Diversion orders

Any ongoing diversions orders in the North Northamptonshire area affecting roads and paths will be included here.

Notice, diversion order, schedule and map


Notice of Public Footpath Diversion Order North Northamptonshire Council Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Section 257 and Paragraph 1 of Schedule 14 (Part of Footpath UC6 and Part of Footpath UC7) Over Land East of Stoke Road Desborough Public Footpath Diversion Order 2024

The above Order, is made on 22 February 2024 by North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and any other enabling powers, because it is satisfied that it is  necessary to divert parts of footpaths UC6 and UC7 to enable development to be carried out in accordance with the Planning Permission granted by Kettering Borough Council (now the Council) granted under Part III of the TCPA 1990 namely KET/2011/2035 Residential development of up to 700 dwellings including provision of a local centre primary school green infrastructure and creation of accesses at North Desborough as varied by KET/2017/0169 The Parts of Footpath UC6 AND UC7 that are to be diverted and the replacement Footpaths are within the Parish of Desborough. 

The Footpaths being diverted and the replacement routes are shown on the Order Map (the Map) by way of a bold black line (being diverted) and a purple broken line (replacement) as described below and on the Order Map with National Grid Reference (“NGR”) Easting (E) and Northing (N) reference points.

Footpaths Diverted

The length of Public Footpath UC6 to be diverted commences at Point A on the Map at NGR E 480170.1851 N 284621.1112 and then proceeds north easterly for 226.5 metres to Point B at NGR E 480249.7400 N 284834.6334 on the Map.

The length of Public Footpath UC7 to be diverted commences at Point E on the Map at NGR E 480668.3590 N 284136.5235 and then proceeds north-west for 73 metres and then northerly for a total length of 586 metres to Point J at NGR E 480714.0663 N 284656.9350 on the Map  

The existing routes that shall be Stopped up and Diverted are shown by a solid black line on the Map between the Points marked A – B in respect of footpath UC6 and between the Points E-J in respect of footpath UC7.   

Proposed New Routes

The proposed new route of Public Footpath UC6 shown by a broken purple line is that length of footpath which commences at point A on the Map at NGR E 480170.1851 N 284621.1112 extending eastward then turning north east to a Point D at NGR E 480285.0127 N 284820.7938 then turning westward along Back Lane to it’s termination at Point B at NGR E 480249.7400 N 284834.6334 where it rejoins the alignment of footpath UC6.

The proposed new route of Public Footpath UC7 is that length shown by a broken purple line on the Map which commences at point E NGR  E 480668.3590 N 284136.5235  then extends in a north north easterly direction to the Point F NGR E 480716.5385 N 284189.3421 it then turns in a north-westerly direction where it crosses a proposed road to a point G NGR E 480711.6423 N 284201.1967 where it crosses a proposed road and turns to the north east where it reaches Point H NGR E 480828.2984 N 284374.3669 before it turns sharply east to a Point I NGR E 480838.1890 N 284371.3532 it then turns north and curves north westwards before it returns to Point J NGR E 480714.0663 N 284656.9350 and onto the alignment of footpath UC7.

The new routes will have widths of 2.0 metres.

The proposals are shown on the Map with the existing routes to be diverted shown by bold continuous black line and all replacement routes shown by a purple broken line. Full grid references for all existing/proposed routes are quoted in the Order. References to lettered points in this Notice are references to the points marked on the Map.

Copies of the Order and Map have been placed and may be seen free-of-charge at the reception desk, North Northamptonshire Council Offices, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN15 7QX from 9am to 4:30pm, Mondays to Thursdays and 9am to 4pm on Fridays, or may be viewed on the Council’s website below.

Copies are available for inspection at Desborough Library, High Street Desborough, Northamptonshire, NN14 2QS during normal opening hours (Wednesday to Friday 9am to 4pm, and Saturdays 10am to 12 noon).

A copy can be obtained from North Northamptonshire Council at the price of £4.00 if collected and £6.80 if posted out.

Any objections to the Order may be sent in writing to:

Theresa Nicholls
Principal Development Management Officer
Kettering Area
North Northamptonshire Council
Municipal Offices
Bowling Green Road
NN15 8QX

not later than 8 April 2024, quoting the reference 303 / UC6 TW. 

Please state the grounds on which they are made. If no such objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, North Northamptonshire Council may confirm the Order as an unopposed Order. If the Order is sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment for confirmation, any objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the Order.

Dated: 7 March 2024 

George Candler
Executive Director of Economy and Place
North Northamptonshire Council
Municipal Offices
Bowling Green Road
NN15 7QX


North Northamptonshire Council Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Section 257 and Paragraph 1 of Schedule 14 (Part of Footpath UC6 and Part of Footpath UC7) Over Land East of Stoke Road Desborough Public Footpath Diversion Order 2024

The above Order, is made by North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (TCPA) and any other enabling powers, because it is satisfied that it is necessary to divert parts of footpaths UC6 and UC7  to enable development to be carried out in accordance with the Planning Permission granted by Kettering Borough Council (now the Council)  granted under Part III of the TCPA 1990 namely KET/2011/2035 Residential development of up to 700 dwellings including provision of a local centre primary school green infrastructure and creation of accesses at North Desborough as varied by KET/2017/0169.

Under paragraph 1 of this Order it is necessary that the line of the Paths of UC6 and UC7 should be diverted. The sections of footpath to be diverted and the alternative routes are described by the eastings E and northings N in the schedule below 

The Applicant has agreed to defray any compensation which becomes payable in consequence of the coming into force of this Order and any expenses which are incurred in bringing the new site of the replacement Paths into a fit condition for use by the public.

Desborough Parish Council have been consulted as required by Schedule 14 paragraph 2 of the 1990 Act.  

By this Order:

  1. The sections of Public Footpaths UC6 and UC7 over the land to the east of Stoke Road Desborough shown by a continuous bold black line on the Map contained in the Order and described in Part 1 of the schedule to this Order shall be stopped up on the date on which the North Northamptonshire Council certifies in accordance with Article 3 of this Order that work to the new sections of Path described in Part 2 of the Schedule has been completed to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council and that the replacement sections of UC6 and UC7 are in a fit condition for use by the public.
  2. The Council shall only certify in accordance with Article 1 once there is created to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council an alternative highway for use as replacement for the said Footpath as provided in Part 2 of the Schedule and shown by a purple broken line on the Order Map.
  3. The Diversion of the Footpath shall have effect on the date the Council certify that the terms of Article 1 above have been complied with
  4. Where immediately before the date on which the Footpath is diverted there is apparatus under, in or on over or along or across it belonging to statutory undertakers for the purposes of carrying on their undertaking, the undertakers shall continue to have the same rights in respect of the apparatus as they then had. 


