Find a childcare provider
Use our Children and Families Service Finder to search for:
- day nurseries
- pre-schools
- childminders
- local authority maintained nurseries
- breakfast and after school clubs
- holiday clubs
- parent and toddler groups
- crèches
Funded childcare
Parents may be able to claim funded places for childcare.
Find out about getting help paying for childcare.
Check the quality of the childcare provider
You can ask a childcare provider for their Ofsted unique registration number (URN).
You can then check their registration and their last inspection report on the Ofsted website.
Your childcare provider must adhere to the relevant legal requirements:
Support for children with special education needs or a disability
The Local Offer can help you find local and national services for children and young people (aged 0 to 25) with special educational needs and disabilities.
The Northants Parent Forum Group is a parent-led support group representing the views of parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Last updated 07 November 2024