Local Development Scheme 2023 to 2026
The Local Development Scheme (LDS) programmed the publication of a Draft Local Plan for consultation (Reg 18) for June 2024. Unfortunately there will be some slippage to the timetable. The Planning Policy team is however working hard to maintain progress, moving towards consulting on a Draft Plan.
In the meantime, additional resources are being brought in with the recruitment of staff to support the challenging programme of projects, and a revised LDS will be published in the Autumn.
Further details of the North Northamptonshire Local Plan Review can be found in the ‘Agenda Reports Pack’ for the Planning Communities Executive Advisory Panel (EAP) of Wednesday 17 July 2024 from page 7.
Adoption version at Executive 16 November 2023
1 Introduction
1.1 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) requires local planning authorities to prepare, maintain and publish a Local Development Scheme (LDS). The purpose of the LDS is to enable the local community to identify the timetable for the preparation of planning documents prepared in their area. This will be the second LDS prepared by North Northamptonshire Council, the first was adopted in March 2022.
1.2 This LDS covers a 3-year period and sets out details of the Development Plan Documents (DPDs) that North Northamptonshire Council intends to produce, and the timetable for their production. It also includes an assessment of the roles and responsibilities of those involved in their production; a reflection on the relationship with Neighbourhood Plans and other documents; and an assessment of risks and contingencies as part of the programme to adoption.
1.3 The LDS will be kept up-to-date on the Council’s website to allow local communities and other interested parties to keep track of the Council’s progress, aware of critical phases of plan preparation, and alert to when the key stages will occur.
2 North Northamptonshire Development Framework – current position
2.1 The North Northamptonshire Development Framework currently comprises the following:
Development Plan documents
- North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (JCS) (Part 1 Local Plan) - adopted July 2016
- Part 2 Plan for the Borough Council of Wellingborough - adopted February 2019
- Part 2 Local Plan for Corby - adopted September 2021
- Site Specific Part 2 Local Plan for Kettering Borough - adopted December 2021
- Kettering Town Centre Area Action Plan - adopted July 2011
- Rural North, Oundle and Thrapston Plan - adopted July 2011
- Northamptonshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Update – adopted July 2017
- Saved Policies from the East Northamptonshire District Local Plan – adopted 1996 – November 2015 (to be replaced by the East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2)
- Northamptonshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Update - adopted July 2017
Other Development Framework documents
- North Northamptonshire Statement of Community Involvement - adopted 28 July 2022
- North Northamptonshire Annual Monitoring Report - published annually
- Other local plan specific Annual Monitoring Reports for Development Plan Documents - published annually
- North Northamptonshire Local Development Scheme (this document)
2.2 The preparation of new documents will bring with it the need to review and update the content of this LDS, however, changes to the content of documents or minor alterations to supporting mechanisms will not necessarily demand a review.
Related strategies
2.3 The Council’s Corporate Plan approved by Full Council on 1 December 2021 will influence Local Plans prepared by the Council alongside any other relevant documents.
3 Development Plan Documents - Future Position
North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy
3.1 The North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (JCS) was adopted in July 2016 and will cover the period 2011 to 2031. It was prepared by the North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit and adopted by the North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Committee. The JCS is the strategic Part 1 Local Plan for the area, providing strategic allocations and the strategic direction for development across the North Northamptonshire area.
3.2 The Joint Core Strategy will be reviewed / updated through the preparation of what will be called the North Northamptonshire Local Plan. The Plan will address strategic matters which will, as a minimum, meet the requirement set out in the National Planning Policy Framework, to have a plan that addresses the strategic priorities for the area and some non-strategic matters that are set out in Part 2 Local Plans. This will allow for harmonisation and rationalisation of policy approaches and the opportunity to address any policy gaps that may exist. It is proposed that the statutory plan period should be 2021-2041, with a longer-term vision for achieving sustainable growth set out beyond this period.
East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2
3.2 The East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2 is a legacy document in its final stages of preparation, planned for adoption by North Northamptonshire Council. All the Part 2 Local Plans are intrinsically linked with the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy, to read as one Local Plan.
3.3 The Part 2 Local Plan for East Northamptonshire was Submitted to the Secretary of State in March 2021. The Examination hearing sessions were held in April to May 2022 and following receipt of the Inspector’s report the plan is expected to be adopted in December 2023.
