Request a star rating rescore

You can apply for a revisit for your score and star rating to be reviewed If you have undertaken the works outlined in your inspection report. 


Before you apply you need to know:

  • as the business operator of the establishment, you have a right to request a revisit for the purposes of rerating if you have taken action to rectify the non compliances identified at the time of inspection
  • there is a charge for this revisit
  • there is no limit on the number of requests you can make but the charge will be applicable each time
  • you must provide details of the improvements made with your request, including supporting evidence where appropriate
  • once this request form is received and checked by us you will be contacted by a representative of the council to arrange a reinspection
  • the reinspection should be done within 3 months of receipt of the request
  • the animal welfare officer will give you a new star rating based on the level of compliance that is found at the time of the revisit - you should be aware that your rating could go up, down or remain the same
  • for rerating costs, view our animal licensing fees and charges.

Last updated 22 March 2023