Council Tax Support proposals in North Northamptonshire to be discussed at Executive


09 November 2023

Assistance available to people paying their Council Tax in the North Northamptonshire Council area is set to remain unchanged from previous years.

A report due before the authority’s Executive next week will recommend that – under the Local Council Tax Support Scheme - help for the 2024-2025 financial year would stay at the same proportion as for 2023-2024.

This would mean all working age claimants would only have to pay a minimum of 25% towards their Council Tax liability.

If Executive approves the proposal it would go before the authority’s Council meeting on 7 December for final sign-off.

Due to the cost of living crisis the Council is aware that residents may be struggling to pay their bills therefore I’m delighted that we’re able to maintain the scheme at the same rate as for the previous few years.

I would encourage Council Tax payers to apply for Council Tax Support, more information can be found on how to apply and the qualifying criteria on the Council’s website.
Cllr Lloyd Bunday, the Council’s Executive Member for Finance and Transformation

In addition to the Council Tax Support scheme, the Council has a scheme in place where people can apply for a Council Tax Discretionary Discount, which is used to mitigate any unforeseen or exceptional hardship circumstances that threaten taxpayers’ ability to pay the Council Tax. 

The Council’s revenues and benefits social inclusion team is on hand to help customers apply for Council Tax support, Council Tax discretionary discounts and also other areas such as discretionary housing payment applications, personal independence payment applications, utilities and general money and debt advice. 

I’m pleased to see this recommendation going before Executive for approval prior to going to Council as it demonstrates our continuing support for our residents.

It’s important that people pay their Council Tax as it delivers a much needed income stream to support our vital services – but it’s also essential we provide the right level of assistance to payment, which we’re doing here.
Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council

Executive will meet at Corby Cube from 10am on Thursday, November 16 with the meeting broadcast live on YouTube.

Draft budget proposals for the financial year 2024-2025 are due to appear before Executive next month.