North Northamptonshire Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan
3.4 The North Northamptonshire Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan will set planning policies and site allocations to meet the identified needs for Gypsy and Travellers and ensure high standards of design, development and living conditions. A Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) for North Northamptonshire was published in March 2019. Specialist consultants have been appointed to update the GTAA and to prepare a Pitch Deliverability Assessment which will identify options for meeting provision, this could include existing site extensions, site intensifications, potential enforcement of sites occupied by non-travellers, and new site provision.
3.5 Public consultation on the Scope and Options and associated Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report took place between 5 April and 31 May 2023. The projected timescale for the North Northamptonshire Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan proposes consultation on a Draft Plan in March / April 2024.
Other Development Plan documents
3.6 Once an approach has been developed for how the Council should progress in preparing the North Northamptonshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan, and any other Development Planning Documents, then a review of this LDS will be undertaken.
Neighbourhood Plans
3.7 The Localism Act 2011 introduced rights and powers to enable communities to get directly involved in planning for their area. Neighbourhood planning allows communities to come together through a parish council or formal neighbourhood forum and produce a neighbourhood plan. Neighbourhoods can decide what they want to consider in their neighbourhood plans. They may allocate land for development or influence the type and design of development that comes forward. Neighbourhood plans must however be in general conformity with National Policy and the strategic planning policies already adopted by the Council. They should not promote less development than that set out in the Local Plan or undermine its strategic policies. They are also subject to an independent Examination and need to be approved by a majority vote in a local Referendum, before they can be Made (adopted).
3.8 North Northamptonshire Council has a large number of “made” neighbourhood plans within its area, and a significant number of plans at various stages in their preparation. The Council will continue to support Neighbourhood Plan Groups in the preparation of their Plans.
3.9 Any further “made” Neighbourhood Plans will also form a part of the Development Plan and will be used to assess and determine planning applications within the Plan’s designated area.
4 Other documents
Statement of Community Involvement
4.1 The North Northamptonshire Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), adopted on 28 July 2022 was the first to be adopted by North Northamptonshire Council. It sets out the programme of community engagement in the preparation of local planning documents, minerals and waste matters and in considering planning applications for the area. It also sets out how the community can become involved in influencing Local Plans and planning applications ranging from minor development proposals such as house extensions, to major housing, employment and retail schemes, and to minerals and waste plans and applications.
Community Infrastructure Levy and Planning Obligations
4.2 The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a standard pre-set charge which local planning authorities are empowered, but not required, to charge on all new developments over a minimum size. However, planning obligations through S106 Agreements remain a key means for ensuring that developments pay for infrastructure to make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms. None of the previous sovereign authorities prepared a CIL levy for their areas. The Government has resolved to remove pooling restrictions previously imposed limiting 5 planning obligations towards a single piece of infrastructure. Further guidance on these topic areas was published by the Government on 2 September 2019, and further reforms to CIL through an Infrastructure Levy were consulted on between March and June 2023. The Council will continue to monitor the situation regarding implementation of the Infrastructure Levy before determining any further actions necessary.
Supplementary Planning Documents
4.3 Supplementary Planning Documents are not required to be identified in the Local Development Scheme. It is however worth noting that a number of Supplementary Planning Documents have been adopted on a former area-wide basis, largely by the former sovereign authorities.
North Northamptonshire Council Monitoring Report
4.4 A North Northamptonshire Council Monitoring Report to measure progress made in delivering the policies contained within the Joint Core Strategy will continue to be published. Monitoring reports previously published by the former sovereign authorities on their various Development Plan Documents will continue to be reported annually. These reports all measure the effectiveness of adopted policies within specific Development Plan Document.
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal
4.5 Achieving sustainable development is at the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and planning system in general. Development Plans must be in general conformity with the NNPF. Therefore, the proposed Development Plan Documents will have to be subject to a Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating a Strategic Environmental Assessment). This will ensure that the social, economic and environmental effects of policies and allocations are understood, and fully taken into consideration. This is particularly important in the appraisal of reasonable options.
4.6 Development Plan Documents must also comply with the requirements of the European Community’s Habitats Regulations on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Directive 92/43/EEC, May 1992). An Appropriate Assessment will be prepared for each Development Plan Document, and along with the Sustainability Appraisal, will be subject to testing at the Examination into the Plans.
5 Delivery and implementation
5.1 In preparing the Development Plan Documents, the Council’s Planning Policy Team will lead in the production of each of the documents, with contributions from other service areas within the Council as and when required. It also recognises the need to use consultant expertise to assist in producing various elements of the technical background work. The service receives an annual budget to contribute to the costs of preparing the Development Plan Documents, it has also carried forward from previous years a Planning Reserve, which it draws from to cover the high costs necessary at specific periods of the plan-making cycle, in particular the costs incurred at Examination.
