Our carbon neutral journey

We have committed to becoming a carbon-neutral council by 2030 as outlined in our Carbon Management Plan.

As an organisation we believe that climate change and looking after the environment must be the ‘green thread’ running through our mission.

Becoming carbon neutral means that the council will take out as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as we put into it. This is also known as 'Net Zero Carbon'. 

Carbon neutrality is based on the aim that the sum of all the greenhouse gases put into and taken from the atmosphere will balance out to zero.

Carbon Management Plan

Our Carbon Management Plan is the first step and sets out how we will achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, by establishing its baseline carbon emissions and identifying key areas of focus to ensure the targets are met.

Yearly updates

Our annual report provides an overview of progress made in delivering the Carbon Management Plan after its first year (covering December 2022 to December 2023) including recommended changes and new activities.

The report also provides an update on our carbon footprint.

Investors in the Environment

We joined Investors in the Environment in September 2022 as an Enterprise member - they provide criteria and a framework to help us:

  • reduce our impact on the environment
  • save money and time
  • promote our green credentials

We were awarded Bronze accreditation after being audited in July 2024 and are continuing efforts and making progress towards Silver accreditation.

Gritter on road


All of our winter gritting fleet is using Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) instead of diesel

Introduction of hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) to our bunkered fuel supply (which is currently diesel) - the project is expected to be completed in the next three years and will result in a carbon savings of 1606.97 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent. The switch is already completed at the Wellingborough depot


Carbon storage

20 urban parks identified in Wellingborough suitable for a variety of living things for capturing and storing carbon

Planting a tree


Over 20,000 trees planted across North Northamptonshire and over 59,000 square meters of habitat area improvements for pollinators

People reading books


37 members and 126 officers have completed a Carbon Literacy Course

Leaf blower


35% of our power-driven hand tools are now electric


Procurement and supply chains

Carbon reduction and sustainability questions added to procurement process for contracts of £100K or more

Light bulb in forest


Energy consumption of IT equipment has been reduced by 69,800 kWh - a carbon savings of 27.18 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent

Planting trees

Carbon sequestration and biodiversity

We have identified 15 council owned properties or pieces of land where we can plant trees or enhance biodiversity

Electric van being charged


18% of our newly ordered fleet is electric, including 1 electric refuse collection lorry working out of the Wellingborough depot

EV charger and car


202 on-street EV chargers installed across North Northamptonshire and 18 EV chargers installed in council-owned car parks

Our Voi e-scooter trial has saved 925,000 car journeys or 337 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent

Streetlights at twilight - news


Street lighting update underway to replace halogen lights with LED - resulting in a 75% energy savings

Over 11,000 streetlight units have been upgraded to LED across North Northamptonshire, resulting in a carbon savings of 145.63 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent - that’s over 17 million smartphone charges!

Woman at desk


We have launched a Climate Change Impact Assessment (CCIA) tool to inform our decision-making

If you’d like more information about our carbon neutral journey, please email us at [email protected].

Last updated 13 January 2025