Reports, assessments and strategies
- Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
- JSNA Local Insight mapping
- Public Health reports
- Health and Wellbeing strategy
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a document that is continuously being updated in consultation with key stakeholders.
It consists of a series of individual topic-based publications detailing the health and wellbeing needs and inequalities in the local community.
All publications listed below can be e-mailed on request. If you would like a copy, please e-mail [email protected].
Start well
- 3,789 babies were born in 2021
- 12.2% of mothers smoked at the time of birth in 2020/21. This is worse than the England average.
- The population of North Northamptonshire was 359,500 in 2021
- 70% of children achieved a good level of development at the end of reception class in 2019
- 14% of children aged under 16 lived in low income families in 2020/21. This is better than the England average
- 24% of children in reception class were overweight or obese in 2019/20. This is similar to the England average. Figures on childhood excess weight should be interpreted with caution due to low 2019/20 NCMP participation
- 34% of children in Year 6 were overweight or obese in 2019/20. This is similar to the England average. Figures on childhood excess weight should be interpreted with caution due to low 2019/20 NCMP participation
- 69% of young people gained a standard pass (4) in English and Maths GCSEs in 2021.
- The Chlamydia detection rate was 1,330 per 100,000 in 15 to 24 year olds in 2020. This is below the national target range
- There were 14 pregnancies in females aged under 18 per 1,000 girls aged 15 to 17 in 2020. This is similar to the England average
Live well
- A 2018 based projection estimated there were 150,136 households in North Northamptonshire in 2021
- The average salary (persons) in 2020 was £30,189
- This was an increase of 9% compared to 2019
- 79.6% of adults were employed in 2020/21. This is better than the England average
- 10% of households experienced fuel poverty in 2018
- There were 323 new sexually transmitted infections per 100,000 population in 2020. This is lower than the England average
- 62.6% of adults were physically active in 2020/21. This is worse than the England average
- 53% of the population aged 16+ ate their “5-a-day” in 2019/20. This is worse than the England average
- 70% of adults were overweight or obese in 2020/21. This is worse than the England average
- There were 431 alcohol related hospital admissions per 100,000 population in 2020/21. This is better than the England average
- 18% of adults smoked in 2019. This is worse than the England average
- There were 11 suicides per 100,000 population in 2018-2020. This is similar to the England average
- There were 196 hospital admissions for self-harm per 100,000 population in 2020/21. This is worse than the England average
- There were 4 deaths from drug misuse per 100,000 population in 2018-2020. This is similar to the England average
- 38 people were killed or seriously injured on roads per 100,000 population in the 2016-2018. This is better than the England average
- There were 28 deaths in under 75s from preventable cardiovascular diseases per 100,000 population in 2017-2019. This is similar to the England average
- There were 24 deaths in under 75s from preventable respiratory diseases per 100,000 population in 2017-2019. This is worse than the England average
- There were 60 deaths from preventable cancers per 100,000 population in 2017-2019. This is worse than the England average
Age well
- There were 1,893 hospital admissions due to falls in people aged 65+ per 100,000 65+ population in 2020/21 This is better than the England average
- The average male life expectancy was 79.2 in 2018-2020. This is similar to the England average
- The average female life expectancy was 82.4 in 2018-2020. This is worse than the England average
All figures have been calculated using the latest district level data available in August 2022 and rounded to whole numbers.
This report examines Autism prevalence and projections in Northamptonshire for:
- children
- young people
and - adults
It explores population characteristics and how people with Autism interact with local and national Autism services, quality and outcomes for people with Autism and a review of national policies, recommendations, and evidence of what works when providing appropriate and good quality services to and for Autistic people. There is also a summary of the current national policies and recommendations along with some local recommendations.
This can be read alongside the recently published national Autism strategy which sets out the ambitions of the national government and actions for local government, the NHS, and other public institutions on how to improve the lives of autistic people over the next five years. The NHS Long Term Plan outlines six priority areas of action (and associated actions) to improve the health, longevity and quality of life of autistic people and people with learning disabilities.
The foundations for virtually all aspects of human development - physical, intellectual, emotional, and social - are established in early childhood. So it's important that every child can have the best start in life. Building resilience and reaping the maximum benefits from education are essential for good health and well-being throughout life.
This assessment focuses on the health and well-being of all children and young people aged 0 to 19 and up to 25 for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) living across North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire. This includes mapping the current service provision and identifying support or service provision gaps.
The aim is to offer a strategic review of the health needs of children, young people, and families, as well as helping to inform our future commissioning decisions and service development in Northamptonshire.
The ability of individuals to ensure good sexual health and well-being depends on:
- the accessibility to comprehensive, good quality information
- knowledge about the risks and adverse consequences of unprotected sexual activity
- access to sexual health services and health promotion
Improving sexual and reproductive health is a public health priority which affects the entire population. Poor sexual health can have not only physical but mental health implications. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies can have long-lasting and costly impacts on both individuals and wider society.
This report presents the findings of a Sexual Health Needs Assessment (SHNA) conducted by North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire Public Health and Health Intelligence teams between January and October 2023.
This SEND JSNA aims to provide a better understanding of current arrangements, anticipated need in the future and identified gaps and challenges in provision. This will be achieved by:
- reflecting new research, policy and standards
- undertaking descriptive service mapping across each tier
- comprehensive analysis of service data
- comparison of local data with national and nearest neighbours for broader understanding of our local context
- engaging with professionals and parent carers about their perceptions and experiences of local provision
- making recommendations where there is evidence of service assets, gaps and improvements for delivery
The needs assessment utilised data from local and national data sets and reports, mapped local services and systems and gained insights from people with lived experience and wider stakeholders.
- Demography JSNA Insight pack 2020
- NCC Population Projections tool 2020
- NCC Migration report
- JSNA Summary report
Public Health Outcomes Frameworks
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
- North Northamptonshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2021
Primary Care Network Profiles
- Primary Care Network Profile – East Northants 2022
- Primary Care Network Profile – Kettering and South West Rural 2022
- Primary Care Network Profile – MWEB 2022
- Primary Care Network Profile – Northamptonshire Rural 2022
- Primary Care Network Profile – Red Kite 2022
- Primary Care Network Profile – Rockingham Forest 2022
- Primary Care Network Profile – Triangle 2022
- Primary Care Network Profile – Wellingborough 2022
Briefing and Insight Packs
- Care Leavers JSNA Insight Pack 2020
- Falls Prevention JSNA In Depth Assessment 2020
- Alcohol JSNA Insight Pack 2020
- Carers JSNA Insight Pack 2020
- Carers JSNA Briefing Pack 2020
- Homelessness JSNA Insight Pack 2019
- Social Wellbeing Needs Assessment 2020
- Census outputs
Local area partnership
- Local area partnership profiles
Last updated 28 January 2025