Transforming our Planning team

In late 2022, we worked with the Planning Advisory Service who reviewed how we work and how we could join what were previously 5 local planning teams together. We're committed to implementing these recommendations so that our team follows best practice and gives you a great service:

To provide an efficient and effective planning service that engages with its residents and users to deliver environmentally and socially responsible high-quality development that adds value to the area and its people.Our vision


So far we’ve:

  • improved the efficiency of committee meetings 
  • developed  a training programme to ensure staff are equipped with the relevant  skills and knowledge to service the whole of our geographic area

We’re working on:

  • harmonising our processes and procedures so all of our residents and users receive a consistent service
  • bringing all of our IT systems together so staff can work consistently and provide a flexible, efficient service for our residents and users
  • improving our performance data reporting so we can understand what’s working well and what needs improving
  • redesigning our staff structures to ensure we have sufficient capacity and skills to deliver an efficient and effective planning service
  • improving our user content to ensure it’s clear, consistent and relevant

Last updated 04 April 2024