Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) scoping opinions

Before submitting a planning application, the applicant (or agent, where applicable) may wish to contact us for a formal opinion on which information to supply in the Environmental Statement (or 'ES') - this is called a 'scoping opinion'.

This allows the applicant/agent to be clear about what the we consider the main effects of the development are likely to be and, therefore, the areas on which the ES should focus.

If we decide that further information is required to be able to adopt a scoping opinion, we will ask the applicant/agent to provide it. Consultation bodies and the applicant or agent will be consulted before adopting its scoping opinion.

We must adopt a scoping opinion within 5 weeks of receiving a request (or, where relevant, of adopting a screening opinion). This period may be extended if the authority and applicant or agent agree in writing.

Previous consultations

Reference number NN/24/00018/SCO

Scoping details

​Location​Monoworld Recycling Ltd, Saunders Lodge Industrial Estate, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 6BQ
ProposalScoping Opinion for the proposed construction of an Energy from Waste (EfW) Plant
Case OfficerPeter Moor
Consultation start20 August 2024
Consultation end10 September 2024


Reference number NN/22/00013/SCO

Scoping details

​Location​A509 Isham Bypass
ProposalScoping Opinion for the proposed construction and operation of the A509 Isham Bypass
Case OfficerPeter Moor
Consultation start09 May 2022
Consultation end30 May 2022


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request

Reference number NN/21/00051/SCO

Scoping details

​Location​Land North of Don White Road, Finedon Road Industrial Estate, Wellingborough, NN8 4FT
ProposalScoping Opinion for the development of an aggregate processing plant, erection of a Hydraulically Bound Mixtures (HMB) plant, parking provision and ancillary development
Case OfficerPeter Moor
Consultation start15 October 2021
Consultation end05 November 2021


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request

Reference number 19/00001/SCO

Scoping details

​Location​Willowbrook East Industrial Estate, Shelton Road, Corby NN17 5XH
ProposalScoping Opinion for Energy Recovery Facility
Case OfficerPhil Watson
Consultation start11 February 2019
Consultation end04 March 2019


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request

Reference number 14/00002/SCO

Scoping details

LocationPriors Hall site, Kirby Lane, Deene, Northamptonshire NN17 3EJ
ProposalConstruction of a Borrow Pit for the extraction of aggregate minerals to facilitate the construction of residential, commercial and educational development and associate infrastructure.
Case OfficerMark Laurenson
Consultation Start17 April 2014
Consultation End8 May 2014


Reference number 13/00004/SCO

Scoping details

LocationGrendon Marina, Station Road, Earls Barton, Northamptonshire, NN6 0RB
ProposalNew Marina Development
Case OfficerPeter Moor
Consultation Start17 July 2013
Consultation End2 August 2013


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request:

Reference number 13/00002/SCO

Scoping details

LocationEarls Barton Spinney Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton
ProposalExtend the time limit for implementation of planning permission 10/00066/EXT
Case OfficerPhil Watson
Consultation Start17 April 2013
Consultation End8 May 2013


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request:

Reference number 13/00001/SCO

Scoping details

LocationShelton Road, Willowbrook East Industrial Estate, Corby
ProposalCreation of an Anaerobic Digestion facility comprising of Advanced Conversion Technologies, incorporating pyrolysis
Case OfficerPhil Watson
Consultation Start4 April 2013
Consultation End25 April 2013


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request:

Reference number 12/00004/SCO

Scoping details

LocationCollyweston Quarry, Peterborough Road, Duddington, Northamptonshire, PE9 3QA
ProposalProposed Extension
Case OfficerDan Szymanski
Consultation Start19 December 2012
Consultation End4 January 2013


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request along with the consultation responses received:

Reference number 12/00003/SCO

Scoping details

LocationStone Pits Quarry, Benefield, Oundle, Northamptonshire, PE8 5AN
ProposalConservation stone quarry to extract Blisworth limestone blockstone, flagstone and large walling stone.
Case OfficerClaire Spokes
Consultation Start16 July 2012
Consultation End6 August 2012


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request along with the consultation responses received:

Reference number 12/00001/SCO

Scoping details

LocationMagnetic Park, Desborough
ProposalProposals for the scope and content of an application for planning permission for an energy from waste plant
Case OfficerMark Laurenson
Consultation Start14th February 2012
Consultation End9 March 2012


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request:

Reference number 11/00005/SCO

Scoping details

LocationRingstead Grange, Ringstead
ProposalProposals for the scope and content of an application for planning permission for a proposed Limestone Quarry including extraction of clay and the deposit of inert waste for restoration purposes
Case OfficerPhil Watson
Consultation Start17 October 2011
Consultation End7 November 2011


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request:

Reference number 11/00004/SCO

Scoping details

LocationHarley Way Quarry, Churchfield, Oundle
ProposalProposals for a conservation stone quarry (with the importation of inert fill and restoration)
Case OfficerMark Laurenson


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request:

Reference number 11/00002/SCO

Scoping details

LocationEast Northants Resource Management Facility, Stamford Road, Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire
ProposalProposals for the scope and content of three section 73 applications to vary planning permission conditions and an environmental impact assessment for an extension in time for the landfill disposal of hazardous waste and potentially low level radioactive waste, an extension in time for the operation of the soil treatment facility and other associated development
Case OfficerPhil Watson


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request:

Reference number 11/00001/SCO

Scoping details

LocationEast Northants Resource Management Facility, Stamford Road, Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire
ProposalProposals for the scope and content of an application for planning permission and an environmental impact assessment for an extension in time and area for the landfill disposal of hazardous waste and low level radioactive waste, an extension in time for the operation of the soil treatment facility and other associated development
Case OfficerPhil Watson


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping:

Reference number 12/00002/SCO

Scoping details

LocationLand to the East of Wastewater Treatments Works, Great Billing, Northampton
ProposalSand and Gravel Extraction and Restoration
Case OfficerMark Laurenson
Consultation Start13 June 2012
Consultation End27 June 2012


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request along with the consultation responses received:

Reference number 14/00004/SCO

Scoping details

LocationLand East of Moulton Village
ProposalA43 Moulton Bypass
Case OfficerPeter Moor
Consultation Start19 September 2014
Consultation End10 October 2014


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request

Reference number 15/00001/SCO

Scoping details

LocationLand to the South of Lower Ecton Lane
ProposalGreat Billing Sand and Gravel extraction and restoration
Case OfficerPhil Watson
Consultation Start8 December 2015
Consultation End16 December 2015


Please find below the Council's response to the above Scoping request

Last updated 20 August 2024