Part 1

Description of site of existing path to be diverted:

The length of Public Footpath UC6 to be diverted commences at Point A on the Order Map at National Grid reference (“NGR ”E 480170.1851 N 284621.1112 and then proceeds north easterly for 226.5 metres to Point B at NGR E 480249.7400 N 284834.6334 on the Order Map.

The length of Public Footpath UC7 to be diverted commences at Point E on the Order Map at National Grid reference (“NGR”) E 480668.3590 N 284136.5235 and then proceeds north -west for 73 metres and then northerly for 484 metres to Point J at NGR E 480714.0663 N 284656.9350 a total of 586 Metres all shown on the Order Map  

Part 2

Description of new path:

The proposed new route of Public Footpath UC6 shown by a broken purple line is that length of footpath which commences at point A on the Order Map at NGR E 480170.1851 N 284621.1112 extending eastward then turning north east to a Point D at NGR E 480285.0127 N 284820.7938 then turning westward along Back Lane to it’s termination at Point B at NGR E 480249.7400 N 284834.6434 where it rejoins the alignment of footpath UC6 a total distance of 388.8m.
The proposed new route of Public Footpath UC7 is that length shown by a broken purple line on the Order Map which commences at Point E NGR  E 480668.3590 N 284136.5235  then extends in a north easterly direction to the Point marked F E 480716.5385 N 284189.3421 it then turns in a north-westerly direction where it crosses a proposed road to a point G E 480711.6423 N 284201.1967 where it crosses a proposed road and turns to the north east where it reaches Point H E 480828.2984 N 284374.3669 before it turns sharply east to a Point I NGR E 480838.1890 N 284371.3532 it then turns north and curves north westwards before it returns to Point J NGR E 480714.0663 N 284656.9350 and onto the alignment of footpath UC7 a total distance of 692.6m.

The new sections of footpath shall have a width of 2m.

Given under the Common Seal of North Northamptonshire Council on the day of February 2024.  

Common Seal

The Common Seal of North Northamptonshire Council was hereunto affixed in the presence of

Authorised Officer - Signature


Map showing diversion

Notice, diversion order, schedule and map

Town and Country Planning Act 1990, (TCPA) Section 257North Northamptonshire Council(Parts Of Bridleway GS14) Over Land West of Uppingham Road Corby Public Bridleway Diversion Order


The above Order, is made by  North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under section 257 of the TCPA 1990  and any other enabling powers, because it is satisfied that  it is necessary to divert part of  Bridleway  GS14 to which this Order relates to enable development to be carried out in accordance with the Planning Permission issued by Corby Borough Council (now the Council) and granted under Part III of the TCPA 1990 with the reference 17/001180/OUT for mixed use development comprising a sustainable urban extension of 4500 dwellings, 46850 m2 of class B1/B2, two local centres with a mix of A1-A5, B1, C2, C3, and D1/D2 Secondary schools, Primary Schools, public open space, drainage access and associated infrastructure works and removal of existing buildings.   

The Parts of Bridleway GS14 that are to be diverted and the replacement Bridleway are within the Parish of Middleton. The Bridleway being diverted and the replacement Diversion are shown on the Order Map (the Map) by way of a red line (being diverted) and a broken black line (replacement) as described below with Easting (E) and Northing (N) reference points:

That part of Bridleway GS14 which runs from point A (E 485776.108 N 287442.951) in a north westerly direction for approximately 670 metres to point B (E 485351.285 N 287958.196) shall be diverted to A Bridleway running from point A (E 485776.108 N 287442.951) in a north easterly direction for approximately 88 metres to a point C (E 485818.847 N 287520.148) then north westerly for approximately 199 metres to a point D (E 485670.170 N 287644.832) then westerly for approximately 70 metres to a point E (E485601.105 N 287630.114) before turning north westerly across a ditch for approximately 12 metres to a point F (E 485593.162 N 287640.035). The Bridleway then turns west for approximately 198 metres to a point marked G (E 485400.621 N 287613.077) it  continues westward  for approximately 330 metres to a point at H (485089.884 N 287613.007) before turning sharply northwards for approximately 56 metres to point I (E 485086.621 N 287669.017) it then turns sharply east and then north east for approximately 257 metres to a point marked J ( E 485301.267 N 287789.563 ) then continues  north east and then  north for approximately 183 metres to a point marked B (E 485351.285 N 287958.196)  where it rejoins Bridleway GS14 all shown  with a width of 2 metres.

The proposals are shown on the Map with the existing routes to be diverted shown by bold continuous red line and all replacement routes shown by a broken black line. Full grid references for all existing/proposed routes are quoted in the Order. References to lettered points in this Notice are references to the points marked on the Order Map. Copies of the Order and Order Map have been placed and may be seen free of charge at the reception desk, North Northamptonshire Council Offices, Town Hall, Bowling Green Road Kettering Northants NN15 7QX.
from 9am to 4:30pm, Mondays to Thursdays and 9am to 4pm on Fridays, or may be viewed on the Council’s website (below).

Copies are also available for inspection at Corby Library, The Corby Cube, Parkland Gateway, George Street, Corby NN17 1QG, during normal core opening hours (Mondays to Fridays, 9:30am to 5:30pm and 9:30am to 5pm on Saturdays).

A copy can be obtained from North Northamptonshire Council at the price of £4 if collected and £6.80 if posted out.

Any objections to the Order may be sent in writing to:

Fidel Miller
Senior Development Management Officer
Planning - Regeneration and Growth
North Northamptonshire Council
Deene House,
NN17 1GD

not later than 25 November 2023, quoting the reference GS14 / NNC / FM S 257. 

Please state the grounds on which they are made. If no such objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, North Northamptonshire Council may confirm the Order as an unopposed Order. If the Order is sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment for confirmation, any objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the Order.

Dated: 19 October 2023 

Graeme Kane
Executive Director of Economy and Place
North Northamptonshire Council, 
Municipal Offices
Bowling Green Road
NN15 7QX

Diversion Order

The above Order, is made by North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under section 257 of the TCPA 1990 and any other enabling powers, because it is satisfied that  it is necessary to  divert part of  Bridleway  GS14 to which this Order relates to enable development to be carried out in accordance with the Planning Permission granted by Corby Borough Council (now the Council) granted under Part III of the TCPA 1990 namely 17/001180/OUT Planning Permission for mixed use development comprising a sustainable urban extension of 4500 dwellings, 46,850 m2 of class B1/B2, two local centres with a mix of A1-A5, B1, C2, C3, and D1/D2 Secondary schools, Primary Schools, public open space, drainage access and associated infrastructure works and removal of existing buildings.  

