Our libraries
Find your local library's opening hours, location and facilities
Join the library
Get access to free resources by joining the library service
Accessibility, health and wellbeing in libraries
We want to make our libraries and services as accessible and inclusive as possible
Events in libraries
See a list of upcoming events across our libraries
Library fees and charges
Pay library charges for overdue books, reservations, notifications, computer and internet services, laminating, photocopying, printing, or borrowing audiobooks
Computers, printing and photocopying
See how to print and photocopy in libraries, and a list of charges
Room hire in libraries
Details of rooms and charges for hiring at one of our libraries
Volunteering in libraries
Find out how you could volunteer at a library
Local and family history in libraries
Kettering Library holds a collection of local resources including an archive of the Evening Telegraph
Holiday closures for libraries
Dates of library closures for public holidays