass
  • site visits (Rob Carroll)

6: Presentation on local issues:

  • highways contract procurement - Leon Jolly & client officers
  • future of NLAF
  • RoWIP Action Plan – Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
  • Parish Path Wardens
  • induction: January 2022
  • budget 2022/23: Leon Jolly
  • liaison meetings with The Ramblers
  • Street Doctor / Fix My Street

7: Standing orders of business:

  • review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
  • forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and 
  • opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
  • membership issues (mileage / governance)

8: Area reports:

  • areas 1, 2 and 3
  • active travel

9: Any other business

10: Dates of future meetings:

  • Tuesday 15 February 2022
  • Wednesday 17 May 2022
  • Thursday 6 October 2022
  • Wednesday 14 December 2022

Meeting minutes

Agenda: Thursday 23 September 2021, 7pm to 9pm

1: Welcome and apologies - Bob Entwistle

  • welcome and introductions for new members

2: Review of minutes of last meeting - Bob Entwistle

  • matters arising

3: Presentation on local issues:

  • transition to unitary status (including procurement of contracts)
  • update: Leon Jolly & client officers
  • RoWIP action plan - implementation and update: Leon Jolly
  • Parish Path Wardens
  • budget 2021/22: Leon Jolly
  • liaison meetings with The Ramblers
  • potential closure of byways in county

4: Update on projects:

  • The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges update
  • lost ways update
  • slow ways update
  • proposed government changes to the planning system

5: Standing orders of business:

  • review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
  • forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
  • membership issues (mileage / governance)

6: Area reports:

  • Areas 1, 2 and 3
  • active travel

7: Any other business

8: Dates of future meetings:

  • Thursday 16 December
  • To be confirmed

Meeting minutes

Agenda: Thursday 27 May 2021, 7pm to 9pm

1: Welcome and apologies - Bob Entwistle

  • welcome and introductions for new members

2: Review of minutes of last meeting - Bob Entwistle

3: Presentation on local issues:

  • transition to unitary status (including procurement of contracts)
  • update: Leon Jolly & client officers
  • future of the LAF including representation of NNC and WNC at meetings: All
  • Parish Asset / Structure List: Leon Jolly
  • RoWIP action plan - Implementation and update: Leon Jolly
  • Parish Path Wardens
  • budget 2021/22: Leon Jolly
  • liaison meetings with The Ramblers

4: Update on projects:

  • The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges update
  • lost ways update
  • slow ways update
  • proposed government changes to the planning system

5: Matters arising

6: Standing orders of business:

  • review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
  • forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
  • membership issues (mileage / governance)

7: Area reports:

  • structures
  • Areas 1, 2 and 3
  • active travel

8: Any other business

9: Dates of future meeting

Meeting minutes

Agenda: Thursday 18 February 2021

1: Welcome and apologies - Bob Entwistle

  • welcome and introductions for new members

2: Election / Appointment of Vice Chair – Leon Jolly

3: Presentation on local issues:

  • transition to unitary status - update: Leon Jolly
  • future of the LAF: All
  • Parish asset / structure list: Leon Jolly
  • RoWIP action plan - implementation and update: Leon Jolly
  • budget 2021/22: Leon Jolly

4: Update on projects:

  • The Greenway and Chester Farm bridges update
  • lost ways update
  • government changes to the planning system
  • Northampton Local Cycling and Walking Plan

5: Matters arising

6: Standing orders of business:

  • review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
  • forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
  • membership issues (mileage / governance)

7: Area reports:

  • structures
  • areas 1, 2 and 3

8: Forward plan:

  • dates of future NLAF meetings
  • review of the NLAF webpage

9: Any other business

If you require a copy of the minutes or agendas for the years 2014 to 2020 please email [email protected].

Further information

For all enquiries please email, Secretary for NNLAF, [email protected].

Natural England supports and co-ordinates the work of Local Access Forums at a regional level across the country. Further information and guidance is available on the Government website:

Last updated 03 July 2024