By this order

  1. The Bridleway no GS14 over the land shown by a bold red line on the attached Order Map and described in Part 1 of the Schedule to this Order (“the schedule”) shall be diverted as provided below.
  2. There shall be created to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council alternative highways for use as replacement for the said section of Bridleway as provided in Part 2 of the Schedule and shown by a black broken line on the attached Order Map.
  3. The Diversion of the Bridleway shall have effect on the date the Council certify that the terms of Article 2 above have been complied with
  4. Where immediately before the date on which the Bridleway is diverted there is apparatus under, in or on over or along or across it belonging to statutory undertakers for the purposes of carrying on their undertaking, the undertakers shall continue to have the same rights in respect of the apparatus as they then had. 


Part 1 - Description of existing bridleway to be diverted

That part of Bridleway GS14 which runs from point A (E 485776.108 N 287442.951) in a north westerly direction for approximately 670 metres to point B (E 485351.285 N 287958.196) as shown on the attached Order Map shall be diverted.

Part 2 - Description of replacement route of diverted bridleway

A Bridleway running from point A (E 485776.108 N 287442.951) in a north easterly direction for approximately 88 metres to a point C (E 485818.847 N 287520.148) then north westerly for approximately 199 metres to a point D ( E 485670.170 N 287644.832) then westerly for approximately 70 metres to a point E ( E485601.105 N 287630.114) before turning north westerly across a ditch for approximately 12 metres to a point F (E 485593.162 N 287640.035). The Bridleway then turns west for approximately 198 metres to a point marked G (E 485400.621 N 287613.077) it continues westward  for approximately 330 metres to a point at H (485089.884 N 287613.007) before turning sharply northwards for approximately 56 metres to point I (E 485086.621 N 287669.017) it then turns sharply east and then north east for approximately 257 metres to appoint marked J (E 485301.267 N 287789.563) then continues  north east and then north for approximately 183 metres to a point marked B (E 485351.285 N 287958.196)  where it rejoins Bridleway GS14 all as shown on the attached Order Map all with a width of 2 metres.

Given under the Common Seal of North Northamptonshire Council on the 12th day of October 2023.  

Common Seal

The Common Seal of North Northamptonshire Council was hereunto affixed in the presence of

Authorised Officer - Signature


Bridleway GS14 diversion map

Public Path Diversion Order - Town And Country Planning Act 1990, Section 257. Kirby Lane Diversion Order 2022/A. Dated 14 April 2022

This Order is made by North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under section 257 of the TCPA 1990 and any other enabling powers, because it is satisfied that it is necessary to divert the footpaths to which this Order relate to enable development to be carried out in accordance with the planning permission granted by East Northamptonshire District Council (now the Council) granted under part III of the TCPA 1990, namely 19/01219/OUT:  development of a mixed use urban extension including; residential development of up to 3,500 dwellings, up to 1,000m2 of A1-A5, D1 & D2 use classes within 2 local centres, up to 1,000m2 of D1/D2 (community building/changing rooms uses), two primary schools (D1), a 0.5 hectare reserve site in Zone 3 for flexible land use (education or informal open space), green infrastructure (formal and informal open space), wildlife corridors, landscaping, allotments/orchards and play areas, primary street, pedestrian and cycle network including diversions to existing PROW’s, connections to the surrounding highway, sustainable urban drainage network, utilities and transport infrastructure and necessary groundworks, demolition and extension to local wildlife sites.

By this order:

  1. The footpaths MS6(part) and HF10 (part) over the land shown by a bold blue line on the attached Order plan (the Plan) and described in Part 1 of the Schedule to this Order shall be stopped up.
  2. The footpaths MS1(part) and HF10(part) over the land shown by a bold black line on the attached Plan and described in Part 2 of the Schedule to this Order shall be diverted as provided in Article 3 below.
  3. There shall be created to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council alternative highways for use as replacements for the said footpaths described in Article 2 above as provided in Part 3 of the Schedule to this Order and shown by a broken black line on the Plan.
  4. Where immediately before the date of this Order any apparatus of statutory undertakers lies under, in, on, over, along or across any length of highway authorised to be stopped up pursuant to this Order then, subject to section 261(4) of the TCPA 1990, those undertakers shall have the same rights in relation to that apparatus after the area is stopped up as they had immediately before.
  5. This Order shall come into force on the date on which the Council certify that the terms of Article 3 above have been complied with.

Notice Of Diversion Orders Town and County Planning Act 1990 (TCPA 1990), Section 257 and Paragraph 1 of Schedule 14

Footpaths MS1 (Part), MS6 (Part) And HF10 (Part) in the Parish of Deene Kirby Lane Diversion Order 2022

Footpaths MS1 (Part), MS6 (Part) in the Parish of Deene And HF10 (Part) in the Parish of Weldon Kirby Lane Diversion Order 2022/A

  1. North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) hereby gives notice that it does not intend to confirm the Order: Footpaths MS1 (part), MS6 (part) and HF10 (part) Kirby Lane in the Parish of Deene Diversion Order 2022 made on the 24 February 2022.
  2. The Council hereby gives notice that on the 14 April 2022 it made a new Order (Footpaths MS1 (part), MS6 (part) in the Parish of Deene and HF10 (part) in the Parish of Weldon Kirby Lane Diversion Order 2022/A) under section 257 of the TCPA 1990 because it is satisfied that it is necessary to divert the footpaths to which the Order relates to enable the development to be carried out in accordance with the planning permission granted by East Northamptonshire District Council (now the Council) granted under part III of the TCPA 1990, namely 19/01219/OUT: development of a mixed used urban extension including; residential development of up to 3,500 dwellings, up to 1,000m2 of A1-A5, D1 & D2 uses classes within 2 local centres, up to 1,000m2 of D1/D2 (community building / changing rooms uses), two primary schools (D1), a 0.5 hectare reserve site in Zone 3 for flexible land use (education or informal open space), green infrastructure (formal and informal open space), wildlife corridors, landscaping, allotments / orchards and play areas, primary street, pedestrian and cycle network including diversions to existing PROW’s, connections to the surrounding highway, sustainable urban drainage network, utilities and transport infrastructure and necessary groundworks, demolition and extension to local wildlife sites.

