Public health funerals and Bona Vacantia
- Public health funerals
- Treasury Solicitor - Bona Vacantia
Public health funerals
We arrange funerals for people who have died within North Northamptonshire where no other agency or people are making suitable arrangements for the disposal of the body.
This are basic funerals to minimise the cost to the taxpayer.
This does not apply if a person died while being an in patient at a hospital. The funeral arrangements would then be the responsibility of the Health Authority unless the Social Services Department has been involved with the Court of Protection of the deceased person.
We do not accept responsibility for a public health funeral after private funeral arrangements have been made.
Support to fund a funeral
The council will not part fund a funeral. If funeral arrangements have already been made, anyone giving instructions to a funeral director will be responsible for any costs incurred.
If you are the next of kin and on certain benefits, you may be able to get help from the Government with the funeral costs.
Reclaiming costs
The funeral costs are the first expenses claimed on any estate. We are entitled to collect any and all sums of money due to or belonging to the deceased and to sell any belongings of the deceased in order to help offset the costs of the funeral and expenses.
Last updated 13 April 2023