Listed buildings

Listed buildings

Getting consent

It is an offence to carry out works which:

  • need Listed Building Consent without first getting that consent
  • not complying with any conditions attached to such consent

You could get fined.

Historic England maintains a statutory list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest. Buildings on the list are called listed buildings.

Buildings are listed so that:

  • care is taken over decisions affecting the building’s future
  • any alterations respect the particular character and special interest of the building
  • indiscriminate demolition is prevented
  • irreparable damage to historic buildings caused by poorly executed alterations and extensions is avoided

Buildings are classified in grades of importance:

  • Grade I - buildings of exceptional interest
  • Grade II* - particularly important buildings of more than special interest
  • Grade II - buildings of special interest warranting preservation

There are over 2,900 listed buildings spread across North Northamptonshire. These range from walls, gates, railings, war memorials, mile posts, telephone kiosks, up to manor houses, stately homes and castles. Together they represent an important part of our architectural and historic heritage.

The whole of a building is listed, both the interior and the exterior, as well as objects or structures fixed to the building, or which has been in the curtilage or formed part of the land associated with the building since before 1948.

This means that it is the main building, both inside and out, as well as anything within the garden or yard area (including the boundary walls) which are listed.

Other guidance

Historic England’s website provides lots of useful information including:

'Conserving and enhancing the historic environment' is covered in the following publications:

Last updated 27 December 2023