If this order is confirmed:

  1. The footpath MS6 (part) over the land shown by a bold blue line on the attached Order plan (the Plan) which runs from point D on the Plan (NGR SP 92650, 91837) in a south south east direction for approximately 71 metres to point C (NGR SP 92673, 91768) shall be stopped up. The footpath HF10 (part) which runs from point C on the Plan (NGR SP 92673, 91768) in a south south east direction for approximately 62 metres to point B on the Plan (NGR SP 92697, 91710) shall be stopped up.
  2. The footpath MS1 (part) shown by a bold black line which runs from point E on the Plan (NGR SP 92629, 91959) in an east north east direction for approximately 1063 metres to point F (NGR SP 93638, 92291) shall be diverted from point F on the Plan in a south south westerly direction for approximately 248 metres to point L (NGR SP 93581, 92060). It then continues in a south westerly direction for 473 metres to point K (NGR SP 93146, 91879) where it then moves in a westerly direction for 108 metres to point J (NGR SP 93037, 91874). It then continues in a more south westerly direction to point I (NGR SP92963, 91840) where it moves in a more westerly direction for approximately 109 metres to point D (NGR SP 92650, 91837). It then turns and moves in a south westerly direction for 373 metres where it terminates at point H (NGR SP 92356, 91631).

    The footpath HF10 (part) which runs from point A (NGR SP 92335, 91489) on the Plan in an east north easterly direction for approximately 513 metres to point B (NGR SP 92697, 91710) shall be diverted from point A on the Plan in a north north westerly direction for 111 metres to point G (NGR SP 92292, 91581) where it then continues in a north easterly direction for approximately 84 metres where it terminates at point H (NGR SP 92356, 91631). The alternative routes are shown by a broken black line on the Plan and have a width of 2 metres.
  3. A copy of the Order may be viewed at the offices of North Northamptonshire Council, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX or by downloading it, free of charge, from our website.
  4. Any representations or objections to the Order must be made in writing and sent no later than the 15 July 2022 to Sarah Coles, North Northamptonshire Legal Services, North Northamptonshire Council, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX or by email to [email protected]. Please state the grounds on which the objection is made.
  5. If no such representations or objections are duly made or if any so made are withdrawn, North Northamptonshire Council may itself confirm the Order as an unopposed Order. If any such objections or representations are not withdrawn they will be sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs with the Order, for confirmation.

Notice Of A Diversion Order Town And County Planning Act 1990 (Tcpa 1990), Section 257 And Paragraph 1 Of Schedule 14. Dated 14 April 2022

This Order is made by North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under section 257 of the TCPA 1990 and any other enabling powers because it is satisfied that it is necessary to divert the highway to which this Order relates to enable development to be carried out in accordance with planning permissions granted by Corby Borough Council (now the Council) under Part III of the TCPA 1990, namely 15/00138/OUT: New residential development comprising up to 530 dwellings, a local centre (to include uses within Use Classes C3, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1 & D1), a primary school / community facility site, informal open space, multi-use games area, playing fields, revised access and car parking at Great Oakley Community Hall, together with the landscaping, pedestrian/cycle and vehicular routes including access onto Lewin Road, diversion of footpath UB30 and other infrastructure and associated works.

By this order:

  • The highway over the land shown by a bold black line on the attached Order plan (Plan) and described in Part 1 of the Schedule to this Order shall be diverted as provided in Article 2 below.
  • There shall be created to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council an alternative highway for use as a replacement for the said highway as provided in Part 2 of the Schedule to this Order and shown by a broken black line on the Plan.
  • Where immediately before the date of this Order any apparatus of statutory undertakers lies under, in, on, over, along or across any length of highway authorised to be stopped up pursuant to this Order then, subject to section 261(4) of the TCPA 1990, those undertakers shall have the same rights in relation to that apparatus after the area is stopped up as they had immediately before.
  • This Order shall come into force on the date on which the Council certify that the terms of Article 2 above have been complied with.

Notice Of A Diversion Order Town And County Planning Act 1990 (Tcpa 1990), Section 257 And Paragraph 1 Of Schedule 14. Dated 7 April 2022

This Order is made by North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under section 257 of the TCPA 1990 and any other enabling powers because it is satisfied that it is necessary to divert the highway to which this Order relates to enable development to be carried out in accordance with planning permissions granted by Corby Borough Council (now the Council) under Part III of the TCPA 1990, namely 15/00138/OUT: New residential development comprising up to 530 dwellings, a local centre (to include uses within Use Classes C3, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1 & D1), a primary school/community facility site, informal open space, multi-use games area, playing fields, revised access and car parking at Great Oakley Community Hall, together with the landscaping, pedestrian/cycle and vehicular routes including access onto Lewin Road, diversion of footpath UB30 and other infrastructure and associated works.

By this order:

  1. The highway over the land shown by a bold black line on the attached Order plan (Plan) and described in Part 1 of the Schedule to this Order shall be diverted as provided in Article 2 below.
  2. There shall be created to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council an alternative highway for use as a replacement for the said highway as provided in Part 2 of the Schedule to this Order and shown by a broken black line on the Plan.
  3. Where immediately before the date of this Order any apparatus of statutory undertakers lies under, in, on, over, along or across any length of highway authorised to be stopped up pursuant to this Order then, subject to section 261(4) of the TCPA 1990, those undertakers shall have the same rights in relation to that apparatus after the area is stopped up as they had immediately before.
  4. This Order shall come into force on the date on which the Council certify that the terms of Article 2 above have been complied with.

Notice Of A Diversion Order Town And County Planning Act 1990 (Tcpa 1990), Section 257 And Paragraph 1 Of Schedule 14. Dated 14 April 2022

North Northamptonshire Council gives notice that on the 14th April 2022 it made an Order under section 257 of the TCPA 1990 because it is satisfied that it is necessary to divert the footpath to which the Order relates to enable development to be carried out in accordance with planning permissions granted by Corby Borough Council (now the Council) under Part III of the TCPA 1990, namely 15/00138/OUT: New residential development comprising up to 530 dwellings, a local centre (to include uses within Use Classes C3, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1 & D1), a primary school/community facility site, informal open space, multi-use games area, playing fields, revised access and car parking at Great Oakley Community Hall, together with the landscaping, pedestrian/cycle and vehicular routes including access onto Lewin Road, diversion of footpath UB30 and other infrastructure and associated works.

