Community Risk Register

Community Risk Register

Northamptonshire's Local Resilience Forum has a duty to produce a Community Risk Register (CRR) - a list of emergencies which might happen in the area, in order of how likely they are to happen and how badly they would affect the community.

It helps individuals prepare their home, business or local community for an emergency situation. Being aware of the most likely local risks means you can prepare and help others.

The register includes:

  • steps that can be taken to prepare and be more resilient in your home, business and community
  • links to organisations and websites for guidance

Organisations have plans in place to respond to these risks. The register takes into account a range of contributors, historical evidence, scientific input and expert analysis in evaluating the key risks facing the area.

The National Risk Register (NRR) sets out the same information on a national scale.

Emergency services

In the event of a large scale incident, our emergency services and others will prioritise who most need help.

The community can reduce the strain on these services by taking some simple actions before, during, and after an event.

Last updated 30 May 2024