5.2 Following the formation of the new authority, a strategy of service transformation is being carried out, including within the Growth and Regeneration service area, in which the Planning Policy function sits. This LDS will be a reference point when considering how the service area is structured.
5.3 The Planning Policy team will continue to work with its partners on issues of delivery and implementation, including continued discussions with infrastructure delivery partners, developers, and seeking funding support from government bodies e.g. Department for Transport and Homes England.
Risk assessment
5.4 Production of the Development Plan Documents requires consideration of the potential risks involved in their preparation. In preparing this LDS, it was found that the main areas of risk relate to the following aspects:
- Staff turnover, retention and service restructure - The Council officers will continue to work flexibly within the teams to ensure that resources are directed to areas where the greatest priorities require them. Plan preparation is a priority within the work programme. This will help to ensure that any loss of staff whilst positions are filled do not have a significant impact on timetables, although the service is currently carrying significant vacancies, which is adding pressure and limiting flexibility to respond. Service restructure can be positive in resetting the focus of work priorities, but it is recognised it can also be unsettling for staff. It should also be recognised there is a shortage of qualified experienced town planners in the marketplace.
- Access to support services - The Council recognises the benefits of making all relevant information on the making of Plans available on its website. Ensuring documents are available to blind or partially sighted members of the community is accepted. Officers are seeking to ensure that all documents are available to view for all sectors of the community, without compromising legislation on accessible documents. In addition, the use of technology, including digital mapping (GIS) is of significant benefit to the sharing of information, efforts will be made to ensure sufficient resource is made available to optimise this as a tool.
- Duty to Cooperate - The Council will engage with other authorities and organisations to ensure it satisfies the Duty to Cooperate and prepares a Statement of Common Ground.
- Budget pressures - The Council has identified a requirement to make quite significant efficiency savings over the coming years. It is reviewing how those savings can best be achieved, and the service maintained or improved. The Planning Policy function is expected to contribute towards these savings. Helpfully, the budget is regularly monitored to plan and project for any efficiency opportunities and potential unexpected additional costs likely to be incurred in producing the Development Plan Documents.
- Capacity of the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) - Advanced notification of timetables will be provided to the Planning Inspectorate to assist them in ensuring a suitable Inspector is available.
- Developing the Plans at Planning Communities Executive Advisory Panel, and through Executive - Officers work closely with all Members, but in particular the Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration. Effort is made to inform progress in preparing the Development Plan Documents, and that access to all the background information necessary to develop an understanding and foster a spirit of ownership of the content of the Plans is made readily available.
- Soundness of the Plans - The Council will seek to minimise any risk to the assessment of “soundness” by providing a clear evidence base, informing The Planning Inspectorate of the on-going process and working alongside the Council’s designated planning solicitor throughout the process.
- Legal Challenge - As above, and in addition as each Plan develops the Council will work closely with its designated planning solicitor to reduce the risk of a successful legal challenge. This is likely to require specialist legal advice.
- Programme Slippage - The timetables set are considered challenging but also achievable. To seek to reduce the risk of slippage, the programme will be regularly monitored, and contingencies explored to keep the timetables on track. There will be the potential for slippage caused by factors out of the Council’s control, but efforts will always be made to keep any slippage to an absolute minimum.
- Planning Reform - Clarity over the final set of planning reforms and other legislative changes remain unclear, as does the timing and transitional arrangements. As such, officers will continue to monitor proposed reforms and respond to consultations when published. Officers will forecast these changes to ensure the Council is prepared, and in the best position possible when changes are confirmed.
Monitoring and review
5.5 The North Northamptonshire Annual Monitoring Report will monitor the progress of the LDS on an annual basis, reporting by December each year. An annual monitoring report will be prepared to report on the delivery of policies for each of the Development Plan Documents once each document is adopted.