If this order is confirmed:

  1. The highway known as UB30 (part) at Church Drive, Great Oakley, Corby and shown by a bold black line on the Order plan (Plan) runs from point A on the Plan (NGR SP 8719, 8578) in an east north easterly direction for approximately 142 metres to point B (NGR SP 8733, 8581) where it then continues in an east south easterly direction for approximately 34 metres to point C (NGR SP 8736, 8580). From here it runs in a south easterly direction for 218 metres to point D (NGR SP 8752, 8566) where it proceeds in an east south easterly direction for 161 metres to point E (NGR SP 8768, 8564). It then proceeds in an east north easterly direction for 110 metres to point F (NGR SP 8768, 8568) turning slightly and continuing in an easterly direction for 20 metres to point G (NGR SP 8780, 8568). It then moves in an east north easterly direction for 52 metres terminating at point H (NGR SP 8785, 8570).     
  2. The alternative highway to be created starts at point I on the Plan (NGR SP 8719, 8572) and moves in an east south easterly direction for approximately 186 metres to point J (NGR SP 8737, 8566). It then moves in an easterly direction for 225 metres where it meets the current path at point K (NGR SP 8759, 8565) on the Plan. It then moves in a north easterly direction for approximately 90 metres to point L (NGR SP 8766, 8570). Finally it proceeds in an east south easterly direction for 126 metres terminating at point F (NGR SP 8778, 8568). The alternative highway is shown by a broken black line on the Plan and has a width of 2 metres.
  3. A copy of the Order may be viewed at the Offices of North Northamptonshire Council, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX or by downloading it, free of charge, from the Council’s website at www.northnorthants.gov.uk.
  4. Any representations or objections to the Order must be made in writing and sent no later than the 19th May 2022 to Sarah Coles, North Northamptonshire Legal Services, North Northamptonshire Council, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX or by email to [email protected]. Please state the grounds on which the objection is made.
  5. If no such representations or objections are duly made or if any so made are withdrawn, North Northamptonshire Council may itself confirm the Order as an unopposed Order. If any such objections or representations are not withdrawn they will be sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs with the Order, for confirmation.

Notice Of A Diversion Order Town And County Planning Act 1990 (Tcpa 1990), Section 257 And Paragraph 1 Of Schedule 14. Dated 7 April 2022

North Northamptonshire Council gives notice that on the 9th March 2022 it made an Order under section 257 of the TCPA 1990 because it is satisfied that it is necessary to divert the footpath to which the Order relates to enable development to be carried out in accordance with planning permissions granted by Corby Borough Council (now the Council) under Part III of the TCPA 1990, namely 15/00138/OUT: New residential development comprising up to 530 dwellings, a local centre (to include uses within Use Classes C3, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1 & D1), a primary school/community facility site, informal open space, multi-use games area, playing fields, revised access and car parking at Great Oakley Community Hall, together with the landscaping, pedestrian/cycle and vehicular routes including access onto Lewin Road, diversion of footpath UB30 and other infrastructure and associated works.

If this order is confirmed

  1. The highway known as UB30 (part) at Church Lane in the Parish of Great Oakley, Corby and shown by a bold black line on the Order plan (Plan) runs from point A on the Plan (NGR SP 8719, 8578) in an east north easterly direction for approximately 142 metres to point B (NGR SP 8733, 8581) where it then continues in an east south easterly direction for approximately 34 metres to point C (NGR SP 8736, 8580). From here it runs in a south easterly direction for 218 metres to point D (NGR SP 8752, 8566) where it proceeds in an east south easterly direction for 161 metres to point E (NGR SP 8768, 8564). It then proceeds in an east north easterly direction for 110 metres to point F (NGR SP 8768, 8568) turning slightly and continuing in an easterly direction for 20 metres to point G (NGR SP 8780, 8568). It then moves in an east north easterly direction for 52 metres terminating at point H (NGR SP 8785, 8570).
  2. The alternative highway to be created starts at point I on the Plan (NGR SP 8719, 8572) and moves in an east south easterly direction for approximately 186 metres to point J (NGR SP 8737, 8566). It then moves in an easterly direction for 225 metres where it meets the current path at point K (NGR SP 8759, 8565) on the Plan. It then moves in a north easterly direction for approximately 90 metres to point L (NGR SP 8766, 8570). Finally it proceeds in an east south easterly direction for 126 metres terminating at point F (NGR SP 8778, 8568). The alternative highway is shown by a broken black line on the Plan and has a width of 2 metres.
  3. A copy of the Order may be viewed at the Offices of North Northamptonshire Council, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX or by downloading it, free of charge.
  4.  Any representations or objections to the Order must be made in writing and sent no later than the 6th May 2022 to Sarah Coles, North Northamptonshire Legal Services, North Northamptonshire Council, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX or by email to [email protected]. Please state the grounds on which the objection is made.
  5. If no such representations or objections are duly made or if any so made are withdrawn, North Northamptonshire Council may itself confirm the Order as an unopposed Order. If any such objections or representations are not withdrawn they will be sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs with the Order, for confirmation.

Notice of a Diversion Order: Town and County Planning Act 1990 (TCPA 1990), Section 257 and Paragraph 1 of Schedule 14. Dated: 24 February 2022

This Order is made by North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under section 257 of the TCPA 1990 and any other enabling powers, because it is satisfied that it is necessary to divert the footpaths to which this Order relate to enable development to be carried out in accordance with the planning permission granted by East Northamptonshire District Council (now the Council) granted under part III of the TCPA 1990, namely 19/01219/OUT:  development of a mixed use urban extension including; residential development of up to 3,500 dwellings, up to 1,000m2 of A1-A5, D1 & D2 use classes within 2 local centres, up to 1,000m2 of D1/D2 (community building/changing rooms uses), two primary schools (D1), a 0.5 hectare reserve site in Zone 3 for flexible land use (education or informal open space), green infrastructure (formal and informal open space), wildlife corridors, landscaping, allotments/orchards and play areas, primary street, pedestrian and cycle network including diversions to existing PROW’s, connections to the surrounding highway, sustainable urban drainage network, utilities and transport infrastructure and necessary groundworks, demolition and extension to local wildlife sites.

