Appeal an animal welfare licence star rating
You can dispute a star rating given to your business if you feel it does not reflect the animal welfare standards and risk level of the business at the time of the inspection.
You cannot appeal if your business has made improvements and wishes to be reassessed, in this case you need to apply for a reinspection.
Inspecting officer
Contact us in the first instance to speak to the inspecting officer:
- email: [email protected]
This will allow for a full explanation of how the rating was decided. A star rating cannot be changed after an informal discussion but you can apply for a reinspection at your own cost after implementing any recommendations that could result in a higher star rating.
Any discussions do not:
- form part of the formal process
- change the timeframe for lodging an appeal
Appeals must be made in writing within 21 calendar days of you receiving your licence.
For appeal costs, view our animal licensing fees and charges.
You will be informed of the decision no later than 21 days after we have received the appeal.
The outcome of the appeal will be determined by considering the following information against the star rating criteria:
- inspection reports
- appeal application with all associated paperwork
- past record of the business
A further visit may be required if a decision can be made on the basis of the inspection report and appeal form. You will be charged the cost of the visit unless it results in a higher rating being awarded. You can withdraw your appeal at this stage should you wish to not pay for an inspection.
The appeal will be determined by the Assistant Director of Regulatory Services or by a deputy acting on their behalf. Any officer involved in the production of the rating or the inspection on which the rating is based on will not consider the appeal.
If you disagree with the outcome of the appeal the decision can be challenged by way of judicial review. It is advised you seek your own legal advice ahead of any judicial review proceedings.
Last updated 04 February 2025