Childcare sufficiency assessment
We have a statutory duty to provide accessible and affordable childcare which supports families to work or train.
To provide a good quality pre-school experience to support children’s cognitive and emotional development as well as aiding transition between home and school. Beneficially improving school readiness, and supporting social mobility.
This report sets out a picture of the current local childcare market and will be a valuable resource in enabling the Council to make strategic decisions in the planning, supporting and commissioning of childcare.
The findings of the analysis will help to shape the childcare supply in North Northamptonshire and strategically manage the market to ensure that there is sufficient, high quality, flexible childcare that is affordable and meets the needs of parents and carers.
Any gaps that are identified will be addressed through strategic planning and targeted resources.
For further information or queries regarding sufficiency please email [email protected].
Last updated 30 September 2021