By this order:

  1. The footpath MS6(part) over the land shown by a bold blue line on the attached Order plan (the Plan) and described in Part 1 of the Schedule to this Order shall be stopped up.
  2. The footpaths MS1(part) and HF10(part) over the land shown by a bold black line on the attached Plan and described in Part 2 of the Schedule to this Order shall be diverted as provided in Article 3 below.
  3. There shall be created to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council alternative highways for use as replacements for the said footpaths described in Article 2 above as provided in Part 3 of the Schedule to this Order and shown by a broken black line on the Plan.
  4. Where immediately before the date of this Order any apparatus of statutory undertakers lies under, in, on, over, along or across any length of highway authorised to be stopped up pursuant to this Order then, subject to section 261(4) of the TCPA 1990, those undertakers shall have the same rights in relation to that apparatus after the area is stopped up as they had immediately before.
  5. This Order shall come into force on the date on which the Council certify that the terms of Article 3 above have been complied with.

Notice of a Diversion Order: Town and County Planning Act 1990 (TCPA 1990), Section 257 and Paragraph 1 of Schedule 14. Dated: 24 February 2022

North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) gives notice that on the 24 February 2022 it made an Order under section 257 of the TCPA 1990 because it is satisfied that it is necessary to divert the footpaths to which the Order relates to enable the development to be carried out in accordance with the planning permission granted by East Northamptonshire District Council (now the Council) granted under part III of the TCPA 1990, namely 19/01219/OUT: development of a mixed used urban extension including; residential development of up to 3,500 dwellings, up to 1,000m2 of A1-A5, D1 & D2 uses classes within 2 local centres, up to 1,000m2 of D1/D2 (community building/changing rooms uses), two primary schools (D1), a 0.5 hectare reserve site in Zone 3 for flexible land use (education or informal open space), green infrastructure (formal and informal open space), wildlife corridors, landscaping, allotments/orchards and play areas, primary street, pedestrian and cycle network including diversions to existing PROW’s, connections to the surrounding highway, sustainable urban drainage network, utilities and transport infrastructure and necessary groundworks, demolition and extension to local wildlife sites.

If this order is confirmed:

  1. The footpath MS6 (part) over the land shown by a bold blue line on the attached Order plan (the Plan) which runs from point C on the Plan (NGR SP 9265, 9183) in a south south east direction for approximately 133 metres to point B (NGR SP 9269, 9171) shall be stopped up. The footpath MS1(part) which runs from point D on the Plan (NGR SP 9262, 9195) in an east north east direction for approximately 1063 metres to point E (NGR SP 9363, 9229) shall be diverted from point A on the Plan (NGR SP 9233, 9148) moving in a north north westerly direction for 111 metres to point F on the Plan (NGR SP 9229, 9158) where it then continues in a north easterly direction for approximately 457 metres to point C on the Plan. The footpath HF10 (part) which runs from point A on the Plan in an east north easterly direction for approximately 513 metres to point B shall be diverted from point C moving in an easterly direction to point G (NGR SP 9296, 9184) where it then moves in a more east north east direction for approximately 83 metres to point H (NGR SP 9303, 9187). It then moves in an easterly direction for 109 metres to point I (NGR SP 9314, 9187) when it then moves in a more east north easterly direction to point J (NGR SP 9358, 9206). It then moves in a north north easterly direction for 248 metres where it terminates at point E on the Plan. The alternative routes are shown by a broken black line on the Plan and have a width of 2 metres).
  2. A copy of the Order may be viewed at the Offices of North Northamptonshire Council, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX or by downloading it below.
  3. Any representations or objections to the Order must be made in writing and sent no later than the 17th April 2022 to Sarah Coles, North Northamptonshire Legal Services, North Northamptonshire Council, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX or by email to [email protected]. Please state the grounds on which the objection is made.
  4. If no such representations or objections are duly made or if any so made are withdrawn, North Northamptonshire Council may itself confirm the Order as an unopposed Order. If any such objections or representations are not withdrawn they will be sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs with the Order, for confirmation.

Notice of confirmation of a diversion order: Town and county planning act 1990 (tcpa 1990), section 257 and paragraph 1 of schedule 14. Dated: 17 March 2022
  1. North Northamptonshire Council (“the Council”) gives notice that it has confirmed the above Order without modification.
  2. The footpath being GF8 at Hanwood Park Kettering shown by a broken red line on the Order plan (Plan), running from point A (NGR SP 9003, 7728) in a south easterly direction to point B (NGR SP 9005, 7725) where it turns to run in a more south easterly direction to point C (NGR SP 9011, 7723) where it turns and proceeds in a north easterly direction to point D (NGR SP 9019, 7729). It then runs in a more easterly direction to point E (NGR SP 9025, 7731) where it continues in a north easterly direction, terminating at point F (NGR SP 9048, 7740); shall be diverted from point F (NGR SP 9048, 7740) on the Plan in a south westerly direction to point E on the Plan (NGR SP 9025, 7731) where it turns to run in a more easterly direction to point D on the Plan (NGR SP 9019, 7729) turning the to run in a south westerly direction to point G (NGR SP 9013, 7725) where it bends to run in a northerly direction to point H on the Plan (NGR SP 9005, 7729). It then turns sharply to run in a westerly direction terminating at point A (NGR SP 9003, 7728). The alternative path is shown by a solid green line on the Plan. A boardwalk will be erected over the watercourse at point X on the Plan. The alternative path and boardwalk will be created to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council.
  3. A copy of the confirmed Order and Plan may be inspected free of charge at the Council Offices at Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX.
  4. The Order comes into force on a date when North Northamptonshire Council have certified that the terms of Articles 2 and 3 of the Order have been complied with.
  5. Any person aggrieved by the Order and wishing to question its validity, or any provision contained in the Order, on the ground that it is not within the powers of the TCPA 1990 or that any procedural requirement of the TCPA 1990 or any regulation made under the TCPA 1990 has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the Order may within six weeks from the date of this notice apply to the High Court under section 287 of the TCPA 1990.

Notice of confirmation of a diversion order: Town and county planning act 1990 (tcpa 1990), section 257 and paragraph 1 of schedule 14. Dated: 17 February 2022
  1. North Northamptonshire Council (“the Council”) gives notice that it has confirmed the above Order without modification
  2. The existing route TM13 is shown on the Plan by the thick solid purple line between the points marked B (NGR SP 8839 7420) and D (NGR SP 8842 7418) for a distance of 43m. This route shall be diverted from point B (NGR SP 8839 7420) at Kettering Road (A509) south of its junction with Fairfield Road and then continuing through the estate via point C (NGR SP 8842 7419) to point D (NGR SP 8842 7418) where it joins the existing TM13 footpath south east to Sorrel Close at 61m. The diverted route is shown by a broken purple line.
  3. The existing route TM16 is shown on the Plan by the thick solid red line between points B (NGR SP 8839 7420) and A (NGR SP 8850 7422) for a distance of 162m. This route shall be diverted from point A (NGR SP 8850 7422) in a generally W direction to point C (NRG SP 8842 7419).
  4. A copy of the confirmed Order and Plan may be inspected free of charge at the Council Offices at Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough NN8 1BP and Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX
  5. The Order comes into force with immediate effect.
  6. Any person aggrieved by the Order and wishing to question its validity, or any provision contained in the Order, on the ground that it is not within the powers of the TCPA 1990 or that any procedural requirement of the TCPA 1990 or any regulation made under the TCPA 1990 has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the Order may within six weeks from the date of this notice apply to the High Court under section 287 of the TCPA 1990.