5.6 The LDS will be reviewed within a minimum of 3 years from the adoption of this document.
Schedule of proposed Development Plan Documents to be prepared and agreed by North Northamptonshire Council
Document title | Status | Responsible authority | Brief description | Chain of conformity | Early stakeholder and community involvement | Consultation on Publication Plan | Date for submission to Secretary of State | Proposed date for adoption |
North Northamptonshire Local Plan | DPD | NNC | Policy framework providing the strategic direction and strategic allocations for North Northamptonshire | To conform with National Policy | Issues and Scope March to May 2022 Draft June to July 2024 | January to February 2025 | April 2025 | September 2026 |
East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2 | DPD | NNC | Policy framework containing land allocations and site-specific proposals for the former East Northamptonshire Council area | To conform with the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy | January to March 2017 | February to March 2021 | March 2021 | December 2023 |
North Northamptonshire Gypsy and Traveller Local Policy | DPD | NNC | Planning policies and site allocations to meet the identified needs for Gypsy and Travellers and ensure high standards of design, development and living conditions | To conform with the National Policy | Early engagement April to May 2023 Draft March to April 2024 | November to December 2024 | February 2025 | March 2026 |
North Northamptonshire Council Policies Maps | DPD | NNC | Illustration of policies and proposals on ordnance survey base | To conform with all DPD documents | Continuously updated | Continuously updated | Continuously updated | Continuously updated |
North Northamptonshire Local Plan
Document details | Role and subject The North Northamptonshire Local Plan will provide the strategic framework for development and make allocations for the area. It will provide the strategy for development for the period 2021-2041, with the spatial vision for achieving sustainable growth extending beyond this. Geographical coverage The administrative unitary area of North Northamptonshire Status Development Plan Document Chain of conformity National Policy |
Timetable |
Arrangements for production | Organisation leading the process North Northamptonshire Council Management arrangements The North Northamptonshire Local Plan will be prepared, consulted upon, and managed by the Planning Communities Executive Advisory Panel, reporting into and adopted by the Executive. Resources required to produce the DPD
Approach to involving stakeholders and the community Refer to the North Northamptonshire Statement of Community Involvement July 2022 |
North Northamptonshire Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan
Document details | Role and subject The North Northamptonshire Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan, when adopted, will form part of the statutory North Northamptonshire Development Plan. This document will set planning policies and site allocations to meet the identified needs for Gypsy and Travellers and ensure high standards of design, development and living conditions. Geographical coverage The administrative unitary are of North Northamptonshire Status Development Plan Document Chain of conformity National Policy |
Timetable |
Arrangements for production | Organisation leading the process North Northamptonshire Council Management arrangements The North Northamptonshire Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan will be prepared, consulted upon, and managed by the Planning Communities Executive Advisory Panel, reporting into and adopted by the Executive. Resources required to produce the DPD
Approach to involving stakeholders and the community Refer to the North Northamptonshire Statement of Community Involvement July 2022 |
East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2
Document details | Role and subject The East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2, when adopted, will form part of the statutory North Northamptonshire Development Plan. The document will cover the whole of the former East Northamptonshire District area with the exception of issues addressed in the Joint Core Strategy. The Part 2 Local Plan will include the identification of sites for housing, employment, recreation, green infrastructure and other land uses. Geographical coverage The administrative Unitary area of North Northamptonshire Status Development Plan Document Chain of conformity North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy |
Timetable |
Arrangements for production | Organisation leading the process North Northamptonshire Council Management arrangements The East Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2 will be prepared, consulted upon, and managed by the Planning Communities Executive Advisory Panel, reporting into and adopted by the Executive. Resources required to produce the DPD
Approach to involving stakeholders and the community Refer to the North Northamptonshire Statement of Community Involvement July 2022 |
North Northamptonshire Policies Maps
Document details | Role and subject The policies maps will illustrate on an Ordnance Survey base map all the policies and proposals contained in development plan documents and any saved policies. It will reflect the Key Diagram in the Joint Core Strategy, and it will contain Insets showing the proposals within specific areas (e.g. sites subject to development allocation; Part 2 Local Plans; Area Action Plans; or sites to which policies apply for protection and/or enhancement). Geographical coverage The maps will cover the administrative unitary area of North Northamptonshire. Status Development Plan Document Chain of conformity North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy |
Timetable | The Policies Maps will be revised, where necessary, to reflect the up-to-date plan for the area whenever a Development Plan Document is adopted or a ‘saved’ policy ceases to be part of the Local Plan. |
Arrangements for production | Organisation leading the process North Northamptonshire Council Management arrangements The Proposals Maps will be prepared, consulted upon, and managed by the Planning Communities Executive Advisory Panel, reporting into and adopted by the Executive. Resources required to produce the DPD
Approach to involving stakeholders and the community Refer to the North Northamptonshire Statement of Community Involvement July 2022 |
Last updated 11 July 2024