Notice, diversion order, schedule and map


North Northamptonshire Council Creation of (Public Bridleway NP17 and Public Bridleway ME12 – Lutton Road to Ashton Wold- In The Parishes of Polebrook and Ashton Wold and The Deletion of Part of Public Bridleway ME5 in The Parish of Ashton Wold) Definitive Map Modification Order 2024

The above Order, made on the 21 March 2024, if confirmed as made, will modify the definitive map and statement for the area by -

Firstly adding to them a section of public bridleway (NP17) which commences at National Grid Reference (“NGR”) TL 0892 8720 (Order Plan Point A) in the parish of Polebrook and extends in a generally north north-westerly direction for 574 metres to the parish boundary with Ashton Wold at NGR TL 0882 8776 (Order Plan Point B) and
Secondly adding to them a section of public bridleway (ME12) which commences at NGR TL 0882 8776 (Order Plan Point D) at the boundary between the parishes of Polebrook and Ashton Wold and extending in a generally north north-easterly direction for 6 metres to join with existing Public Bridleway ME5 at NGR TL 0882 8776 (Order Plan Point B) and
Thirdly by removing from them a section of Public Bridleway (ME5) that commences at NGR TL 0882 8776 (Order Plan Point B) and extends in a generally south south-easterly direction for 580 metres to NGR TL 0893 8721 (Order Plan Point C) where it joins the Lutton Road.
The sections of NP17 and ME12 described in the Schedule Part 1 are reasonably alleged to subsist over land in the area to which the Map relates, being rights of way such that the land over which the rights subsist are public bridleway being rights to which this part of the act applies.

There is evidence (when considered with all other relevant evidence available) which shows that it is likely on a balance of probabilities that part of the right of way ME5 shown on the Definitive Map and Statement and described in Schedule Part 2 as public bridleway should be deleted.
A copy of the Order and the Order Map have been placed and may be seen free of charge at the offices of the Executive Director, Place the reception desk, North Northamptonshire Council Offices, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road Kettering Northants NN15 7QX from 9am to 4:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9am to 4pm on Fridays; or may be viewed on the Council’s website below.

Also at Oundle Library between the hours of 9:30am and 5pm Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm Saturdays inclusive or during normal opening hours Glapthorn Road, Oundle, PE8 4JA. Copies of the Order and Map can be obtained from North Northamptonshire Council at the price of £6.00 + VAT.

Any representations about or objections to the Order may be sent in writing to George Massingham, Definitive Map Officer North Northamptonshire Council Sheerness House 41 Meadow Road Kettering NN16 8TL not later than 19 May 2024. Please state the grounds on which they are made.

If no such representations or objections are duly made to the Order, or to any part of it, or if any so made are withdrawn, the North Northamptonshire Council instead of submitting the Order to the Secretary of State for the Environment and Rural Affairs (or part of it if the authority has by notice to the Secretary of State so elected under paragraph 5 of Schedule 15 to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981) may itself confirm the Order (or that part of the Order). If the Order is submitted to the said Secretary of State in whole or in part, any representations or objections which have been duly made and not withdrawn will be sent with the Order.

Dated: 4 April 2024

George Candler
Executive Director of Economy and Place
North Northamptonshire Council,
Municipal Offices,
Bowling Green Road
Kettering, Northants,
NN15 7QX


North Northamptonshire Council Creation of (Public Bridleway NP17 and Public Bridleway ME12 – Lutton Road to Ashton Wold- In The Parishes of Polebrook and Ashton Wold and The Deletion of Part of Public Bridleway ME5 in The Parish of Ashton Wold) Definitive Map Modification Order 2024

This above Order is made by North Northamptonshire Council ( “the Authority”) under section 53(2)(b) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (“the Act”) because it appears to the Authority that the North Northamptonshire Definitive Map and Statement (“the Definitive Map and Statement “) requires modification in consequence of an occurrence of an event specified in section 53 (3) (c)(1) of the Act namely that it has discovered evidence (which when considered with all other relevant evidence available) shows that rights of way (being NP17 and ME12 ) which are not shown on the Map and Statement subsist or are reasonably alleged to subsist being rights of way such that the land over which rights subsist are public bridleways and rights of way to which this part of the Act applies.

It has also discovered evidence (which when considered with all other relevant evidence available) shows that it is likely on a balance of probabilities that part of the right of way shown on the Definitive Map and Statement as public bridleway ME5 should be deleted as described in Part 2 of the schedule below.

North Northamptonshire Council has consulted with every Local Authority whose area includes the land to which the Order relates. North Northamptonshire Council hereby orders that :

  1. For the purpose of the Order the relevant date is 21 March 2024.
  2. The North Northamptonshire Council Definitive Map and Statement shall be modified as described in Part l and Part II of the Schedule and as shown on the map attached to this order (“the order map”)
  3. The Order shall have effect on the date it is confirmed.
  4. This Order may be cited as North Northamptonshire Council Creation of (Public Bridleway NP17 and Public Bridleway ME12 - Lutton Road to Ashton Wold - In The Parishes of Polebrook and Ashton Wold and The Deletion of Part of Public Bridleway ME5 in The Parish of Ashton Wold) Definitive Map Modification Order 2024.


Part 1

Modification of the Northamptonshire Definitive Map.

Description of Bridleway to be added.

Public Bridleway NP17 to be added commences at National Grid Reference (“NGR”) TL 0892 8720 (Order Plan Point A) and extends in a generally north north-westerly direction for 574 metres to the parish boundary with Ashton Wold at NGR TL 0882 8776 (Order Plan Point B).

Public Bridleway NP17 has a width of 15.2 metres at its junction with the Lutton Road tapering down to 9.1 metres wide at a point 31 metres north of point A and continuing to point B with a constant width of 9.1 metres.

The width to be measured westwards from the parish boundary as shown on the Ordnance Survey 25 inch to the mile County Series 3rd edition plan of 1926 said boundary being 1.2 metres (4 feet) from the root of the hedge.

Public Bridleway ME12 to be added commences at NGR TL 0882 8776 (Order Plan Point D) at the boundary between the parishes of Polebrook and Ashton Wold and extends in a generally north north-easterly direction for 6 metres to join with existing Public Bridleway ME5 at NGR TL 0882 8776 (Order Plan Point B).

Public Bridleway ME12 has a width of 3.6 metres.

Part 2

Description of Bridleway to be deleted.

That part of Public Bridleway ME5 to be deleted commences at NGR TL 0882 8776 (Order Plan Point B) and extends in a generally south south-easterly direction for 580 metres to NGR TL 0893 8721 (Order Plan Point C) where it joins the Lutton Road.

The Common Seal of North Northamptonshire Council was hereunto affixed on the 21 March 2024 in the presence of

Authorised Officer - Signature


Order Map Ashton 2024

Diversion order, schedule and map

This Order is made by North Northamptonshire Council (“the authority”) under section 119 and Schedule 6 of the Highways Act 1980 (“the 1980 Act”) because it appears to the authority, that in the interests of the owner of the land crossed by the footpath described in paragraph 1 of this order it is expedient that the line of path should be in part stopped up and diverted.

The owner has agreed to defray any compensation which becomes payable in consequence of the coming into force of this order and any expenses which are incurred in bringing the new site of the path into a fit condition for use by the public.

Burton Latimer Parish Council and the Countryside Commission have been consulted and both have consented to the making of the order as required by section 120(2) of the 1980 Act:

By this order:

  1. The part public right of way over the land situated at Polwell Lane, Burton Latimer and which runs approximately 25 metres south of number 260 Polwell Lane at point A National Grid Reference (“NGR”) SP 8921 7525 then travels northwest, and then southwest for a total distance of approximately 363 metres to point B NGR 8901 7545 and shown by a bold continuous line on the map contained in this order and described in Part 1 of the Schedule to this order shall be stopped up after 42 days from the date of confirmation of this order.
  2. Notwithstanding this order the utility companies shall have the following rights over the land referred to in paragraph 1 namely:
  3. Where any apparatus of statutory undertakers lies under, in, on, over, along or across any length of the footpath authorised to be stopped up or diverted pursuant to this order then those undertakers shall have the same rights in relation to that apparatus as they had before this order was made.
  4. There shall at the end of 42 days from the date of confirmation of this order be a public footpath over the land situate at Polwell Lane, Burton Latimer - the diverted route travels generally west from the Public Footpath UA1 at Point A at NGR SP 8921 for approximately 139 metres to point C at NGR SP 8909 7521, where it meets the public highway described in Part 2 of the Schedule and shown by a bold broken line on the map contained in this order.
  5. The rights conferred on the public under this order shall be subject to limitations and conditions set out in Part 3 of the Schedule.


Part 1

Description of site of existing path or way

The route to be diverted starts at point A National Grid Reference (“NGR”) SP 8921 7525 then travels northwest, and then southwest for a total distance of approximately 363 metres to point B NGR 8901 7545 s indicated on the map by a bold continuous line.

Part 2

Description of new path or way

The diverted route travels generally west from the Public Footpath UA1 at Point A at NGR SP 8921 for approximately 139 metres to point C at NGR SP 8909 7521, where it meets the public highway described in Part 2 of the Schedule and shown by a bold broken line on the map contained in this order.

Part 3

Limitations and conditions

Where any apparatus of statutory undertakers lies under, in, on, over, along or across any length of the footpath authorised to be stopped up or diverted pursuant to this order then those undertakers shall have the same rights in relation to that apparatus as they had before this order was made.

The Common Seal of North Northamptonshire Council was hereunto affixed on the 5 September 2024 in the presence of

Authorised Officer - Signature


Diagram of UA1 public footpath extinguishment and diversion

Diversion order, schedule and map
  1. This Order is made by North Northamptonshire Council (“the authority”) under section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (“the 1990 Act”) as amended and any other enabling powers.
  2. The Council confirms the temporary stopping up of an area of the highway being part of Public Bridleway GF17 at point A at National Grid Reference (“NGR”) SP 9284 7657 and extending generally in a south easterly direction for 536 metres to point B at NGR SP 9310 7610 shown as a solid black line on the attached plan (“Plan”) and has no recorded width and the diversion of the Public Bridleway GF at Point A at NGR SP 9284 7657 and extending in a generally westerly direction for 150 metres to point C and then in a generally southerly direction for 454 metres to point D and then in a generally easterly direction for 334 metres to Point B at NGR SP 9310 7610 shown as a broken black line on the Plan and 3 metres wide in order to enable the development described in the Schedule to be carried out in accordance with the planning permission granted under Part III of the TCPA 1990 to Suez Recycling and Recovery UK Limited of Suez House, 13-35 Grenfell Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1ES by the Kettering Borough Council and Northamptonshire County Council on 13 June 2017 under reference KET/2020/0823 and NCC 17/00032/WASVOC.
  3. The highway over the land being of the Public Bridleway GF17 at Point A at NGR SP 9284 7657 and extending in a generally westerly direction for 150 metres to point C and then in a generally southerly direction for 454 metres to point D and then in a generally easterly direction for 334 metres to Point B at NGR SP 9310 7610 shown as a broken black line on the Plan and 3 metres wide shall be improved to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council by ensuring the new route is adequately way marked and any vegetation cleared to bring the route up to a suitable standard for public use.
  4. Where immediately before the date of this order any apparatus of statutory undertakers lies under, in, on, over, along, across any length of highway authorised to be stopped pursuant to this order then those undertakers shall have the same rights in relation to that apparatus after the area is stopped up as they had immediately before.
  5. This order shall come into force on the date on which notice that it has been confirmed is first published in accordance with Part II of Schedule 14 to the TCPA 1990 or the date on which the Council has certified that the terms of article 3 of this order have been complied with, whichever is the later and may be cited as the Public Bridleway GF17 (Part) in the Parish of Cranford Public Path Temporary Diversion Order 2024.
  6. It will expire on 1 November 2026 at which time the previous Order GF17 will revert.


Description of development

to enable the completion of the authorised landfill and reinstatement of the quarry and original route of the bridleway following extraction of minerals from the site, as required by planning consent KET/2020/0823 and NCC17/00032/WASVOC.

The Common Seal of North Northamptonshire Council was hereunto affixed on the 5 September 2024 in the presence of

Authorised Officer - Signature


Diagram of GF17 public bridleway diversion


Last updated 19 September 2024